Another drawing I did very randomly at work yesterday. Done especially with my friend *Oblivion* in mind. You rock girl!!! Yes, the glove looks extremly weird, but I was chewin on my pinky while I drew this and thought it would be an extremely cute pose for him. And his hair's very bed-heady but I wanted it to be that way. Now THAT'S what I call boshonen. :D :D :D
I loved it, but the arm sorta looks like its in an unatural position.... but I love the eyes and adore the hair!!!!:D
oooooo....yeah. That really creeps me out. XD His hand and arm are waaay too skinny for me. D: Nice job, though.
Darky's right: the hand and arm are a tad bit too skinny... There are a series of facial proportion errors, like the nostril being too small and the nose itself being waaay too long. The hair however works really well, I like it =D Decent drawing in whole though!
Yup what they said it is a little skinny and the arm is a little weird placed proportional. The hair is nice I like it a lot. The nose is a tad to small, and I think the neck is a bit long. Then again I love the body! you did that really well. It's a good drawing n_n
Decent is what I was going for. It only took me like a half-an-hour to get it done, so there's bound to be millions of mistakes. Bad me! BAD ME!!! Anywayz, I was extremely bored, and this is what came out of it. Yeah, the arm looks really weird, but I didn't want to erase it just in case it turned out funny afterwards. I REALLY TRIED TO FIX THE NOSE!!! I made it a lil bigger, then a lil smaller, and that went back and forth over and over and over again. So, this is what I got. *mumbles to self about stupid proportions....*
Thankees best-buddy-ol'-pal! *hugs* I love it, it's amazing, and the glove makes me giggle. C'est parfait!