Who all does Vic play? I only know Sasuke is Yuri Lowenthal (love you Yuri<3) OH AND PAIN IS TROY BAKER (ALL THE LOVE)
One of them is Pain which is a goddamn shame He's also Tobi I think? Probably wrong about that one though
Was watching The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 the other day and all of the fun I was having was completely shot when I heard that Sasuke was a son of Batman.
Ditto. But, I seriously think there should be an entire video game and/or anime series where Steve Blum voices everyone. I'd pay top moneys for that.
I rendered your post in plain text so that you can see what the rich text editor is doing to it Please, think of your post; stop using rich text P.S. fuck Yuri and everyone he plays except for Oinkie BACON BACON BACON BACONBACONBACONBACOBACOBACOBACBACBACBACBACBAC P.P.S. wHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME TROY BAKER WAS PAIN NOW I HAVE TO FUCKING WATCH SWINEFLUDEN GODDAMNIT Blum hasn't had a good role since Spike Spiegel Fact
I remember when Naruto first hit around the block, all da peoples are pronouncin' it like "Nay-roo-toe" :'D
Oh pff no you're right I made a mistake Mugen is really really good BUT both series were directed by Shinichiro Watanabe so that partially explains that :L I think you're confusing Steve Blum for Brian Drummond I think you're confusing Naruto for D.Gray-man
How can you stand English Allen It's the wrongest thing I've ever known to exist In fact all the casting for that show sucks and I say that with a hideous pang in my chest because not only do I love the series to death but Travis Willingham is in the dub and he might be one of my favorite people alive on this planet
Oh D Gray Man why did you never finish the series at all And don't remind me that that manga is on Hiatus and will probably never get off it either :c