The band responsible for songs such as "Le Disco" "Don't Cry Out" "Ghost Town" and "Ricochet" I saw them in concert the other day and it was incredible.
I like the band, I havn't heard from them in a while though. Have they said anything about a new album? Their song "You Are The One" is good. And so is "Le Disco"
I have a major slight obsession with them currently. I have liked them a really long time when Trigger first sent me Rocketship forever ago, and then I forgot about them for aaaaaaages until a few weeks ago. I love their version of Nothing Compares, I don't know why I just think it is beautiful. Also Le Disko (obvious), Stripped (that song is so delicious), You Are The One is also pretty nice, also Ghost Town.
I heard of them when they first released Le Disko. I listened to them additively for a while when that CD came out and then forgot about them until now. After a few listens I'm starting to dig the new female singer.
I have a few of there songs, Le Disco, Major Tom, Putting on the Ritz, Ricochet, Dont Cry Out, and Rocketship.
I love Le Disko (never gets old, seriously), You Are The One, Don't Cry Out, and Starts With One. Those are really the only ones I've heard, but they're awesome.
I loved Carah Faye (or however you spell her name) and I was sad when she left. The new singer's okay. In general, I really love their songs especially Don't Cry Out and heard many different versions of it. I also like Le Disko, I Owe You A Love Song, and definately You Are The One and Burning For You. I could list more songs but that's few that I really like!