Just wondering. At the last cutscene of FFVII Crisis Core (I beat it not too long ago) Cloud said he was 1st Class and wore black. That made sense. UNTIL! I remembered in regular FFVII he wore purple. Isn't purple the color of 2nd Class? I'M CUNFUZZLED!!!
His changes into different clothes after Zack dies. At the end of the Crisis Core, in the cutscene after the credits, you see Cloud in his outfit from the originial, which is different from the 1st Class out fit Zack puts on him.
3rd Class - Dark Blue 2nd Class- Dark Purple 1st Class- Black Except for Zach and Cloud, everyone follows this appearance
Thank you! I appreciate it. What I don't understand is why the Turks wear suits. XD Reno is the only exception. Though he wears a suit, he has no tie and his shirt is unbuttoned. All the more reason to like him! But seriously, why the suits?
Hmmmmm, that makes sense. And I guess Reno is a little too childish/non-professional? Then Rude goes over the top by wearing the Matrix (TM) sunglasses.