For those of you who have played TWEWY you all knew that this one was coming. Here's a little story (that stays true to the game) that i'm gonna come up with as I go. It's dedicated to Shiki and Neku, and how no matter how much of a jerk he can be she will always try to act positive. It's from Neku's point of view. Enjoy. Oh and give me all the constructive criticism you want. I want to be better and hear what you think of it. "Neku." I could hear her voice as clearly as ever, but srangely enough. This time... I just didn't want to hear it. "Neku! I know you can hear me over there!" "Just ignore her and keep walking," I thought to myself as I passed the statue of Hachiko. Making my way to the scramble, where hopefully I would lose her. Boy was I wrong. "Neku! STOP! I JUST WANT TO TALK! NEKU!" "Just go," I kept thinking, "just go the hell away Shiki." "NEKU!" "HEEEY!" I should've known that Shiki would get pissed if I didn't respond. "Cut it out Shiki! Are you crazy? Now you really ARE acting like my stalker." "Oh stop it Neku. Why can't you just let me tell you something." "What do you want? If it was so bad you could've just texted me or something." "No matter how many times I called you didn't pick up Neku. You've just been ignoring me so much lately that I... I didn't know what to think." She was right. I had been avoiding her, and for good reason. You see Me and Shiki have been friends since we met in the Reapers' Game. It's a long story so i'll just skip it. Here's the reason she's acting like this. We went to go hang out at ten-four (Shibuya's big shopping mall) with our friends Beat and Rhyme (who we also met in the Game). I was changing into this shirt that Shiki wanted to get for me (she's really big on fashion), but while I was in the changing rooms i heard her talking to Rhyme, so I decided to listen in since there was nothing better to do. "So what are you gonna do Shiki?" "Oh, Rhyme... I just don't know. I can't just come out and say it to his face. You know Neku as well as I do. He'd just go crazy" Naturally as soon as i heard my name in the conversation I got interested in what she was trying to say. "Shiki, you have to tell him at some point." "Rhyme, this is very hard for me. I've never even kissed a guy let alone..." That was when I stopped listening and figured out what Shiki wanted to do. She wanted to ask me to be her boyfriend. It was a very awkward moment. I mean Shiki and I are good friends, but i can't imagine us being TOGETHER together you know? I've been avoiding her since because I can't possibly hurt her. She's my friend and I just can't bear to say no, but then again if i say yes then i'd have to break up with her at some point... unless she broke up with me. So that became my plan, tell Shiki I liked her and get her to break up with me first to avoid hurting her. What I didn't know was that I didn't hear everything she said. If you want to read more then wait a bit. I'm going to add to this as often as possible so you can enjoy, but before i go any further I want some input on what I have so far.
Oh yay, a Neku and Shiki fanfic :'D I quite like the actual story so far, my only complaint is your format. The way your structure is at the moment makes it seem like all the dialogue runs into each other. You need to start a new line everytime somebody new talks. Also I noticed that in places such as this you have random capital letters in the middle of sentences. I hope you update soon. :3
Aww, Neku's growing up :3 I also like the story so far. It's comfortable to read and it stays true to Neku's character. The only complaint I have is with format, but I'm sure you've heard enough about that xD
Okay time for an update. "Well what do you wanna tell me Shiki?" "Neku... do you wanna go... on a..." She just couldn't blurt it out. I didn't blame her, it was hard enough to imagine us as a couple let alone kissing. "Shiki... just ask me. I know what you want and I-" "Oh, you know about my date?" "Well I never said yes yet." "Neku... would you please go on a double date with me?" "Well can I ask who we're going with?" "Wait... you don't mean...?" "What? Didn't you wanna ask me out?" "WHAT!? Don't be silly Neku. I never said I was going out with you. No silly, Eri's gonna be your date." "Shiki... I... I thought that..." I was so embarrased. Shiki started laughing and i'm sure that it was because I was blushing. I didn't know what to think. Imean sure while we were in the game Shiki was kinda... cute, but I mean I don't even know Eri. "Neku... will you come? Eri just got dumped and I thought that you could go with her to cheer her up. Beat and Rhyme are coming too you know." "Huh? This is a double date and Beat and Rhyme are coming?" "Yeah silly. I'm with my boyfriend and you, Eri, Beat, and Rhyme are together as a group." I probably put on a mean face at this but a double date didn't mean one couple and one group. Honestly... sometimes I don't know about that girl. "That's not really a doub-" "Oh just answer the question! Will you come with us?" "...Alright... but only because Beat and Rhyme are coming." "Oh thank you Neku! I can't wait to tell Eri!" Shiki hugged me and walked away. I think that she was texting Eri while on her way to 104, but I can't be sure. That night was a blast although it didn't start out that way. Beat and Rhyme were late as usual since Beat volunteered to skateboard there. Rhyme had to try and keep up when he went down Spain Hill at a good twenty miles an hour. He was pretty cut up on one hand but you know Beat. He shook it off and came into Merxican Dog with a bleeding hand. Rhyme insisted that they go down to Shibu Q Heads and get some bandages but he said he was fine. Of course we ended up with a giant bill from his working out before leaving but his jokes kept us laughing the whole night. Not because they were funny but because he overexaggerated everything to make himself sound superhuman. Rhyme corrected him though and we almost started crying. This was a little awkward considering that Eri reminded me of Shiki in my first week of the game. In the end Eri came out with a new boyfriend. No it's not me. She ended up falling for Beat and his crazy antics. Me and Shiki walked out and as soon as Eri left she started crying. I went up to her, but she didn't wanna talk. "Shiki... what's wrong?" "My... boyfriend. He never... showed up." "Oh Shiki... i'm... i'm sorry." I hugged her to try and make her feel better but she just giggled. "What's so funny?" "You're acting like you like me." "WHAT!?" When she said that I let go of her as fast as I could. "I... I just wanted... to make you feel better. You know?" "Hee hee. Yeah. Thanks Neku." It was around eleven at night and we were alone on Spain Hill. "Neku?" "Yeah Shiki?" "You... wanna... kiss?" The question surprised me considering that she had laughed at the idea of us going out earlier. "I... I just realized that no one is going to be as sweet to me as you are. It's probably because of everything we went through in the game, but... I always liked you. From the beginning." I just stood there. Frozen from the sudden turn of events. I was too shocked to move let alone pucker up for a kiss. I couldn't believe that Shiki actually liked me. Cliffhanger ^^ Anyway I'll post back soon with the ending. What do you guys think of part two?
B'aww, that was so sweet, the pairing are so cute. <3 For some reason all the locations in the game seem really ideal for fanfic writing B| I like the idea of them all alone on Spain Hill. Keep it up. :3
I like this fic it's really good and is true to the story...I was a bit surprised when you said Beat and Rhyme were late...With their speed you'dve expected them to be a tad bit early...I like the cliff-hanger at the end...No end to Neku's possible responses. In all I like this fic it's going great and am looking forward to the rest.
Thanks guys. And yeah Juicy, I just thought why not have Beat skate down Spain Hill at thirty miles and hour and hurt himself. ^^ BTW That's why he was late Mvalentine.
I could never forget my beloved fanfic! Here's the long awaited ending! Shiki looked at me. I was frozen with shock and could barely register anything else around me. "Shiki, could we go somewhere a bit more... private?" She looked a bit surprised. She was being careful so she couldn't get hurt again so quickly. She nodded and we walked off past Shibu Q Heads, taking our sweet time and letting the awkward mood lighten a little bit. She finallly broke the silence. "Neku... why are we coming here? I mean..." Well, now we were back to that awkward silence. "Shiki... we came so nobody could interrupt. You know, the kiss." She had a look of shock on her face. I was trying to be a sincere as possible, but it was hard saying this to a girl you only thought of as a friend. "If it makes you feel better we can kiss once, but after, can we forget it ever happened?" She was thinking about it and I could tell she understood my logic. "O-okay Neku. After tonight, consider it forgotten!" She smiled and I laughed. She was being a bit overdramatic, but that was one of her likeable qualities. We turned to face each other, leaning closer to each other while trying to forget the weeks we'd spent together. It was hard. Everything that had happened was burned into our minds. I closed my eyes and reached for her face, looking for something to distract me from the kiss itself. I could feel her breath on my face. "Wait, Neku!" I sighed in relief. I think I might've been a bit disappointed, but that feeling was slow to show up. "I... i'm glad you would be willing to do this for me, but i'm not gonna make you do anything like this." "Shiki..." I was looking down at the street to avoid anything else being so awkward, but I looked at her face. She still seemed sad so I made sure she was okay. "Hey. Are you still mad about your date?" No answer. She just looked down. It seemed like she felt... guilty. "Neku... I have a confession. I... I never had a date today. I just told that to Eri as an excuse." I was shocked. Why would she lie about having a date? Unless... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just couldn't finish it now. I'll have more for you all, and CnC is nice, as always.
:D Awesome update. I :D TWEWY, and a Shiki/Niku fanfic makes me happy all over. Can't wait for the next update.
Thanks. I made up that last part off the top of my head, and while I was eating breakfast! XD I'm glad you like it. I thought it was a bit out of character from what Neku would do, but let's just see what other people say.
Wow, seems like nobody visits this thing anymore BUT me. Still, it'd be a shame not to finish it off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Neku... I get that you're probably mad at me for lying to you, but I can explain." I didn't respond. I didn't look at her. I just did what i'd do during the first few days of the game. I stood there, hands in my pockets, headphones playing, my head down so I couldn't see her and so she couldn't see me. I didn't care about any of her explanations at that point. I barely registered ANYTHING that was happening around us. I just wanted to know if she was playing me for a fool. All these times I expected her to kiss me or ask me to go out, and all these times something has messed it up. I didn't even know why I cared so much. "Neku... Neku please, just look at me." No answer, no response. I just started to walk back toward Spain Hill. Actually, I KNEW where I wanted to go, but I had to go through Spain Hill to get there. I just walked. Slowly, casually, turning the volume up on my headphones to block out her cries for me to come back. I needed some time alone to think, and even though there was a good chance that the place I was going to would be closed, like it always was during the games, I still wanted to make sure. I mean, with him, you NEVER knew what to expect. "Neku! Please, Neku... please..." Her voice faded as the song reached its chorus. I admit that I felt sorry for her... like I did on the sixth day of the first week. I almost turned back a few times, but I kept telling myself that i'd find her tomorrow and let her slap me as much as she wanted, because she WAS going to hurt me the first chance she got. I was on the overpass now. I thought I might've seen a guy walking back the way i'd come, but it might've just been an illusion. Then again, it also could've been a reaper taking a late night stroll. Damn... why does nothing seem normal anymore...? After everything that's happened today I can't help feeling like Shiki and I are just growing further apart... But then, that kiss. That kiss was the only thing today that even FELT normal. Dammit! Did I WANT to kiss her? ...No, I mean it's Shiki. I don't like her like THAT! Ugh... now I REALLY hope he's at that shop. I need some of that coffee, no matter HOW crappy it'll be at this hour. I looked up and saw it. The little coffee shop at the end of CAT Street. I walked to the door and saw that the lights were on. If they were on at this hour he either HAD to be in there somewhere, or he really didn't give a crap about the electric bill. The door was locked so I knocked as hard as I could. I admit that I thought about hitting Jupiter of the Monkey for a minute to see if they had some new shorts, but I decided i'd go tomorrow after finding Shiki. Hanekoma, you old bastard! Open the friggin door! I saw a guy come out from the back room. He looked at me for a second then came to the door. He wasn't Hanekoma, but he was leaving so I didn't pay much attention to him. I went in and looked in the back. He was there, but I decided to check a fridge behind the counter to see if he had anything before I started to talk to the guy. I knew that once we started talking we'd be like that for hours. He had a jar of coffee he probably brewed in the morning. I looked at the price, left the yen on the counter and drank up, forgetting the troubles of the day and focusing only on the half-decent taste of the drink. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I just HAD to bring Hanekoma into it eventually. XDD More will be added later.