[Shiawase] Happiness! 06 [CBCC4D2F]

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by OneWingedHeartless, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    [Shiawase] Happiness! 06 [CBCC4D2F] Part 1 of Some Original Series.

    Part 1 of the Original Series "Really long, serious posts that no one will bother to read because they/they're don't care anything about other people/lazy.

    It's just that dead topics stay dead. Most people post there and are full of lulz for a short or long time depending on the size of the lulz. It gets a shining spot light and it dies. It gets stickied then after an unspecified length of time it dies. Nobody cares about a dead topic that gave a lot of lulz or has a potential to have ultra lulz. Heck, even an attempt to necro-bump it fails. Making a new topic fails. Even necro-bumping it can get you into serious trouble. People like new, fresh things and they eventually get old too. Jokes can be re-used, but gets old for a short amount of time. Old people who were heroes gets old and screwed. Sometimes they even get haters for no reason. Most people just don't realize how old things made a difference to our current time. They rather play a new game than an old game. Then people who play old games sometimes get criticized, and forced to play new games. They don't understand how it feels to play one of the first ever made games. Sometimes being a collector at some specific subject can get you haters. Yet, all things get old. The haters screw the victim and the victim either leaves or kills himself/herself and depending on how famous that person is, he or she gets forgotten. Even if he/she did something good for the future of mankind, people just say "He/She could've done better" or "Who's that again?" or even "Let him die for all i care. I don't care if he/she revolutionized [Insert revolutionized subject here], The current people are the future!" Only a very small few appreciate it. From all of us Billions of people around the world, only something like 10% of those are truthful. Even if you say a lot of people are honest, it doesn't change the fact that a lot of them are still dishonest people. If a person gets asked a certain question like "Would you return a lost [Insert Thing Here] to its rightful owner"? some would say yes, but instead keep it. Some would say no, which would make them honest, but heartless people. Some would say i don't know and keep the lost [Insert Thing Here]. It's like a cycle.

    Things that help us are under-appreciated. People are getting blind. Things that revolutionized this world is criticized. People who even helped others for the sake of himself are criticized. Heck, there was this story about a kid who killed himself because he didn't want to worry his family (Since they're poor). The news regarded him as a hero, but others criticized him and said "He sucks, he should've lived instead of choosing the suicidal path" yet what would they do when they have a poor family? It's already hard to get a good job, and other jobs don't pay much. Feeding a family is already hard. The kid already has trouble going to school, he isn't able to make projects due to lack of money. Heck they can't even eat that much, only noodles. People are blinded by their good, rich life without empathy of others. Corrupt politicians even try to screw the already poor people. Heartless *******s. In the future, this would probably change but that's a very slim chance.

    I've seen people bully others because it's "FUN" without thinking how they would feel if they were getting bullied themselves. Sometimes, those victims suicide because of that (Which i mentioned already, i think). Like i said, only a very small handful of people are truly nice. You can't just say "I'm nice, and i'm not lying about that" since you have to prove that but you still have your limits. I know that good can't exist without evil thing but evil is running amock. Good tries to prevail but fails. Famous people (Like actors) have a large funeral that may even last for days while those unimportant people who did good (Like donators and stuff) gets screwed by only a small handful of people.

    And heck, they're all forgotten... Criticized by doing things good. Even famous people saying something like "[Insert Whatever Here] Is too free get screwed. Yet if someone who isn't even famous says that, they don't get screwed. Instead, they're let go (Although there are some exceptions). The world is corrupt, more corrupt than good. Even if there's still hope, it may not be enough. A lot of people criticize good things but they're stupid. People who say the current president sucks again and again (Like a lot) but can't prove it are stupid. Yet they criticize him/her.

    I hope nothing survives this horrid future.

    tl;dr version
    There is no tl;dr version. Stop being lazy.

    Special Thanks Section (Note, Special Thanks section may ruin the mood of my serious long post)
    risk (KHV) - Because he's a ******* for not helping me with the long, serious post (But we had our lulz, helped me with the thread title and stuff)
    GunZ (Some Game, idk) - risk plays gunz?
    CtR - For being a Crash Team Racing Game
    CtR (KHV) - For being awesome
    shadowjak (KHV) - Because i saw him at the "Currently Active Users" list
    Beat/Vivi (KHV) - Because even though i pissed him off, and did stuff that pissed him off, he's still a good guy =D
    Minority (From the same, other site) - Reminds me of Beat/Vivi
    Wandermeyer (From the same, other site) - Because he protected his friend, josh
    Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) - BECAUSE I <3 HER, I'M DEVOTED TO HER, AND I'LL KILL ANYONE (Not really) THAT INSULTS HER! I <3 HER!
    Kagamine Rin/Len, Megurine Luka, KAITO, MEIKO, Yowane Haku, Akita Neru (Vocaloid) - Part of Vocaloid Family.
    Gakupo (Vocaloid) - Wait, who is he again?
    thraadash (From the same, other site) - Because i can (Despite him jokingly calling his kids "Devilspawns").
    HotGamerMum (From the same, other site) - Because she's a HotGamerMum (And the wife of thraadash. Also one of the admins of the very same, other site and takes good care of his kids).
    HolyDragonNall (From the same, other site) - Because i still can
    Shiki (From the same, other site/From some other site that isn't from the same other site) - Because he's an awesome guy
    asp (From the same, othersite) - [01:15] HolyDragonNall: asp killed himself because he couldn't stand not being able to embrace his mexican heritage anymore
    Bot (From the same, other site/chatroom) - Because the bot is nice =)
    Left 4 Dead (Valve) - It motivated me to write this really long post while waiting for the survival pack dlc to finish.
    Valve (Valve) - For Making Left 4 Dead awesome.
    downloading (Expect a part 2 or whatever).
    bob - Because whoever the **** he is, he's an awesome guy.
    Christer (KHV) - Because he's on my msn list
    Roxas~Rox~My~Sox (KHV) - idk what happened to her, i'm just giving special thanks to her because she's my friend.
    That guy who de-repped me, thought i was trying to look cool, Was pissed of at my not-really-serious-harsh-post, and knew i was a *** (I'm a self-proclaimed ***! =D) - Because he's an awesome guy who cared for others. I <3 you man!
    My internet - Sucks (DC'ed me while i was chatting with Luka/other people)
    People who are prone to tl;dr posts - ...
    People who won't bother - ...
    Renegade (KHV) - For being the first to post in this thread =D
    BanHammer (Internet) - Unarguably the most powerful tool on the internet.
    Kh-Vids (Internet) - For being the same site. A forum that easily lets topics die until someone links it. jk.
    「ロミオとシンデレラ」 オリジナル曲.mp3 - For being an extremely awesome song.

    "Risk's" Special Thanks Section
    Moot = /b/ 'nuff said
    Christhor = KHV - Chris joining = no OWH or Risk spammage >:
    John S. = The only guy to get fired from forum helpers
    Sweqsora and CFF = lololol
    Tallian = ultimate spam god
    Greg Park/Choson Ninja - NinTaiJutsu
    Arc = awesomeness is awesome
    L = yay episode 25
  2. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    The banhammer commeth.
  3. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    I'm sorry, what?
  4. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    This member is either onto something, or this is really bad copypasta.
  5. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    Proof that i did do it Anyways, it's 6:00AM here so...
  6. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
  7. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    That doesn't really prove anything...
  8. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    Well, seeing as i'm still awake (Damn it, i should be asleep), i'll just go post.

    Did you know that you were on the "Special Thanks" section? =3

    Current post
    You're right. I should saved logs when i was discussing with risk/asking luka about how good my post is. You can ask them anyways, i don't have reasons to copy paste a wall of text here (Since i don't visit here much nowadays).
    1.It isn't mine (If it was, then i would credit the original poster).
    2.Doesn't benefit me in anything (At least i think it doesn't).
    3.I won't be able to reply to any questions asked about the wall of text if i claimed it was mine.
    4.It leaves a strain in my heart.
    5.My Consciousness will repeatedly force me to tell the truth (My Consciousness > Me).

    A reply from someone from some other site. (WARNING tl;dr PEOPLE. YOU DEFINITELY WON'T BE ABLE TO READ THIS (Since you have to read a lot) YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ THIS. IT'S NOT EVEN A REPLY FROM THIS SITE!)
    The guy who replied (Who is on some other site) was a really cool guy too. And i replied...

  9. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    I read it all! :'D
  10. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    tl; dr
  11. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    Yeah you did, maybe even before i posted it =D

    You're on my special thanks list.