God dammit, we just tried to get the vidmaster: Endure achievement on Halo ODST. We got to the second to last wave of enemies then we all died. 2 1/2 hours down the drain. I don't want to touch the game for ages now. Now don't mind me I'm just going to cry myself to sleep.
I literally jumped off a bridge and lived. Losing game data is the equivalent to losing the love of your life T_T.
Played kh1 until the second Riku/Ansem battle. Lost repeatedly, even after training. Then I lost the file on my memory card. Stopped playing for 3 years.
oh my dear god i did this but it was at the Dragon Maleficent battle D: the only thing that made me finish it was that KH2 was coming out. I finished at 11:50. 10 minutes before its release :'D
I remember how I lost all the data for my games on PS2, after many hours. I cried. Imagine P3, FFXII, and whole others...gone.
You lost Odin Sphere, too? My condolences. I lost FFXII, P3, P3F, and Odin Sphere. There were others, like Star Ocean, Valkyrie profile 2, all 3 Xenosaga games. It was horrid.
Your luck sucks, DA. It really does. Only gaming woe I can remember is the Jurassic Park on the SNES. It was unfortunate because you couldn't save at all in it. So you'd play all day, get very far, and then Mom calls you that dinner's ready and to shut the game off. So the following day...you'd have to start all over again. T-T