Reading past ALL the merchandising....... (And trust me, that article reminds me of the scene of SpaceBalls where Yogurt says they survive off merchandising and show all the stuff that they're going to sell after the movie comes out.) They're making... Another Shaq Fu game. I **** you not. Anyone who is like me and actually remembers it or has seen it on Youtube... It is considered one of the worst games ever made. I played it a few times and after getting my butt kicked every time on the first fighter, I gave up and went to a different game that was on display. It is infamous for how bad it is. And they're making a sequel, though I'm hoping it's a hoax. In any case, I look at it with a raised eyebrow, and walk away. At least it made my day.
It's no hoax. It's been confirmed for awhile now but at least this game won't be the horrific piece of garbage the original was. The developers seem like they want this to actually be great. I'm not one for fighting games but I'll keep an eye out for when this comes out to see if it's worth playing. That golden SNES cartridge does make me feel like I should've invested just for that.
ngl, it looks kind of... generic. I appreciate the effort but it is both not what I was expecting and nothing mind-blowing.