Ok this is definitely the first time I've posted here. And I realize this really isn't even good but it was drawn from memory (it's more like the movie version than than ingame) Ignore the crappy shading/failure for drawing on lined paper xD! That's an awful habit of mine D: But yeah...I seriously wish I could actually draw like some of my friends. I always feel so artistically challenged around them ;_; Anyway, without further ado: I really wanna get the bottom of the skirt down better, I gotta see what it looks like before I attempt this again :P And the pipe was like zomgr, wtf happened here :O So yea as you can see I've got alot to improve on...maybe I'll keep trying+posting in this very thread actually. Yeah, that wouldn't be a bad idea :) CnC, as long as youre not liek: LOL U SUK GO BCK TO 1ST GRD LOL VwV
oh my gawsh :] I love it ^_^ even though the movie scares the hell outta me xD its a very great drawing :D
I think it's a pretty good picture. Proportions are pretty close and has details. The shading isnt great or anything but it is there and it's a nice attempt. You should use white paper to draw in the future though xD. That always makes things look better. Then gun is just a black bommerang shadow but the pipe looks great. Overall it's a good picture sanda. You have great potential ^_^
Like crono said, you definatly have the potential - if you have the will as well, you can go far. Just don't give up since this is only the beginning. >:3 You seem to know the avarage height of a human, you just need to study how one is built up more. Understand what joints goes where, how wide the shoulders are... If you look at a skeleton that would help loads. The high heels is the part that looked too flat, it did not have any shape at all. Though feet are a b***h to draw right, many artists has loads of trouble with those. The best thing to get them right would be to look at actual high heels shoes in your home, if there are any, and go from there.