Yeah so bascially it is amazing. I got it yesterday. AHHH I love it so far. I'm almost out of the Artaud Theater. Or so I hope xD;; Edit: I have since beaten the Caliban. Damn that thing was obnoxious. I have no idea why people disliked the plot and all...I am really into it<3 Travis Grady is officially the sexiest trucker alive. Anyway, I suppose it should be noted that there are a few glitches on the PS2 version. For one, the music/SFX will randomly cut out. But it just makes the game all the creepier IMO. The annoying thing is that the triangle map button is slow to react, and sometimes requires multiple presses to open the map. That is not fun when there are many enemies closing in on you. Also, there is not brightness option to my knowledge (not that I've ever even had to use it in the past games) but here, the otherworld (and normal) is SO dark that it makes it NEARLY impossible to see things that are on the ground because the flashlight is so much higher up. I've had to consult a walkthrough several times to find health drinks (many of which I still couldn't find) and ammo simply because it's so damn hard to see them. So while I commend them on the darkness, make the stuff reflective or something xD;; (Sure does make the game so much harder...) Speaking of the scenery...This game does the best job with the otherworld by far! It is just amazing; things are so dirty, bloody, dusty & gross everywhere. It is so consitent. I really like what they did with it. Infact, when I first entered the dark Achemilla Hospital I could not even see anything; it took my eyes a while to adjust to the way everything looked. It's really fabulous. I personally am not crazy about the breaking weapons, I'd rather have some that break and some (like a pipe) that don't. But that's just my opinion. This style of combat makes it much harder when things break in mid-fight. But, on the bright side he uses his fists instead which comes in handy. (Weak as he is) Some enemies are incredibly hard to avoid (like those doll things), others (the harness ones) are easy. I actually am finding myself REALLY liking the nurse designs. In fact, I like them enough to consider making one of those instead of an SH2 nurse for my cosplay. We'll see. The Carrion things are obnoxious when they charge you but I really like their design. The straight jackets are really quite a challenge. Not sure why everyone whines about them looking too much like the Lying Figures from SH2. They are COMPLETELY different. They vomit acid in big globs that are often hard to avoid, much more so than the acid that the Lying Figures emitted. Also, these are SO much faster...They're kind of obnoxious to have to maneuver around in the streets because they actually follow you. And they're quick. Which sucks when Travis needs to slow down because he gets tired. Lisa still looks like a crackwhore. AND I FOUND SOMEHTING to prove my Lisa=Paris Hilton theory. In the theatre she says: I wanna be an actress blahblahblah. Just thought it was funny xD; But yeah, that's just in brief. Basically, the game is incredible and I cannot stop playing it. After I post this, it's off to play once again haha. I'm still figuring out what all the creatures mean. It is really fun! My final verdict for anyone who isn't sure whether or not to purchase the game: BUY IT. You will be very happy that you did : ) They have perfected the art of the otherworld. Anyone else have this game on the PS2? Or PSP?? Thoughts?
Yeah, I was planning to buy this when it came to the PS2. But BBrawl took my money, so I'll be waiting a while lol. But its nice to see that its still as awesosme as the other games. Now im definitely buying it for sure.
Silly, you'd have bought it regardless. Anyway, I just beat it. The ending is a tad corny but the stuff leading up to it is seriously heavy duty. I won't spoil it, but geeze I was almost in tears...The Motel bit is by far the best part of the game!! Then again, the entire thing was pretty kickass so xD; The monsters got so obnoxious at the end; especially the Carion+Twobacks I am really interested in the Bad Ending version now, I wanna know what Travis did...
in my first play through of the PSP version i beat the game in 3 and a half hours, though there's a challange to beat it in 2 hours, so the game is short provided you know what you're doing, as i spent a good hour lost.
Took me 6.5, of course I love to actually like think about what I'm doing and analyze all the notes etc & go exploring so xD; (and like waste a buncha time so I kind of take forever) Plus I totally left it sitting for an hour after beating the Caliban to go eat so...I'm not thaaaat bad. You could definitely beat it in less time as Vivi's Dark Side said, but I really think you'd be missing some of the best stuff. This is one of those games that will (or should) get you thinking. It really isn't all about just running through, getting a general idea of things and beating it. The best parts of the game are the realizations you come to through the information that they do (& don't provide). The flashbacks are really interesting because it forces you to rely on them + the notes you find. It is definitely a change from the typical SH "cutscene-tells-all" way of showing you things. I loved it! Oh and yeah that is one of the 20 something accolades that the game has. I want the one where Travis can run more than 20 meters without getting tired X'D To answer your question, yes, it is a very short game. It is the shortest in the series, although 3 is pretty fast too. That one took me a considerable amount of time longer... Oh yes. Especially for the PS2. I've heard it just isn't scary on a PSP. Well you'll definitely get some scares on the PS2. This one has a 'radio' but you never hear the static, so things gang up on you a lot faster. Anyway, plot wise, I really like what they've done with this one. 4 used to be my favorite, but I might just like 0 better...If you're big into games that are full of things to analyze (including the lyrics on the 4 vocal tracks!) then this is the game for you. Basically it is rather amazing. Some people weren't too crazy about this one but that is because Climax made the mistake of releasing this for PSP ._. Worst marketing decision EVERRR... They really DID perfect the otherworld's look in this one; we'd be so lucky if SHv takes after SH0 :") If you'd like to know anything specific, just ask. I really hope you do give it a try at least. Also, Travis is just sexy. That is reason enough to check this game out I'M LOOKING FOR MY TRUUUUCKKK, HAVE YOU GUISE SEEN IT? Yes, there is a UFO ending (': & it is so cute!! I still have to get it myself, but I need the 502 room key~ I think I need to run off and play this again is too had to resist the urge xD;
Yeah, I figured SH:O just wouldnt be scary on a PSP. Kinda hard to get atmosphere on handheld systems. And im happy that it does have the UFO ending, more the reason to get and find out what it is.
Just thought I should add, I play this now every chance I get. This is the only SH game that has done this to me xD; I never replay a game as soon as I finish. Also, I've had the OST+CST playing basically nonstop for the past 3 days. Geeze, pretty soon I'LL have to be admitted to Cedar Grove if this keeps up D: Yeah, I've slowly been finding references + reading theories and stuff. Really adds a whole new dimension to SHØ :')