
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Amaury, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Awesome, I get to be the only person in the thread to say this: I do think that homosexuality is wrong, and I say that as a Christian, but also as someone who struggles a lot with homosexual thoughts. I don't believe you can control homosexual thoughts or urges; I believe those appear as a matter of environment or experiences (I suspect my own problems stem from my childhood molestation), but you can choose not to act on them, as I do, and I believe that's the right choice to make.

    Of course not everyone has this viewpoint and they choose to be active homosexuals. I don't have a problem with that, why wouldn't they do what they want? As I said, I believe homosexuality is wrong, but I don't have an actual problem with homosexuals themselves, a lot of them are really nice people.

    I do, however, have a strong hatred for the "Gay Pride" crap. What the Hell is that, why do they get a parade? I hate the ones that hold themselves higher than other people, that think that they're so awesome because of their sexual preference. I hate that with a burning passion.
  2. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    "The greater the repression, the greater the recoil."
  3. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    That's basically what I said. Gays are just as bad as everyone else.

    @Makaze: Not all gays hate straights because they hate gays. At one point, I knew (and had a passionate hate for) a homosexual who hated heterosexuals just because they weren't homosexual, the reverse of the reason why so many hets hate homos. Is that justified by saying "Oh he only hates them because they hate him?
  4. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    You don' t choose what turns you on anymore than you choose what disgusts you.
  5. miaulement Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 8, 2011
    The Nether
    I find nothing wrong with homosexuals. They shouldn't be treated any less of a human than any of us, they are people just like you and me.
    Sorry if I worded that a little strangely.

    Though coming from a Christian family, I was told homosexuality was a sin and that you would go to hell for being a homosexual. That's kind of... I don't really know how to describe it. Kind of strange, I guess?
  6. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    It doesn't bother me at all. At first it did but only because I was raised in a very religious family and all. I was dead set against it till I realized I was bisexual and it made me realize it didn't matter what a person's sexuality is. It's just what's underneath that count's. Some of my friends don't mind. Others get weirded out. My parents... well... my mother told me ever so nicely on a random day that if she found out I liked a girl, she would run away and that it's a sin and hell and blah blah.

    I think it's wrong that she would say that at all. You can't control who and how you like someone. She just doesn't get it as many don't and that's a shame.
  7. Namin3 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 13, 2011
    Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
    Same goes for me. I grew up in a chritian family. But, i never in my life hated homosexuals. I have about three best friends who are homosexuals. I think they shouldnt really be hated. Its not like they go around saying they hate straight people because straight people like the opposite sex. And in the end, theyre still human, so they really shouldn't be treated as anything less than that. Love is love, no matter what.
  8. eentje Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 7, 2007
    I live in Holland, and I think our perspective towards homosexuals is okay. I mean, you can marry as a homosexual couple, and it's not wrong or anything, it's completely normal in this country. And last year, my whole class was homosexual or bisexual. Personally, I don't have any problems with homosexuals or bisexuals or a-suxuals. As long as you are happy with who and what you are.
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    You can learn to love, and find pleasure in certain things. And it can change continually throughout your life.

    Take food, for example, certain foods when you were young were likely horrible or you just didn't like but over time your tastes could change, it come to be that you now love the taste of that food finding in pleasure in eating it.
    Or music, a band you use to love has now become boring or balnd to you.

    We can learn to love people in such a way too, it depends on your thoughts and experiences most of the time. We are not born to love anyone, even our parents aren't instantly loved, it takes growth to achieve that.

    Always remember the two main arguements when it comes to human behaviour: Nature VS Nurture.
  10. smeen Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 18, 2011
    I am bisexual myself, but I don't care if someone is not bisexual. I've heard people say that bisexual is like gay but pretending you like the opposite sex, but let me assure you that that's not true. Also, having loads of friends who have different sexual preferences has really opened my eyes about everything. When I was younger I thought there was straight, gay and bi. Now I know that there are a lot of different kinds of sexual preference, as there are a lot of different people. And, let me just say, I'm ok with people not liking anything else then heterosexual, as long as they respect people who are not straight. As an atheist, I respect religious people. I look up to them, for believing in something so strongly. It's like love, in a way. So respecting each other's sexual preferences is the same. Respect the choices and values of the persons around you, and they will respect you. As simple as that, I guess.
  11. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    No Problem Here

    Hey you like who you like. To be honest I'm close to some people who are gay, bi, lez, and all of that. I don't use that as an excuse either I'd defend them if anyone would try to harass them. I'd then be made fun of when that happened. But even when I actual heard about all that kinda stuff like 10-13 ish age. I still didn't care I just was like hey do you, and as long as you respect me I'll respect you. Its sad how people fear others that aren't "normal" in the public, social eye. I have no respect for people who make fun of other people that like guys if they are guys, or bi as a guy. It really pisses me off when they say girls liking girls is hot. Girls who I know are lesbian say that other girls do it for the wrong kind of attention and are offended by it. I mean if you think its ok for girls to like girls, then why is it bad for men to like men? I mean what are you trying to say tough guy? If it only appeals to you then its ok, but if you are disgusted by it then its a bad thing? Get out of here with that you're too much of a coward to accept that you really are a low life. Like I said before do you if you like the same sex all the power to you.
  12. Accalia Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 10, 2010
    Los Santos, San Andreas
    I myself am Pansexual. This means that I'm not attracted to someone based on gender or looks.
    I am attracted to personalities, voices, that kind of thing.
    I don't like or dislike people the way most people do.
    I am not against bisexuality or homosexuality because of this.
  13. May Kitsune Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 24, 2011
    I honestly my self don't really approve of it because in my opinion i'm not sure if I can say this but I will anyways since it's scientific terms >.<' the Penis is meant to go in a vagina.

    Is that too much Forum? ._.'' not sure! again if anything feel free to delete my posts mods! I don't want any trouble ._.'

    Also, if you really are homosexual go ahead and have your girlfriend/boyfriend and keep me out of your business. Also for the love of god please don't kiss in public places... I don't like when heterosexual people do it so why do it in public.... now THAT is when I become a homophobe... It's just too much for my poor innocent eyes even for different sex couples! >.<''

    I myself have a lot of homosexual friends and I love them they are amazing people! :D But we never talk about things that happen behind closed doors and I like it that way lol.

    One thing I really don't like though is the homosexual people that get mad and very defensive over little things like sometimes I call people "******s" playing around with straight people and then I don't even know them and they start yelling and me like they want to kill me and start bringing up people that committed suicide from being called gay... now that's a bit too much... Most get too overly defensive about it but I guess it is their own opinion and it's something that stays with them from past bullying.
  14. smeen Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 18, 2011
    Yeah, some people get defensive pretty quickly. It's not only with gay people, but I see your point. And I also agree with making out in public spaces. For all couples, gay or straight, because there are closed rooms for that. A small kiss is ok, but eating each other's faces off is definetely not okay for me. It makes me feel sick, to be honest.
  15. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    I'm not gay, i've never had gay thoughts, and i very much doubt i ever will, but i'm not against homosexuals. I mean, it'd be a little awkward for me if one of my friends did turn out to be gay, but i wouldn't stop talking to them or anything. If they tried something on me, like tried ot make a move, i'd be wary but i'd still be friends with them. I mean, like it's been pointed out they're still just regular people.
  16. May Kitsune Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 24, 2011
    Yeah i'm also fine with holding hands even though it does seem a little odd to my eyes and a pop kiss and cute things like hugging or kissing on the cheek or forehead n cute stuffs like that :3 lol but once it gets to eating of the face or touching any part of the body sexually then that's not okay with me not with gay OR straight people ._.' lol. Also I know it's not only with the gay community but for now we're just talking about them so I just wanted to add that into there :) They are usually really kind though and are super funny so I love them! x3 lol
  17. Sufris Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 15, 2010
    In a mushroom. No, really.
    I'll just say it. I don't know if I'll sound mean (actually, I think I will), but me being an honest die-hard Catholic with sense, being homosexual technically is a sin. But to discriminate a homosexual, to say s/he will go to hell for simply being who s/he is... That's just stupid, honestly. Religiously speaking, God is forgiving. Just because we're straight doesn't give us the right to discriminate another human being for being, well, different. We're all a little different from each other. And like what was stated on the first page, sexual preference is just that; a preference. Why would you hate someone for preferring the same gender and not the opposite? IMO, that's like hating someone for liking vanilla better than strawberry.

    So basically, I'm okay with gays, but I honestly dislike the extremely open male gays here in my country simply because they try so hard to be girls that they shame males (by trying to be a girl) and females (by wrongly depicting a girl). Sorry if I offend; really... :/
  18. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    This I disagree with... The gays that I have known do not try to be anything. They hate gender stereotypes, and do not believe that girls or guys are naturally a certain way. Neither do I. A guy cannot try to be a girl. A girl cannot try to be a guy. Each person acts differently. You cannot depict someone else unless you are trying to match the way they act. Someone might inaccurately depict a female stereotype, but they are not depicting females themselves. Females transcend femininity as males transcend masculinity.
  19. Shikou Kingdom Keeper

    May 13, 2009
    Born Catholic, now Christian, I've been known gay for about 3 years. Do I care about the religion wall about it? No, its my life deal with it or leave my sight. Simple as that. I do kinda hate the stereotypical ones because they annoy all the time because they are always hyper and never calm down (they are around me everyday). Im the straightest gay guy you will ever meet Lol.
    (what I mean by that is I dont act or like the same things the stereotypical ones do.)
  20. GeekAlex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 4, 2012
    United States, IN
    I am gay. I noticed when I was 13, I saw yaoi for the first time and liked it. Then I noticed other things I liked, and that I only had an attraction to male stuff, very rarely female stuff, so I found out I was gay. I didn't think about it until I was 15 though, as I thought "oh well I'll get through this stage sometime", then I realized it wasn't a stage, but something that defined me, something I couldn't change. I'm a Christian also, but I don't judge people. :P