Sexual disclosure.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by LARiA, Apr 30, 2011.


At what age did you first learn of sex?

  1. 1 - 6

    11 vote(s)
  2. 7 - 12

    27 vote(s)
  3. 13 - 18

    6 vote(s)
  4. 19+

    0 vote(s)
  1. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Dissatisfied with secrecy, cannot say that I blame you. Fair enough. I refrained from doing so because there is not much to say on personal experience, not at my age. This revelation must disgruntle you all; hapless as it is, LARiA is far from perverse offline. What a surprise. I would like to humor you all by telling wild tales of my variegated sex life, but unfortunately content is missing.

    Discovered the sensational touch at the age of around four - seven; five-years-old, if I was to hazard a guess. I never got past the point of taking my pants off, and I awkwardly admit to having yet to do so at the age of thirteen. Cannot recall any fantasizing when I started, for I focused physically, on the actual sensations. Vaguely remember being aroused by BDSM, sterile versions of it; was turned on by physical pain, fictional or nonfiction. Did not look at pornography (not at that age!), still don't. Had a high sex drive, was caught several times by my own parents. They discouraged it, had me afraid of it. At the age of seven I went about a month without masturbation, for I had been convinced that it was unhealthy. Not prudish anymore, quite the opposite.

    Now, how in depth need I go on masturbation? How many times a day I do it, the length of the sessions? Shall we see how far we can take this thread?

    I have poured my heart out, and all I ask in return is that you do the same.

    Smarting off, how? Mouthing off, how? I have said nothing so vile as that, as far as I know. Nothing that would warrant an accusation of "smarting off" or "mouthing off".
  2. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    In other words, all BC? Seeing as every birth control there is, is artificial.
  3. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    No, seriously man, for your own good, please mind your boundaries.
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Personally, I'd disagree there. It's certainly less intelligent to antagonise an admin, as opposed to a mod or a normal user, but that's because the admin can ban you, tachy you or completely erase your account. I wouldn't say that being an admin means that they inherently deserve more respect than a member. Acknowledgement of the effort they make maintaining the site, certainly, but in general conversation, I see no reason to place an admin on a pedestal, or to value the contribution of a normal member less.

    He's implying that abstinence is the only birth control he's willing to use.
  5. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Yeah, I kindof figured. Man, I couldn't do that, not that I'm trying too hard. But hey, each man has his own boat (Metaphors!)
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    You could do it if you were to try hard enough. The thing is, there's very little motivation for you to do so. After all, the downsides to pre-marital sex are easily mitigated, and thus not strong enough deterrents. KS's reasoning for it is religious, and assumes the existence of an omnipotent being that specifically tells you not to. So unless you're also religious, I doubt you'd have the motivation necessary. (Although it is possible to make such a choice without religion, it's rarer.)
  7. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Well, I am religious, but I'm progressive, so I'm open to stuff, including sex. I know there are benefits from sex. But yeah, I would probably be able to wait until I get married, hell, I made it through 17 years, didn't I? Granted I didn't know the mechanics!
  8. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    I don't think it matters when you learn about sex just that you do learn about it and SAFELY!
  9. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Indeed, I should have specified it as less liberal religion, instead of including all religion, regardless of stance.

    I'm curious as to how you managed to avoid any information about sex for 17 years. That's quite a feat.
  10. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    No no no, I meant I first experienced it then, I learned about it around 11-12
  11. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    That would have to be one of the smartest things in this thread today.
  12. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    .__. My cousins were watching porno and I walked in.
    I think I was about 13. They locked me in so I wouldn't tell on their parents. Not that I was going to anyway but they thought it'd be safer for them. That's where I learned about sex.

    A week later I had sex ed class. Where our class was given a breakdown on safety and risks. Since it was an all girls school though, when some were given condoms to put onto the bananas, they ended up going to the toilets to make water bombs.
    Then later on that day my mum explained everything in full detail.
  13. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    There's more to sex than just the duration of penetration. Lots more.

    This may come as a surprise to you, but so am I. Promiscuity and disrespect are very different things.

    Discovered masturbation at the age of 8, but I was somewhat frightened by my bodily reactions at the time. I re-discovered it about two years later, at which point I started feeling the arousal of it. I guess that's when I started masturbating on a "regular" basis. My parents never called me out fot it, though it's hard to believe they never suspected a thing. I think they just let me be.
    I have a satisfying sex life at the moment, but I'd want my girlfriend to approve of me spilling the beans (which she won't) because it takes two and all that, so I'll leave it at this.
  14. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Learned about it at about the age of 7. The people who I go to school with started this nasty rumor that I was sleeping with someone ( which I find comical because I was 7 and at the time I had to be explained what I "did"). That got settled though, and nobody thinks I'm a kinderwhore. I was a tad shocked by it at first, I didn't understand the point of it when I was younger.

    It doesn't frighten me at all, I mean I've never had vaginal sex with someone, even though society deems me to be technically not a virgin. I am only afraid of the pain of it (because I've heard that the first time hurts for the female) and pregnancy honestly scares me more than anything else.

    I think high school is when people start discovering sexuality. I believe that you can't put an age on relationships beyond this point and I think people should focus more on preventing pregnancy and blah blah blah than telling teenagers not to engage in it because let's just face it, they do it anyway.

    I don't think you need to be married to engage in it. I don't think it should be binded by that sort of "by the books" commitment because you can't trap love like that. I think it is something you do with someone if you are connected to them and you love them. I don't feel that marriage is a way of showing that you're ready. I think it's just something people use as a marker because if you marry someone it's supposed to be viewed as a commitment and a sign of loyalty to the person. I do not like how porn and and that **** make it seem either. They make it seem so animalistic, like it doesn't mean anything. Like it's just an instinct. And I think it means a lot.

    Honestly, kind of laughing at the masturbation thing. People touch themselves, I mean it isn't much of an issue. It's supposed to be healthy actually. I hate the double standard that it gives for girls, because I think it's totally normal for a girl to do it as well, even though guys are more prominent apparently.
  15. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I think I was about nine or ten when I first was introduced to the topic of sex, I have older siblings and it was kind of hard to miss the "talks". I didn't quite understand why it was such a secret or something everyone acted all ashamed and embarrassed about, probably because of my rather uninformed understanding of it. I don't think I was as afraid as I was confused, which kept going a few years afterwards, but it was a topic that no one liked to bring up so I didn't.

    We discussed puberty and stuff at the end of fifth grade (kids are usually 10 or 11, for those who don't know the American school system), but I'd already hit it by then so it wasn't anything new. We didn't have sex ed until the next year, where we basically talked about the anatomical side of it.

    I don't think it was until high school that I actually became comfortable (to an extent) with it. There's still a lot I don't get, like why society continues to place such a taboo on it, and of course the gory and personal things are still a bit unclear as I'm inexperienced in the area myself, but I'm okay with discussing it and have a rather complete understanding, I think, thanks to the Internet and sex ed.

    For someone to start learning about sex, I'd say early on. It's no good to hide it or shun it for the first decade of a child's life, it just makes it even more of an uncomfortable topic. You don't have to get into the gory details until they're older, but I think kids should be educated in safely using birth control, the risks, stuff like that.

    As for sex before marriage, I'm personally not into the idea, I fully respect those who are, but it just seems a bit outdated to me. As long as you're safe and smart about it there's really not a big deal, at least not to me.

    Masturbation, as others have said, has medical benefits and let's face it, most people do it. It's natural, there's really nothing wrong with it, in my opinion.
  16. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    I learned about sex when I was about 9.

    I heard my aunty talking about how her niece was pregnant one day and when I got home I asked my mum how women had children. Being a medical student at the time, she had a lot of textbooks about this stuff so she got one out and gave me a very detailed explination about where babies come from and how it's done... while showing me very colourful diagrams as she went on.

    I agree with you Famous, a lot of porn gives sex a bad representation. It's because of that that I went red-faced and silent whenever someone even mentioned the word sex from year 8 up until a month after I graduated last year, all because I could not imagine myself making dirty sounds. >___>;
  17. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    I had school lessons about puberty in year 6 when i was like ten and read about sexual intercourse in a school dictionary by accident when I was like nine.

    I only properly looked into things when I was like 13 and had the internet in my room and just google and wiki'd and stuff for all the big facts. I think it should be responsibly taught from a certain age and handled well. the sex education in my secondary school was poor, I mean it was meant to be taught during PSHE which was one a week and the subject and the teacher teaching went in a rota from things like morality, money, etc and my class accidentally got skipped on the sex education rota and people who were studying R.E didn't have PSHE so they missed out totally on that regardless.

    Absolutely poor, and we had no education on checking your body parts for breast/testicular cancer either. I had to DIY all this myself as a curious teen. I did have a health day in a school I moved to when I was 17 for my A-levels and that made me happy I finally got to put a condom on a prosthetic penis (Odd, but I always wanted to do that as part of learning...).

    So I think it should be taught properly and by experts who are comfortable in teaching it. Be it outside educational resources from sexual health clinics then great (as many onsite teachers are awkward teaching such things). But a certain age is hard to disclose and understand. I think 12/13 is a suitable time as many teens are going through puberty then and many things are not known. It's best to teach them the dangers of sex and proper safety and management from there I think personally.
  18. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Well, my point is that I would prefer not to worry about the consequences until I can deal with them without sacrificing my morals, even if it means missing out on some pleasure early on in life.

    I'm sorry that I implied that I thought you were, that particular line was more directed at any man who thinks that sex without love is okay.
  19. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Learned about sex at about 12-13, was wierded out a little, but I was starting to find girls attractive then, so I just sort of rolled with it. My parents never had "the talk" with me, but they realised they didn't need to. They know if I wanted to know, I'd ask, and as far me being sexually untrustworthy... they have always said to me that their approach is to let me make my own mistakes, and after 6 years of teenage schoolyears since then, I have learned an awful lot about sex, and they trust me with my own body. They are always there and make sure to say so in case I screw up that badly, just before anyone says anything about my parents not having a role in educating me.

    I can't really say I have an active sex life (Never had a girlfriend), as its only really recently I've found people that I've really begun to truly care about, and I'm not really someone with much of a life anyway. Not a social animal, I admit, but it's soemthing I'm coming out of. It's a case of I haven't really found someone I love to extent I'd man up and actually begin a relationship.

    As long as you are responsible and willing to accept any consequences of your actions, then there's nothing wrong with an active sex life. I'm not entirely sure why people are opposed to sex before marriage, but to me it doesn't particularly matter. The only difference is a piece of paper saying that you guys actually love each other and trust each other, aside from you actually knowing this stuff already because you, you know, love each other. Sexual Promiscuity? Sure, if both sides are fine with it and are safe about it. Is love necessary for sex? No, I don't think so, however, I feel that I would only be comfortable having sex with someone I actually loved and trusted.

    In my honest opinion, People can do whatever they want to to be happy with one another, so long as they take responsibility for themselves and don't compromise someone else's happiness in the process.