Sexual disclosure.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by LARiA, Apr 30, 2011.


At what age did you first learn of sex?

  1. 1 - 6

    11 vote(s)
  2. 7 - 12

    27 vote(s)
  3. 13 - 18

    6 vote(s)
  4. 19+

    0 vote(s)
  1. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Disclose it. When did you first discover sex, and how did it transpire? Did it frighten you, did you shun it? Are you at terms with it now, and if so, how did you settle it? Furthermore, what age do you believe is appropriate, or normal, for one to first discover sexuality? Should one wait for marriage before engaging in sexual activity? While there is a strong argument for sex before marriage being unsuitable, is there any harm to be found in masturbation? My curiosity is omnidirectional, so you may expand on this however you would like to.

    In the poll, by "learn of" I meant masturbation. When did you first discover the lurid touch?
  2. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain

    Sleek and sly P, so he deems LARiA a goner. But LARiA has something up her sleeve, you cannot screw me over that easily. I did take the liberty of screenshotting our conversation, P, and I daresay that this will be of interest to those viewing this thread....

    arachnidsGrip = P


    Where is your alibi, P?
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    My mother felt it necessary to explain sex to me very early on in life. Indeed, I was immensely shocked when a fellow classmate didn't know what a pregnancy was in sixth grade, as I thought such was common knowledge. So for me, at no point was there a massive reveal. I'd suggest that this is probably the better way to do it, as opposed to making the topic a taboo until the state-funded schools get around to teaching it. It blocks out the risk of young people making uninformed mistakes.

    Sex before marriage is fairly common nowadays, due to the use of contraception. While it's possible to classify sex as an act that should only occur between two loving individuals, if contraception is in play, there is no more reason to wait for sex than there is for a mundane activity such as going to the cinema. It's a person's choice to choose to place sex on a pedestal, and there is no objective reason for it to be withheld.

    Masturbation isn't physically harmful, and can actually be healthy in the right amounts. Like sex before marriage, the only reason to avoid masturbation would be if one decided that sexual pleasure should be special, as opposed to a common event, like watching a DVD. The only other outstanding reason to refrain from masturbation is to delay sexual gratification in order to increase it, which is a valid position to take, although the payoff is debatable.

    But I've noticed that despite having such an intense interest in these topics, you seem to be reluctant to share your own views and experiences. Do you have any interesting insights or observations to make?
  4. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Read my post above, you slithering sneak. You removed your post? That's fine, under this context my screenshot still remains valid. An intense interest that you yourself fed, P. Encouraged, even. You were in on this with me, do not deceive! I can take more screenshots, if necessary.
  5. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Me? All I did was assist you in creating a discussion topic that was not too offensive, while still going in the direction you wanted. Besides, I've already shared my views and opinions. I have nothing to hide. You, on the other hand, are acting evasive, preferring to resort to external material instead of answering the question at hand, which you set yourself.

    I wonder why you're so reluctant to give the insight into your own life which you've demanded of others.
  6. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    When i was 10.They taught me it in school,duh.

    I didn't care,I was ten,and i still don't care

    Although I learned at 10,I think someone should be 13 before they know.I do think that one should wait until marriage,so you know that someone loves you for you.

    Well,i suppose,to me,Sort of...I tthink of it as lust,which is a sin,so i don't think that it is good mentally,or spiritually,but physically,I guess its okay.
  7. Accalia Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 10, 2010
    Los Santos, San Andreas
    In 8th grade. Welcome to "worth the wait" classes.
  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Believe it or not, my mom taught me all about the birds and the bees from ages three to four. By the time I was six, I knew every thing there was to know about sex. Well, most everything.
  9. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    I'd like to point out what the tags in this post are;
    and golden showers too, buttsex, handjobs, sex, sexuality
    ... had fun with that one didn't you? :b

    Aaand back on topic.
    I learned about it when I was around 11-12 years, which is the right ago to learn it, because in average, girls start puberty at 10 1/2 years and boys start in average at 11 1/2. It didn't frighten me, but there was a touch of embarrasment, which is strange, because there is not a trace of embarrasment when it comes to sex/masturbation for me now.

    Masturbation is a good thing, it's healthy!
    What it might do:
    Relieving stress and releasing tension (including the obvious, sexual tension)
    Providing a sexual outlet for people who are not having sex with a partner (whether by choice or by circumstance)
    Alleviating pre-menstrual symptoms in some women
    Helping to induce sleep, or conversely, helping to start the day with an energized calm
    Strengthening muscle tone in the genital region
    Promoting a couples' level of sexual satisfaction in their relationship
    Providing treatment for some types of sexual dysfunction
  10. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    Why do you care?
  11. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Firstly, I'd like to say that ... wow. LARiA, I think you may have just been the first person on this forum to derail theirown thread ... within the first few posts. *slow clap*.

    That aside, in Scottish Schools, we have 2 kinds of Sex Education: there's "Puberty" which you learn about in Primary 6 (that's oh ... 11?) and there's proper Sex Ed, which you learn from 12 to the end of your school time.

    Of course, I went t a catholic High School (12/13 to 17/18) to the only Sex Ed I've had until this year was when I was 12 ... but meh. I like this system because it's not like the American system where you're only taught abstinence (unless Catholic school ... in which case you get taught ONLY abstinence) from as far as I can tell.

    As for my personal experiences ... that kinda pushes the boundaries of a PG-13 board n'est-ce pas?
  12. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Of course.

    Do not question it, just answer. Classified information, experimentations. Dark things happening in the down under, better left unsaid. Need you be a prude, then just answer on the poll and be on your way. It is not public, unfortunately. P swindled me out of doing so...

    May have seemed just a tad tangential to the outside viewer, but I did not derail my thread. I presented you a glimpse into how this thread was formed, by a devious P and a devious LARiA. Noticed how many masturbation threads littered a certain forum that I frequent, and quietly pondered what would transpire were I to create one here. No explosions yet, no heresy, but my hopes have yet to be dampened.

    Not in a LARiA thread, no it doesn't.
  13. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    The maker of the thread doesn't matter, if you fail to acquiesce to the rules, serious complications may arise ^^. Not that he members here have ever been ones to diminish from sch things, but you know.
  14. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    The topic is alright, so long as we don't get terribly graphic. I will watch it to make sure, but please just use your discerning eye, guys.

    Also, edited some of the tags. :l
  15. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Pretty much the day I learned what my penis was.

    So like, four.
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I'm not sure. I can't remember what age but I guess around 10 or so, I really didn't think that much about it. I think Igrew up with knowing aobut sex the average and ordinary way by learning as I grow. Nothing exciting.

    This coming from the person who once recommended a Kingdom Hearts Porn Section on this site??
  17. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    This is crazy

    Ok so when I was a kid at my grandmas's house. One time we spent the night and night fell so my sister and I are in our real dad's old room. Start watching some tunes. And if you remember some t.v.'s back then had those VCR's spcae.(I'm not sure what the name for it is sorry.) And the remote we had had the video button on it so one of us must have hit play and next thing you know...BAM!!! A porno comes on. And we changed it so fast it wasn't even funny. Then like 5mins passed by and then it the play button was hit again and this time none of us knew how to change it back.

    Luck was on our side the first time, but damn were we screwed. So with my cocky ass I thought I knew how to change it. Not only did I fail to epic level. I some how made the volume go up to the max. I mean if you ever had a panic attack. I seriously doubt it was like this one. I mean why in the hell would we fight each other and tell the t.v. to stop? Oh it gets better we yelled at the remote and pressed every button combo you can think of. Still failing we just screamed and ran around just going nuts. Then I believe our grandmother came in and we got so scared we told her what happened. And she hit stop and took the VCR out like it was nothing. And I told her to freeze it in the freezer. She actual did it so I felt like a the to save the day.

    Here's the kicker though the next morning we sttill a bit messed up from what we saw out aunt came in. Then opened the freezer and she say's Ma why's my tape in here. O_O how? We stood there all dumb founded and they had their convo. So that's how I got a to know what sex was kinda because they never told us what we saw.
  18. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I'm sure it is, but it's rather hard to spill the beans to someone who doesn't share her own experiences but expects us to divulge them all the same . So I'll stick to saying that abstinence from sex before marriage means missing out on a lot whilst gaining little, if anything, in return.
  19. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    you know...smarting of to the mods is one thing.

    But mouthing off to an admin is a HUGE disrespect.

    ...back to topic....

    I am sure most have learned about all of this around the ages of 5th-8th grade where puberty type health classes were introduced.
  20. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Peace of mind can be worth quite a bit. Sex before marriage, at least for me, would take away that peace of mind by causing me worry about STIs, pregnancy (because I'm against artificial birth control), and hurting a woman's feelings whether she's a ****ty prostitute or a nice girl I picked up at a nearby club. To me, not having to worry about about any of that is worth a lot more than 7 minutes (I think that's the average anyway) of getting off. Then again, I'm a respectable man who cares more about the lady than the female.

    And as for the thread question, I did date Rosie Palms at one point at around the age of 14, but in recent years I've broken up with her for a variety of reasons, most having to do with religion.