Sex hormone could help treat autism

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by AlexleHoshi, May 15, 2008.

  1. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Now IMO, this may be a wast of time and money, since a child who have autism, may just need to have the right social in-put in the first 7 or so years, also it freaks me out know that this may be the only way to treat autism, because I don't like the idea of being injected by oxytocin, since I have aspergers which is a forum of autism.

    What are you opinions on this?

  2. K.H.Nut13 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 25, 2008
    I have aspergers too, and I think that I really don't want to get that shot.
  3. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    I say no.

    I don't like the idea of injecting my baby brothers with a sex hormone.
  4. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    I agree with you 100%

    Right, because it may make them mature far to soon then they should, I'm 20 and I feel like I haven't fully matured yet, which IMO is a good thing.
  5. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Dude, just because it's a sex hormone doesn't mean it's bad for you or something. Besides, it's a pleasure hormone. Pleasure is good, if you haven't noticed. If this can really affect autism and other similar conditions, I'm all for it.
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    How the hell do they find things like this out!?

    I say hormone or not,it'll help people with autism out.

    /agree 100%
  7. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i think it's KINDA nasty but if you get past that, it could have potential
  8. Repliku Chaser

    I would look into it more before deciding. If it is a hormone to induce pleasure and more 'social' skills to help a person overcome barriers by seeing and feeling more by expressions what others do feel...I have to say I am for it. Autism literally traps a person from being able to read others and see them as 'real' in a way and if this can help them overcome it and gain more empathy, I don't see why people are so against it. It's called a 'sex hormone' but the hormone is actually a product of sex and other things and runs doing other functions as well. I think it needs more news on what it is the particular hormone is responsible for and obviously if it works, it shows there is a lack of it naturally in autistic people. It's not like autistic people 'want' to be anti-social, but instead they just can't come out of a shell around them.
  9. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I never knew you had aspergers.I personally think that Autistic children etc. shouldn't be given this shot because people don't know how it will affect them mentally.Usually Autistic children have incredible brain power.What if that is damaged??????????
  10. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    That's true, even if we don't always show it, IMO I'm happy with the way I am, and I wouldn't want any shots to change me.
  11. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Some of the truest words ever spoken.
  12. K.H.Nut13 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 25, 2008
    I agree with that. I like how I am, and I don't want anyone to come around telling me, "Oh,your no good. Take this shot so you can get better." :censor2:
  13. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    No one is forcing you to take it, and if the treatment were explored, you wouldn't be forced to take it. Someone who's depressed isn't forced to take anything to make them happy, but they can choose to, treatment is an option.

    I don't see why you're overreaction to it, like it's some military operation to "cleanse" the world of Autistic people, like with the Mutants in the X-men movies, it's just a hormonal treatment being researched.

    Perhaps the fact that you see it that way is just evidence of some mild social ineptness on your part >.>
  14. Repliku Chaser

    I also think that it is getting negative reviews wrongfully because it is called a 'sex hormone'. There are quite a few people I know who have Asperger's Syndrome and some feel alone and misunderstood all of the time because they say things that make other people angry with them and they can't word things appropriately where others won't take it as harsh and rude. Others do pretty well for themselves and are interesting people. I've gone out on a limb and helped a few friends get out of some tough spots because I'm easier to talk to and can also take the time to explain to them what it is they are doing that is making people annoyed so they can repair it. I also have worked with children with autism and they get frustrated often that they cannot relay to others what they feel or cross a line to communication they feel comfortable with.

    Some people who have 'disorders' feel that it isn't a problem and is just another way the brain develops etc and really, unless the case is severe and the people can't cope with it, they are right. I have ADD but yet I don't take any medication for it because I feel I don't require it and would rather try to cope because in some ways I don't see it as so debilitating. I do know others though who feel they require the medication and it helps alleviate symptoms so they can focus and be more positive. What works for them doesn't work for me, but I surely won't say they shouldn't have the option. I know I am stubborn as hell and some of them aren't. I would have to say at this point in my life, that I'd wager that -everyone- has at least -one- disorder he or she can be connected to. Is it a problem? It depends on the person and environment he or she is in and if that disorder is actually in some way advantageous or not. In other words, hopefully people can find their niches in life and good jobs etc that let these 'disorders' not be disorders anymore but instead classifications of how someone's mind works. I would much rather not take medication than be forced to it as I've seen others do and instead have moved on to pay attention to the situation and make it as beneficial for me as possible. I believe many people with Asperger's can do the same, but it does take effort to encourage life in the direction you want it to go. The good thing about Asperger's is that it can be discovered at a young age so if parents help children, those children may be able to be very productive later where some of the assets of Asperger's (because no, it's not all negative) can be put to good use.

    The hormone is meant to help motivate parts of the brain to assisting someone with the negative conditions of Asperger's to be able to be more a part of social society instead of leaving them isolated. It is definitely not something that is forced on anyone or would be. It is something that may be a possible solution to aid some people who really want to be more social and out there and also to not feel so clumsy or awkward. If people don't want it, they surely have the right to say no to it but why deny the rights of many others who struggle to say that it shouldn't be an option? Some people do better than others with Asperger's Syndrome or mild forms of autism. There are different levels of Asperger's and also people are not given the same mechanisms for coping with it either. For those who wish they did not have such a condition that has a name and impairs them from working, having close friends etc, this may be a new option.
  15. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    I am not overreacting about it, I am mearly saying my view on the matter.
    Also a child may have no choice in the matter since their mother or father will be the one who says if they have it or not.
  16. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I don't think Ann. is overreacting she is just voicing her view and for all you know the government would probably make it compulsory for all people to prevent autism.

    The one thing no one thinks about is the fact that it make by sexual Intercourse and had they ever thought it might put them onto having sex on just mere compulsion.The Chemical would cause them to do stuff that they shouldn't do at an early age.Last time i checked thats bad.
  17. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    I don't think it's a waste at all. Autism is very hard to completely hide in a child. I would know because my karate teacher has an autistic son and my teacher has a degree in child psychology and even set up a special needs program for the karate school. Anyway, despite him knowing so much and being so able to help his son, his son isn't completely socially adept. He's come a long way, and he could surely function independently, but I doubt he will ever be completely "normal".
  18. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Actually I was moreso referring to K.H.Nut, and Ann in part, seeing this as some kind of direct attack to their way of life, and that a cure meant for extreme cases of Depression and Autism possibly beign alleviated with this treatment somehow means that people in Black Suits are going to come and say "Oh, you're not normal enough, I'm going to INJECT YOU, BE NORMAL"

    It's a treatment, not a cure or vaccine, it's a treatment to alleviate the detriments of the disorder. Treatment is always optional, not compulsory, even people dying of severe illnesses have the right to refuse treatment that could save their lives.

    Did I miss the part where you have a PH.D in the human brain?

    Did you know that the one of the same chemicals related to the pleasure of things like sex and love is also released when people eat chocolate? Our bodies have a multitude of chemicals and hormones that react to numerous things, certain smell receptors are also related to taste, pressure in the ear can be felt in the back of the throat, etc. So just because a certain thing is related to "sex" doesn't mean that it's an exclusive reaction to that, it could be the same chemical that makes you enjoy a certain types of food, smells, touch, etc.

    As explained in the article, the same chemical related to pleasure from sexual release stimulates the part of the brain that allows you to distinguish between Inanimate and Animate things. How crazy is that, do you realize? Something as simple as feeling good after sex is a key component to your very ability to distinguish between what is alive and what isn't. So to someone with Autism who is completely closed of, they don't know the difference between someone's face showing anger or sadness, but with that part of the brain stimulated, for short periods the patients showed signs of empathy, perceiving emotions of others. This is significant improvement for a disorder that in extreme cases can lock a person inside of their own mind, just because able to recognize another human is progress and can mean a whole lot to these people.
  19. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I think this is a bad idea. I'd rather keep autism than get injected or let my children get injected. -_-
  20. Repliku Chaser

    I decided to try to look up what I could on the hormone since I have heard of it in my science classes and thought it might be helpful to people, especially with Asperger's or some other variant of Autism to have so they are familiar with what it is in case out of the blue someone someday does bring it up. Doctors often don't tell us what they are giving us and what exactly it does.

    So what is it? Oxytocin is a chemical that is produced by mammals, including us. It is released when people 'touch', 'hug' OR during intercourse actions and orgasm, as well as it is used to induce pregnancy and for breast feeding. It does not mean a child is going to go out and have sexual premature fantasies or lead into sexual behavior early by what I had read and I'll explain that as we go on. I apologize that this will be somewhat long as I cannot find simple ways to explain it and not cut out important parts. In the brain, the chemical works and is also possibly related to assisting with growing trust in others and forming social bonds. It may even be connected with recognizing others need help and generosity.

    So in what ways can it help someone with Asperger's? If someone wanted to use it, it could help with mirror functions so that Asperger's people see more around them as to what is going on, since there are MRIs etc that show the function of mirror processes is lower in someone with Asperger's and Autism. This is important because many people with Asperger's and Autism do not recognize things going on about them, realize facial and body expressions of others or feel empathy as well to know what to say when and it often makes them SEEM non-caring. Common symptoms of Asperger's are that people with it do not also recognize voice intonation to note when someone is upset, telling a joke, being funny or picking on them. Also, someone with Asperger's often feel rather clumsy physically though in other areas of development they seem just fine and often are astute at learning things.

    Tests have been conducted to show that if someone is experiencing troubles, people without Aspergers' will have some reaction as if understanding what it feels like to be in that predicament, that they in part are experiencing it too. We have mirror techniques employed commonly which is why people will really get into sports and be 'arm chair warriors' or people express in other areas they would do something different in the same circumstance though they aren't going through it. Someone with Asperger's is less likely to be engrossed in sports or some other thing such as a movie scene that is highly intensive (not everyone likes sports. It's just an example.) as their mirror sensory is not the same and less activity is shown. They won't feel as though they are a part of it hardly at all. A common test of interest showing mirror skills at work is when a guy walked down a busy city street carrying 4 boxes on top of one another and they swayed and he was really fighting to keep hold of them. Typical response was others stopped or turned and gawked or offered a hand, or moved out of the way because they felt they understood the situation the person was in and by no means did they want to interrupt it. Others may have laughed but still had a reaction. Someone with Asperger's or Autism might not even notice it or feel disconnected from it because their brains don't conduct as much to processing it. They won't empathize with the scene and so some may consider that because they do not, they are unfeeling. Of course this isn't true and one of the misconceptions of Asperger's and Autism in general.

    Many people with Asperger's can get by just fine but what about those that cannot and wish they could? This is not just a 'sex hormone'. I would say that more studies need to be done because the hormone may actually affect females more than males as this chemical is also released during child birth for cervical issues concerning contractions and after to stimulating breast milk. It is noted that children with Autism -do- have -significantly- lower amounts of oxytocin so it shows there is an imbalance there. There have been tests that study administering oxytocin to some autistic children caused an improvement in their functions of perception of speech intonations by other people and also in lowering behavior repetitive patterns.

    The hormone also has signs that it helps with withdrawal symptoms to drugs and lessens a person's likelihood of being dependent on a drug such as alcohol, cocaine, etc. Apparently the only way the drug can be administered is by shot or by nasal spray because otherwise it gets destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract.

    I am betting there are some 'side effects' as there is with all medication but I thought I'd research this more because I knew the chemical was not just a 'sex hormone' and was curious as to what they were pointing at that could aid people with Autism at all. I don't think, with the right dose it would change much about a person but perhaps make them more empathic to the world around them and make them feel less like they are disconnected, which causes people to be depressed. Of course, if they use it wrongly or keep misdiagnosing people with Asperger's, which has been a serious problem in the last few years, then people will get the drug that do not need it or it will turn out that it is not beneficial.

    I'll try to find more side effects or negatives of the drug. My worry would be that females probably could not use this, especially when pregnant unless they could determine the proper amount. Too high an amount would seem a very bad choice and that it might induce early pregnancy if the woman's body naturally begins producing the chemical early into the last months of birth. In males, if -too much was used-, it may cause unwanted erections, but again, only if there was too much in the male's system. I do not think in low amounts, to bring someone up to par with others, that it would make children feel more 'sexual' and cause them to explore things etc as has been speculated because it is clear that significant amounts of the hormone are actually missing from autistic children. Other children don't get encouraged to do this. However, it is something that should be followed very closely and after the nightmare of drugs for ADD/ADHD kids I would hope it doesn't turn out like that. Definitely, anyone given any drug should be monitored and it is a shame they aren't more but this is also what family and friends are for too.

    Any way, I hope that helped spread some knowledge of what the hormone actually is more and why it might benefit some people and others it may not. Again, my apologies for being long winded about it but I thought it might ease some tensions and get out just why they are saying it would be any help at all. Like any mood enhancing drug etc, it should be up to the people to decide if they want it or not. I see the point that some people bring up that kids often get drugs for mood enhancement etc and have little choice in such a thing and so parents should pay attention and only do such a thing if they feel it will benefit the child and not just because some pill doc says so. I know too many people with ADD/ADHD that are screwed up because of Ritalin even as people try to downplay it. I'm glad I fought to not be on that crap as a kid. I can see where this can be beneficial but at the same time, if administered stupidly it will end up as lame. Also, proper diagnosis of Asperger's is necessary as many children are misdiagnosed and have some other condition. Anywhoo...outtie.