Sex Education At A Younger Age

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Crumpet, Nov 26, 2007.


Should The Age Be Lowered For Sex Education?

Poll closed Dec 26, 2007.
  1. No Way - It's young enough thank you

    26 vote(s)
  2. Yes - The sonner the better

    13 vote(s)
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  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    O.o then that brings me to another point, the governments really need to think about how sex ed is taught, my little sister was taught by a Christian who told her that condoms were full of diseases and that they would go to hell if hey had sex before marriage. Sex ed shouldn't be about religion or race >: I am sorry you had such a crap teacher.

    Of course there is no set age that we should know, it differs for each person. Which is why I think we can't say for definite that 8 year olds wouldn't be able to learn about it.

    I do think that the way you have been taught has made you very biased in this, but then the way I was taught is effecting my opinions too xD
  2. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    yea but in general tho, older kids are more mature than younger kids

    i am defintely biased in this case but i can see the other side's perspective too. but oh well, a biased perspective is still a perspective, i know my claims sound a little silly and exagerrated but they're definitely not unfounded tho
  3. Falling Star Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 21, 2007
    a place beyond your wildest imagination
    I think that you should be at least 12 yrs old, but hey im 11 and im learning about it. I wonder why they teach us about it at such a yong age. And I agree with you EvilMan.
  4. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I think personally it's up to the parents. My mom taught me about it when I was eight years old or so. She did it in the terms of my age at that point, and I was fine.

    I learned about sex ed itself in eighth grade, and you were given a permission slip to have your parents sign it before you can stay in the class.

    I think personally, it's a good policy, the parents can decide whether or not it's appropriate. My parents didn't give a rats behind on what I chose... *took the class and tolerated it*

    It's up to the parents at a certain age, kids I don't think can really choose when to "learn" about it before puberty or around it.
  5. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    what i meant was pre-marital sex. i have no problem with sex when your married, but premarital sex is a sin. if you teach young children about it, theyll probably be more likely to have it.
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Pre-marital sex is only a sin to some religions, since the entire world is not Christian and since not every child believes in God it would be wrong to teach them that it is a sin. I am sorry if I sound offensive but you cannot impose the ideals of a religion onto every single person. When do you propose people learn about sex then? Their wedding night?

    If you teach young children about sex no it does not mean they are more likely to have it You teach childen about road safety too, doesn't mean they are going to be tempted to go drive a car and crash.

    Do you have anything to back up what you are saying? because it seems as though you are making quite a bold statement with no evidence.

    I am not meaning to sound harsh or cruel or anything like that, so please don't be offended.
  7. Repliku Chaser

    Due to the fact children are not of -one- religion, to assume that children should be taught sex before marriage is a sin is kind of wrong. The point of sex education is not to make children have sex. It is to understand that kids get caught in predicaments where something sexual may happen and shouldn't they -know- what is going on? Also, some kids are going to have sex no matter what. The strict rules of the Dark Ages and Puritan times didn't stop the sex without marriage or adultery. So if people are going to do things, they are. I think most schools try to say abstinence is the best policy so that kids can avoid diseases or getting hurt emotionally etc but at the same time, understanding sexual things can help them as they grow. Hormones for kids are a tricky thing and kids do start experiencing hormonal changes at any time around 10 years old on up. Most do not experience things prior to that but some kids have been known to at age 8. There are preschoolers that masturbate but don't know what it is they are doing, and that's both girls and boys.

    I do think that 8 years old is a bit young to be teaching kids about sexual intercourse, but I do think it can help to explain to kids what some parents refuse to about if someone does something to them that feels wrong etc and what to do. Also, there are some 8 year old girls that have started periods, though the number is low. So an easy light course without the condom stuff, birth control etc is well, fine by me.

    At 10 to 12 years old though, kids are going to be hitting puberty more. If there were not boys or men that hit on girls of this age...well, the lessons of sexual safety wouldn't be needed, would it? Girls hit puberty earlier than boys so they are often the ones in more of a situation to have something happen to them from older people or curious boys who want to just 'see things' and understand why Julie one year is flat as a pancake and the next year has some perks. Sex education is not about teaching kids to just go and have sex. It's about knowing when a sexual situation may be arising, how to deal with your hormones, such as taking a cold shower, if you do have sex, what can you do so it's not full out sex, and also if you go all the way, what should you use to prevent STDs. It also teaches about STDs that can be passed on and to notice them so if a kid has symptoms, or as an adult the person has symptoms, they can go get treated. In the end, this isn't about -kids- having sex. It's about teaching kids so that they know into adulthood. The choice to have sex is a persons. The knowledge though of what happens ahead of the marriage room, a rape or molestation, diseases, childbirth, sexual frustration and ways to cope etc though seems pretty helpful for the person to have and carry with them throughout their lives. If you are religious and feel sex is a sin before marriage, you are fully obligated to make that choice. No one is going to say as a teacher 'go have sex'. If they do, that's pretty demented.
  8. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    I was nine...and I was mature enough to accept it. A lot of you obviously weren't.
  9. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Kids normally hear and know about sex way before they actually learn it in school. So teaching earlier is by no means a bad thing. Would you rather teach your kids now or wait a bit longer but risk the fact they could of already had unprotected sex without knowing the full implications that can that have.

    If you teach them early, it becomes less of a mystery and people learn the right reasons to have sex.
  10. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    It's the parents duty to educate their child about sex, not the school. It's always been that way. The kid reaches a certain age, and the parents have a private talk on the birds and the bees. As for just what age, I think 12 is best. That's the age right before you start becoming a teenager, so that's the best time to learn about it.
    I can understand if a parent wants to have the talk early. Wait too long, and someone or something else might come in and give the kid the wrong idea.
    And parents should also make sure the kid gets the idea that sex is'nt wrong, nor is it gross (but you still must take it seriously, or you'll have a kid you don't want in your hands).
  11. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    well some parents don't like talking about it at all and really would prefer having someone else explaining it (understandably) becuz it really is kind of awkward teaching someone about sex.
  12. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    They need to learn to get over that. Sex is not "immoral" or "naughty". It's something we do.
    Hey, if my parents never had sex, I would'nt be here right now. xD
  13. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Most adults don't find conversation about sex that awkward. In my opinion it seems that the older you get the more it becomes talked about casually, and in retrospect it stops becoming such a big deal. But I can see where you're coming from. Some parents dread trying to work out the details with their kids. But if it comes without any assumption and the motive is purely educative, it tends to be easier and be less awkward for both parties.
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