Most recent portfolio piece; I'm making it a separate thread as there's still work to be done on it but it's completely colored. Note that some of the colours may be off in some pictures because I took it with my camera's flash on. Full piece Spoiler Gluttony & Sloth Spoiler Envy & Lust Spoiler Pride & Wrath Spoiler Greed Spoiler Sketched in pencil, inked in pen, colored with watercolors. CnC, comments, etc. are welcome.
I love the way it's drawn. The colours never get outside the outline of the shapes. The background and the scenery in general fit the whole "vicious" and "ruthless" idea of the drawing, and also it supports the "fiendish" feeling you get. There are some details that need some working on, like the wolf's mouth and tiger's leg. The dragon is very well drawn, but I think it should be coloured better, and to be precise, the only thing that isn't good on it is the blue colour. Something like white/silver or black I believe would fit better. Overall it's a nice drawing and I like it, even though I'm not a fan of negativity in life :P I would give it a 85/100.
Thanks. xD Yeah, I did the basic coloring this week, still need to go in and work on details. The reason I made the dragon a different colour was that otherwise there would be too many warm colours (reds, browns, yellows, oranges) and it'd look too flat. So with the black/gray breaking up the sky, I decided that a cooler colour would work best. And I didn't decide to do this, the assignment was to represent the sins in some way. xD
Fair enough.... I'm impressed. It needs creativity to think of the sins like that, and draw them. Rating changes to 90/100.
Awesome! I really love them! Keep it up! I like how you use them in terms like Pride and Wrath too! :Awesome: