Selling all my old games to buy a PS3

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by jafar, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    The Fat is more beautifull than the slim, I think that covers it.. I got one of the last Fat ones, that one that came with a bundle with Uncharted 1, It came with 160g and 2 Usbs. The Piano apearence and the "Playstation 3" logo and not "Ps3" are the mainly difference... and the heat/touch sensitivy buttons that are in the Playstation 3, but not in the Ps3 slim.

    Games I suggest as a MUST:
    God of War Sagas (Real fun, as a exclusive is a beautifull game, and a unique experience.. the GOW III is beautifull, but the end is preatty desapointing), Darksiders ( Like GOW, but the plot is better, there are more puzzles and magics), Red Dead rendemption( I got the Undead nightmare version), UNCHARTED (Like GOW is unique to Ps3, and great! Reminds of tomb raider, minus the gorgeous woman, but with better plot), NIER (it is a game you will love to hate, or hate to love... there are plot twists in it that will make you sacrifice everything by the end >(!), Star wars force Unleashed (the first is great, the second so-so..), INfamous! (One of the best games I ever played, all 3 ! The possibility to go bad or good makes it really fun to replay!), Prince of Persia Sand trilogy(You probably played it on Ps2, but if you didn't it is your chance! the second is the best!). Dante's Inferno (You play it like GOW, the story is well know, but they did a great job with it!), Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter (It depends which series you like most.. but a good fighting game is a must!).

    The games that I got at PSN:
    Megaman 9/10: Difficult to play in comparison with today's game.. but fun if you like oldschool.
    Sonic The Hedgehog 4 episode 1/2: Is fun if you like Sonic, in episode 2 you can play with tails in co-op mode with a friend online or off.
    comix zone: short game cleared in 2 hours, but i liked in genesis
    dc universe: Ps3(and pc) exclusive! Is freemium (free to play, but if you pay you get better stuff).
    Littlebig planet: this generation has close to none games that you can play with 2 players or more offline.. this is one of the ones that allows it... and you can make your on game.

    PLants Vs. Zombies: I love that game in every place I played it, pc or ps3 is great! The ps3 version is able to play with 2 people online and offline!

    Scott pilgrim Against the world: A cheap game with a oldscholl look up to 4 players!!! Great game.

    Teenage Mutant Turtles reshelled : Great game, is a remake of an old game but is still great! Up to 4 players
    Bomberman ultra: Multyplayer Yay! I really enjoyed playing but havent play in a awile
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I have to disagree here, this is of course a matter of aesthetic preference but I don't love my fat PS3. It's a real finger print magnet and the heat sensitive buttons lose their novelty after a while. I'm not too familiar with how the slim works & functions but all the same.

    I also hate the bezel, it'd be nice to be able to stack things on top of it... though thinking about it, that's probably not safe for the console.

    Anyway my game collection is pretty small because I'm cheap and I've only had my PS3 for a little more than a year now, but the games I find myself going back to are Soul Calibur (I play V mostly these days but IV is ridiculously cheap and solid), Final Fantasy XIII, and Folklore. I know Uncharted is a big one, I own it but haven't played it yet, but from what I understand it's one of those "every PS3 owner should play this game" titles.
  3. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    BC PS3's have 4 USB slots
    Non BC's have 2

    I recommend the DmC HD collection and DmC4, the NfS games if you're into those, the AC series, Red Dead Redemption, BlazBlue and MvC3.

    And like people have said, the HDD is easily changed. All you do is take the bottom off and replace the drive.
  4. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
  5. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Well, the store I sold all my stuff at pays me in either cash or store credit, and there's like an $80 difference between the two.

    If I take cash, I get $150. If I take store credit, I get $236. Pretty huge difference. It was originally less than that, but I haggled me way to a higher payment. Unfortunately, they don't have a PS3, so I have to wait. =/ Also, I'm not THAT interested in getting Uncharted or Infamous. So, it's not that worthwhile for me.[DOUBLEPOST=1353163825][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Just had another thought... Would this mean that non-bundled slims are under $200?
  6. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    Uncharted and INfamous are a must have!
    I just remmembered other games: Batman Arkham Asylum, and Batman Arkham City.
    Two of the best games I've played on Ps3, not one thing bad to talk about (that I remember).
    The first game Asylum was GREAT loosly based on the comics with the same name, the Ps3 version came with the exclusive "Play as Joker", is fun, but not all that. If you're not a Batman fan you will like, if you're a batman fan you WILL LOVE IT! There's a bunch o mention to the comics.
    The second (Arkham City) , I didn't expect much, as it wasnt based on the Arkham Asylum anymore, but a whole new idea... BUT IT IS EVEN GREATER! A whole city to explore, the city has territories that gives you that sense we got in the movie "Batman Dark knight rises", but with much more! I don't know if every cd comes with a code, but mine came with a code to "Play as catwoman" and it is AWESOME! There's a DLC to play as robin, good also!
  7. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    I'm not interested enough in those two games. Uncharted is only slightly more appealing to me than Infamous.
    I already own those 2 games. It's also been popular enough for a while, that I would have known the gist of it anyways. You didn't really need to write up an entire paragraph about it.