Don't even like fish (there's a "bitch, swerve" macro here but you can't see it cuz it's invisible) *bacon disappears bite by bite* MAN Y'ALL SUCK AT THIS GAME *SCHNOMF HOMF* GOH NO FUDDAMEHHALS *INVISIBLE EATING SOUNDS* WHUDDYU ALL SDARD WIH KIGGUM HARTZ?! NEBBER HURDA VADISH BEFORE OR SUBBIN
*reappears* DING DING DING Really wanted a gif to accompany this but every motherfucker who records FFIX runs kills all the Drakans in the Desert Palace with Lv5 Death #1stworldproblems
Gambits: Basch Ally: HP <50% >> Curaga Ally: Any >> Raise Ally: MP <40% >> Ether Sforzato: Invisible >> Oil Sfozato: Any >> Firaga Basch used an Ether. Basch is preparing Oil. Basch used Oil! Basch is preparing Firaga. Basch used Firaga!