This place is just too fuckin silly for me. Last night was hugely disappointing. Seriously you guys can't handle someone leaving. And it's not like i like many of you in the first place. John you're cool i'll still talk to you on AIM and shit, the rest of you i don't really care.
Take care, Atlas and what happened is over. Let it go and good luck to you. However, if you return, as most of us do, I will point and laugh at you for doing what so many of us have done.
Your like 4th person that said they would leave this week O.o bye, have a good time in the real world
See ya around, Nick. Most people really do wind up coming back here; this place is like a drug at its best and worst times alike. Either way, talk to you later.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you guys are cold Well see ya dood try and come on sometimes on your Sister PSP or somthing.
Bye then. As previously stated by others I would not be surprised if you came back in one way or another though.
leaving is hard but once you've done it you feel so FREEEEEEEEE lets hang out in the real world, you need to start coming to cross practice.