Seeing what's to come in dreams and ESP.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by AlexleHoshi, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Alright first let me give you my examples to make my point clear.

    Earlier this year, late January I think, I had a dream that my ex would dump me and on the 17th she did, about a week or so later I had another dream her sister was mad at me for something, and after a few of us stayed at her sisters house, she got bad at us for making a mess, I've also had a few, quite a few years ago where I saw a place in my dreams then seeing it the next day, and another where I dream about Egypt and the next day I saw an episode of a murder detective show with an Egyptian theme.

    So has anyone else had dreams like? If so tell us.

    Now to move on to ESP (Extrasensory perception) now my experiences with this, is how I've been able to tell someone else feelings for someone else without them showing any sighs or showing the complete opposite feelings. The first out of two I'm going to talk about is one my friends falling for another, but she's only just come out saying she like them and showing she likes them and felt like I've know since last year in August. The second, I've felt like hasn't liked me, even though a few times she's been needy for my attention because I forgot to reply, I picked up she didn't like me last year around May time, but it was confirmed around Christmas/new year.

    Do you have any experiences with ESP?
  2. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Here' s a quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it summarizes my opinion about ESP quite well :

    Everyone can decipher the human behavior, some people are just naturally better at it (or more trained at it) than others.
    Most people don' t realize all the rules and nuances of human behavior on a conscious level (as, say, mentalists do), instead their brain intuitively process the evidence gathered by their five senses on a subconscious level.

    If I was to explain fore-telling dreams I would assume they rely on the exact same information processing mechanisms, nothing supernatural about it. Personally I don' t remember experiencing any fore-telling dream, and when it comes to reading human behavior I' m average-skilled.
  3. shadusnox Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 7, 2011
    The land of wonder and gazement
    I've had several dreams like that, but they are always very specific and never anything important

    I think my most disturbing dream was when I was at school and two random people (a boy and a girl) that I had never seen before were talking near me, and the guy got out what looked like a long fat pink string broken up into segments and gave it to the girl telling her happy 6 month anniversary. The next day I actually recognized them from my dream and saw what the thing was, it turned out to be some kind of strawberry sweets that she liked.

    I can't tell how people are feeling though, I'm terrible at reading people even when they are really obvious about it

    Oh and by the way the sixth sense is real, but it's not what most people think.
    Close your eyes and touch your index finger to your nose
    How did you do that? Did you smell your finger to your nose? Did you feel the difference in the air and know which way your nose was? How did you know it was the index finger? This is the sixth sense, the body's awareness of where it is in relation to itself.
  4. NemesisPrime Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 4, 2011
    The World That Never Was
    Ah yes, I've had dreams where it has predicted the future but usually nothing too important just seeing conversations yet to be and sights I shall soon see.

    The human brain is a wonderful thing isn't it?
  5. Xarioth Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 14, 2011
    I feel that we don't predict the future, but since while awake, we don't even come close to using 100% of our brains potential, we can't see through things. I believe in our sleep we tap into the hidden side of our brain, and from outcomes that have already occurred, our brain can determine a course of action that could come into play. I actually do this quite a bit. I did it just the other day actually about getting a message on Facebook from a random girl, and I did.

    On an ESP note, I do believe in it, since i'm sure the hidden parts of our brain can comprehend such things, while we can't. Like getting random cold chills and such even though its hot as mess. Since I do believe in ghost's and things like that, I feel that part of our brain shows a projection of images that the active part of our brain can't fully perceive.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    This isn't true at all. The reason you say this is because too many times people have said that we only use 10% of our brain. Well that's because why do we need to be constantly using the rest of it? The rest of our brains basically work on the other things we take forgranted. For example, walking. Do you consciously put effort into each step you take and attempt to remain balanced everytime you move forward? Of course not, the rest of your brain does that for you subcounsciously. Just because someone says we only use 10% of our brain doesn't mean that the rest of it could be used for silly powers that don't even exist.

    I don't believe in ESP. Just because you dream of something and it happens is because your mind subconscoiously peices things together that you wouldn't be able to while being awake. Essentially, your subconscious self is much smarter than you while you're awake. Because of this, people misinterpret it as it being ESP. Also, they mistake coincidence and things that would happen anyways for ESP as well. Yes, it's an entertaining thought but it's just not something that's real.

    Only scientists(like myself) can predict the future. *trollface*
  7. Xarioth Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 14, 2011
    It would of been more correct for me to say, we can't focus on a specific thing, so we limit our potential. For example, our brain is able to process faster than any computer made, but it is overwhelmed with things like our senses as emotions, and can't concentrate on a specific thing. If we could consciously control our brain, we could be doing some amazing things right now. That's like how our human body is so complex, we can't even bring out even close to 100% of its potential.