Secret Ending Video!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 29, 2007.

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    1. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      Anyways, to get back on I said before...did it seem that the guy at the end (the one who took of his helmet, i think) look like he transformed into someone (or something) cause his face got really, really dark and his eyes turned yellow.
    2. shyacho
      Me likes keyblade psychokinesis :D

      But yeah wtf I wanna hear the music (and rip it >.>). It's also so intense and in kinda poor quality that I can hardly tell what's going on @_@
    3. Desmonic
      My record is 14:25, with the drive gauge level 7 when your normal..
    4. Inasuma

      It's a possibility. :/
    5. AXELMemerised

      my shortest is 10 hours
      skiiping scenes, but i did take my time

      he must be a pretty big KH fan if he got it by ripping
    6. Theforgottenangel
      He did say that they were new characters but remeber this he said it when the first secret ending came out and all of them were cover. He said all the nights were new characters, but he also said not all of them are new, and the only person whos not new in that ending is mickey.........I JUST REALLY HOPING ITS NOT ROXAS CUZ I WILL CRY IF IT IS, CUZ HE DIES!!!
    7. Inasuma
      You don't have to be a fan.

      He's probably doing it to favor us all...and to benefit himself. He's a hacker, I bet. XD
    8. Roxas
      Yes, it's a possibility.

      I see Earth Magic, a massive keyblade storm, and Reflect.


      Get this:

      this happens in the past; how?

      Notice how Mickey has Star Seeker. We get Star Seeker from Yensid, right? What if Mickey got Star Seeker from Yensid after he completed the training with him just like we did. So this presumably takes place in the past.

      If so: where the **** has this guy been?
    9. Yozora
      Nomura is in this thread right now and he is playing games with us ;O

      Man I'm sure its Roxas.
    10. AXELMemerised
      yeah theres always that too

      i was like ZOMG!
      the old guy looks powerful!!!
    11. Utawarezen
      It could be Roxas although I doubt it, but you never know. He might have been frozen and then...wait a second. Maybe the Birth By Sleep refers to Roxas, he was born anew. When Roxas first appears outside of the mansion, Xemnas says "The new you." referring to him now being Roxas and part of the Organization. Someone could have taken him to Twilight Town and put him in one of those pods. Just a theory.
      EDIT: Actually this is all wrong. Nevermind. Roxas was created after Sora turned into a Heartless, I totally forgot about that. If this took place in the past, there's no way that is Roxas.
      EDIT: Or maybe he was just born anew once Sora turned into a Heartless. >_>;
    12. Roxas
      That old guy... what comes out of him? I don't think it's a Heartless or a Nobody, just a power he has.
    13. Inasuma
      Very observant.

      Though it COULD be in the future as well. Don't forget that Mickey trained with him a LONG time ago. He never had the keyblade until he went to get it; from I forget where. D:

      But the point is--it's not too determinable. I think it might be the past as well, but we have to wait and see.
    14. Theforgottenangel

      REALLY? Something is telling me its not....
    15. Roxas

      This video is just so amazing. It's so intense, it's like something out of a full-fledged movie.
    16. Desmonic
      You know I dont think its Roxas either, but if it were this could be before he got to the Org. XIII. He got frozen, he forgot his past, the Org. found him and he became one of them til he decided to run and find all about his past...
    17. Roxas
      This guy must be god to be able to summon Kingdom Hearts with the flick of a wrist.
    18. AXELMemerised
      the old guy is going to be killed duh!
      haha thats why we just NOW find out about him
    19. Inasuma
      He's not God.

      He's ****ing....GOD x infinity.

      ****ing ridiculous.
    20. Yozora
      Oh great man you deserve rep ^_^

      I agree with you it might be him. I mean its not like Sora and Kairi had a baby and then the baby came and looked like Roxas and that now they fight evil tegether :\ Or could it? >.>
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