Secret Ending Video!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 29, 2007.

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    1. Inasuma

      Listen to his opinion next time--
    2. Desmonic
      True, true but we never know... he might get unfreezed, cooked an live again!
    3. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      Shadow Tactician - - I'm open to your opinion and I'm willing to accept it.

      John S. - - Enough with the saracasm, he's only stating his opinion how many times does he have to say that?
    4. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      dude, lighten up. i said its an OPINION. you do know what an opinion is, right? its what one or more people believe to be true. i said that was my opinion, and i'll stick with it. if i'm wrong, who cares? will it end the world? i don't think so. so if you make such a big deal over NOTHING, you probably shouldn't even say anything.
    5. John S.
      John S.
      His opinion makes no sense, it defys everything we know, Alright from now on my opinion is earth is made of jello, know one say otherways or else your just bashing my opinion.
    6. Inasuma
      GUYS. STOP. NOW.

      Anyway, continue posting. This thread'll be locked if it continues. >.>; *PM's mod to watch this thread*
    7. Roxas
      Even if that's Roxas or not, he's dead. Did you not see his hand and other assorted body parts being shattered from his body as he fell down the side of the cliff?
    8. DigitalAtlas
      Lol, good. I really want to see it. Not a crappy version like this...

      It's still umm... "shipping" :rolleyes: Anyway, I honestly didn't want to see it unless it was good quality... But, I'm weak, lol.
    9. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      see? now your just being a jerk. many others agree with me about this. that doesn;t make it true. many agree with you john, but that also doesn't make it true. and obviously, the earth isn't made of jello, because we know for a FACT, that it isn't. now lighten up, and stop bashing me. you dont want people making fun of you, don't do it to others.
    10. Kira
      Well... I do Say he looks Alot like Roxas, but that's just my opinion.
      There's always a chance that it is, and a chance that it isn't.
      Since with him, it's hard to tell. It's not like he's going to goi and tell people who they are. Instead, he doesn't tell people who they are, creating more mystery, and people become more interested....
      So, you never really know...
    11. John S.
      John S.
      The knight did get rocked, I think its great that there actually having bodys shatter(been waiting a while to see that one).
    12. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      what a horrible way to die....:(
    13. Theforgottenangel

      Actually it was his keyblade that broke apart not his body
    14. Roxas
      What an awesome way to die!!!

      Someone needs to ****ing translate NOW
    15. Utawarezen
      Okay, so what if that person really is Roxas. What will you say then? D:

      As for me, I think it's a new character, but it looks a lot like Roxas.
    16. finalArcanaXXX
      Just a thought... WHO ON EARTH COULD HAVE FINISHED THE GAME THIS FAST!!!!!!!!!!:confused:
    17. Desmonic
      Well... I think everyone can express their opinion, if within certain limits...
    18. Roxas
      I think he's related to Roxas but not him. He was made to look like Roxas for a reason.
    19. Utawarezen
      They didn't. He extracted the files from the disc using his computer.
    20. Inasuma
      Translations will be up soon.

      Lol. Like in a few hours. Someone'll do it eventually. XD
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