Secret Ending Video, with secret Ending Music

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *UPDATE*Secret Ending Video, with secret Ending Music

    Hey guys, it should be noted that indeed the Secret Ending Video was put up earlier, however last time it had no sound, music or anything.

    This time from the Kingdom Hearts Complete OST, I managed to mix it with the Video done by Dark Helmet543 who deserves all credit for the video!

    Edit: Also HQ version is now downloadable!;7072675;/fileinfo.html

    And yes the audio is mixed right, the video's ending proves it.

    Please, post your theories, speculations and any other concerns in the speculation section. Spamming in news and updates will result in a warning.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 29, 2007.

    1. Nushaa
      I'm in love with the music. <3
    2. thisguy203
      i dont hear any music
    3. DaBigDragon
    4. kams48
      you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo right
    5. OmarM
      dude that was so cool and yea ix_Marisa_xi is rigth the Khight that looks liek Roxas dose move his eyes so he migth not be dead anayways this is so cool i cant wait 2 get it
    6. kams48
      i'm soooooooooooooooooo confused who are those people? what is goin on i will kill myself
    7. Bloodios
      -Uhhh....Guys, I noticed something (you guys probably have noticed it too). The clothings of the bald old man, it identical to one of Xeharnort (the Heartless), but the pair golden-like eyes is also identical to him. Also, the ears (pointy ears): I have watched many Kingdom Hearts FMVs in slow motion and found something rather wierd - sometimes I saw Xehanort with pointy ears, but the drawing in the journal doesn't show that. Anyway, I'm pretty sure myself that the bald old man is or at least must be closely (like one cm away) related to Xehanort.

      -The Roxas-look-alike Knight, I know he could not be Roxas according to what Nomura said (but Nomora may have been hiding that, SQUARE staff always have the habit of do the opposite of what they said), but he must be, as Xehanort, closely related to the Roxas we knew.

      -Or maybe..................ummm.........

      -Oh! Could it be that the whole things took place in a parallel world? Well, you would solve the Roxas-look-alike Knight problem as he is a parallel being of Roxas.

      -Wait....what about King Mickey? Maybe he traveled to the parallel world where Xehanort's double resided. I must have sensed great danger and send the letter to Sora's gang.

      -Cannot explain where on Earth are Goofy and Donald, nor the indentities of the other two Knights.

      -By the way, the video was cool and the music was amazing.

      *I saw someone wrote that when the Roxas-look-alike Knight fell, his arms shattered to pieces. It was actually the keyblade and his helmet that shattered(Nomura wouldn't go that far as make body of a human being shatter, just too violence for Kingdom Hearts).*

      *The tallest Knight looks like Saix (the hair style) by the way*
    8. remedetoxique
      can anyone please convert the video from WMV to like.. MOV or AVI.
    9. keyblader of a nobody
      keyblader of a nobody
      But keep in mind that S.E. said that it took in the future! (or maybe past... i 4got)
      also King Mickey has Sora's Keyblade that originally was powered by Goofy when he turned to Valor Form. in other words, Yen Sid gave that keyblade to Sora.
      And the King's Keyblade was golden and if am not insain IF you replace the chain from K.M. keyblade, shouldnt it turn Golden?! also, how come he has that keybladein the 1st place!!!

      Also Mr. Baldy could be in fact Xehanort's Heartless (Ansem kh1) because (my theory) when he died he said "Light...But why...?" then poof, boom, dead! deal with it! maybe he didn't died but just disappeared? and he came back with more knowledge about Kingdom Hearts. Studing the heart and its powers possibly crushed his "heart" again and thats how Spider-Man impostor got created!

      Also with Roxas (100% sure he is) wielded a chainless Keyblade. not to mention, not Kingdom Key like he used to. I mean he grabbed it but he didnt use it!


      EDIT: Remedetoxique, u should pay close attention to the news!
      go back to the front page and look for a HiDef link that is below the Youtube video.
    10. remedetoxique

      that video file is also WMV
    11. AverixxoftheDivineFlame
      i downloaded it and it is soundless.
      and the youtube thing wont work.......
    12. keyblader of a nobody
      keyblader of a nobody
      OOPPS! my bad... i was just so excited about it that i shut down my brain!
      n e wyz, i got it converted but i dont know how to upload it so you can get it!?

    13. Inasuma
      I've watched it over 30 times...

      It rocks so hard. Most intense thing I've ever seen. This clip DEFINES intense. @_@
    14. Utawarezen
      The music makes it 5000x better. It gets better and better every time I watch it, been watching it for the past couple of hours nonstop. I agree with you Darky on the fact that it is extremely intense.
    15. riku-josh07
      That was cool. That guy that got "frozen" looked a lot like Roxas.
    16. Xaldin
    17. Jordier0xs0x
      Xaldin that was awsome!! Man that video never gets old!!
    18. KeyChaser
      The tallest knight really looks like Saix... even the color of the eyes if im not wrong(When he becomes beserk)... Think it takes place in the a new plane between the realm of darkness and of light... Oso, the roxas look-a-like may be the missing puzzle to one of ansemn's reports that a person is made up of a soul, body and a heart. Perhaps the look-a-like roxas is the soul part of sora? *jus a hypothesis*
    19. homer jigmee
      homer jigmee
      its better w/ the sound, but the only part i understood was the part with mickey.:mad:
    20. Crispers
      OMG i lov this soooo much god i want the game >:[

      and birth by sleep is such a cool way to start the secret ending

      like it makes u think alot.....

      and it can mean alot of things but...

      wat does it mean for this game???
      who knows..maybe its something the total oppiste of wee think it is..

      but ppl dont think this is the game
      cuz we were fooled with deep dive remember??
      this has info on wat we will see in the future but dont think this is the game:p