Sup faggotcakes. Welcome again to "Music that TMM likes and is therefore superior to your taste, congratulations on sucking so much". Today's entry: Sea Wolf, an indie-shit solo band of Mr. Alex Brown Church, whose music channels a little bit of Bright Eyes' Conor Oberst and Death Cab's Benjamin Gibbard (and I'd say Matt Pond PA too, but most of you probably don't know him), so if that shit gets a tingle going on your loins, then you may just be up for this. High five. At the moment the only album available for download that I could find is his "Leaves in the River" album, but he does have an EP and a 2008 album somewhere. So, get hype.
You told me about this **** earlier and I fell in love with it all. Song of the Dead is my favorite of those 4. Good stuff mang