Science AND Relegion?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Feb 19, 2008.

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  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    My questions are spread through this post so skip anything to the question if you want too.

    I see loads of topics on here saying that the Bible’s fake science is right, and Christianity devotion is stupid, Science isn’t willing to believe in anything past what their see and so on, but there is still something I don’t understand.

    Why does either a religion or a science have to ‘correct’ the beliefs of someone else?

    Christians for many centuries have lived good and fulfilling lives, without the countless and different religions in the world, Science would have never been born.
    And people who believe in Science, as well live great lives, always being encouraged to explore

    What’s the problem in either?

    Religion brings discipline, teaches us morals and encourages courage, happiness and positive thinking. Science brings us knowledge of the world we live in, how to design, create, build and destroy almost everything.

    Why do you have to pick between Religion and Science, why not pick the best of both?

    I know some science contradicts some religion and visa-versa but in the 21st-century, our brainpower should be able to make the choice of what pieces we should and shouldn’t believe in.
    Religion gives a way of life while Science gives knowledge of life. If people could practise science on the outside and religion on the inside, everyone could get the benefits of both sides.
  2. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    A lot of people do pick the best of both worlds, so to speak. The debate has never had to be as narrowed-minded as almost every forum on the internet has made it out to be. The best example that comes to mind is the view that evolution is in fact a form of intelligent design. It's unfortunate that most people come to the table with such extreme points of view when both are wielded by those even thought to be lunatics by their own colleagues at times. You're a fool if you believe that you can disprove a god, or that science hasn't merited anything.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    There are quite a few scientists that are religious. The problem is that science can be considered blasphemy by religion if it -dares- to explore the religion documents and finds things wrong. Scientists have been hung, tortured, and killed for not believing. Scientists haven't done this to religious people and wouldn't, considering some -are- religious. Some religious people have also tried to make it out that science is a lie and their way is the only way. Consider what Lady Hope did to Darwin by claiming that on his death bed he denounced science and his theories and was religious while his daughter said she was not even THERE at his death bed and entirely lied.

    Science is not religion. Despite how many people try to comfort themselves by saying it is and just because someone is an Atheist, it does not mean they are very scientific either and vice versa applies. There are scientists who study religion but keep to areas where it does not test their faith so much or delve in and think for themselves. Some religions also mesh a lot better with science than the monotheistic ones, which are the ones with the real problems against science.

    I agree that we have the brain power to determine whether we believe in religion or not and it's all fine and good to me. However, many people do not get a real choice until they are away from home to think about it and there are a distinct number of people who feel you do -not- have the right to use your brain but in the service of God. Nor do they even get a choice to be another religion apart from their family without ridicule, scorn and sometimes severe punishment. Science doesn't seem to care that much what religion a person is and anyone can pick up a book and read and also study how they want. However, some religious families are very strict on how things work, as well as religious groups and they will denounce theories of science and make young kids learn their ways way before High School, where the controversial science material comes out (i.e. biology and evolution, earth sciences, studies of dinosaurs etc).

    I remember trying to even read books on other religions growing up and my mother freaked on me. Finally, I was sick of the oppression and her trying to force me to church and said I was no longer a Christian since I could not even study mythologies of Egyptian and Norse etc without her going nutty. After that I had to hear from her and others of her family all about how bad I was being. When I told her I preferred Buddhism because it gave me more control in my own hands to find a path, she called me a blasphemer etc. She tried to make me go to various Protestant churches (because she hated Catholics with a passion) and after some of the wonderful sights there, it totally broke the chains for me.

    There are groups of the monotheistic faiths that encourage people to broaden their minds and explore and so these people move on and keep things flowing and they do become prominent in science as well. Those who do not are the problems. It's not even because of their 'belief' that makes them a problem. It's because they control a vast amount of politics and constantly are trying to take the rights of other people to believe in what they want. They refuse to recognize others because what those people are doing are 'sinning' and sin is a powerful word. When you are raised to believe that disbelieving in God, Allah etc is blasphemy and a sin that condemns you to suffering on earth and in Hell, it's kind of hard to make you respect other people, isn't it? Let's also take into account that disbelieving in God has been used as a reason for genocide. This means that you cannot respect people of other religions, you cannot respect those who do not believe in a religion at all, or even those who question the beliefs or redesign it to fit their own needs. So those who believe adamantly in the monotheistic faiths can never fully accept that there are Hindus, Buddhists, Agnostics, Deists, Wiccans or Atheists or any religion or spiritual belief not of their own.

    Since they can never accept Hindus, Agnostics, Buddhists, Deists, Wiccans, Atheists and every other religion or lack there of, because their very mental thoughts are immoral and sins, it's not "science" that is the problem. It's thinking outside the box that is in error and just thinking differently automatically ostracizes people. Your faith or lack of faith is the issue here; not science itself as it is not a religion or way of thought or path. It is simply exploring and learning. There are many people, however, that are not this way and I have quite a few friends who follow the Christian path. I don't hate them. They don't hate me. We respect each other, like each other and neither side tries to 'convert' the other.

    This is how it should be universally but unfortunately, until some people believe that thinking differently is not a 'sin' the arguments will continue. Until these zealots stop caring what others think and take care of their own lives, others can't live theirs in freedom. People cannot get -married- who are of different faiths and the families if they do will loath one another. I lived through this having a Catholic father that was pretty open minded and a Protestant mother who was very strong willed. The two families had an extremely difficult time getting along. This mentality of thinking that you can believe in God and be cleansed of any other sin but disbelieving automatically makes you the worst being around prevents unification and those who are religious that don't see things this way work well with others. Those who do not are out burning Harry Potter books, condemning movies that may have themes of corruption of religion, and are screaming about Evolution being taught in High School, griping about video games, violent movies, sexual scenes and music, and condemning certain sexual behaviors. There is no way to win with these people other than to keep fighting for rights we should be able to have.
  4. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    both can be correct, i dont' see why people only think one is correct. perhaps God or whoever it is that creates stuff created evolution. i can't see why people can't accept that. that right there is a middle ground between both arguements that can make both sides happy (at least i would hope so)
  5. Repliku Chaser

    The point is that people shouldn't -have- to accept it. If someone believes in God, they have every right. If others do not, we aren't buying into God made everything. There is a serious lack of acknowledging that people just don't feel the same way as the mainstream. What needs to be known is that there are other opinions out there and people should stop condemning others for not believing as they do but some cannot because it is a sin to do so.
  6. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007

    I believe it's just a matter of opinion, though half the time it does look like we have to choose.

    I am from the Church of England, but I'm not very religious, on the other hand, I hate Science class. I mean they do bring up points that most people wouldn't. It's just people get angry at religion sometimes when theytry to push it on us, like the stereotypes that Jehova's Witnesses do. I mean, they're following there beliefs.

    Sometimes they can mix, like the one time they actually DID come to my door was when they were asking for charity for people with cancer. Cancer is cured by science, but if people believe it also helps out a lot as it keeps you stronger.

    I mean like I said.. it's a matter of opinion
  7. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Another issue comes from a lack of communication. People already come into these arguments with their mind made up on information and beliefs whether or not they are true. Jehova's Witnesses aren't so bad if you actually listen to them. Of course you'll come across the odd extremist that blames the devil for everything wrong with the world, etc. but most of the people that come to your door simply ask for your take on the matter. If you're not interested they move on. From personal experience I like to take the time to talk with my single-serving religious visitors to clarify and advocate for not only the other side of the debate, but the gray areas in between.
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