I'm sorry to be the one to break the news to you but those of us with jobs don't really have it much better. I was awake before 8AM this morning and I get to do it again tomorrow morning. 8D
For most days in a year. Almost a seventh (1/6.954036675~) of your life is spent in school if you live to be eighty. Not counting universities. Kindergarten and twelve grades.
Alright getting technical on me. I thought it was clever and convenient. But yea, it isn't really seven hours any more. Maybe school needs a new name...
Kids should be left in libraries, not kept in classes. I didn't go to school, and I'm not worse off for it. Am I?
Where I go to school, this statement is false. My school day is six hours and forty-five minutes. Starting at 7:50 AM and ending at 2:35 PM. Still sucks, though. XD
Yes, but most kids find something productive to do with their time, especially if expectations are set for them; if they have goals to complete, and prizes. That's why summer reading programs are so successful.
Yeah, no. I actually enjoyed going to school. [Yanno, aside from the emotional issues I was/am having.] Some of my customers are nice but there are always a few bad apples in the bunch. Drunks, people trying to pull scams, people who are just out to make your day hell just because they're having a bad day, old people who think they're entitled to everything because they're old, screaming kids whining because they didn't get the candy bar/cereal/ice cream they wanted. I consider myself lucky that no one's pulled a gun on me yet. I don't recall having to worry about or deal with that sort of thing at school. [Though my classmates thought I'd be the one bringing the gun. They told me as much to my face/when I was in earshot.] Then there is the fact that I get a paycheck. Which is nice. Granted most of it goes towards bills, gas, and car payments. What's left goes in the bank to collect interest.
I know this is true of myself. You're not worse off for not going to school. In fact, you seem like one of the more rational and intellectual people that I know.