School Uniforms

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Roxas is Hot, Sep 9, 2007.

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  1. Prodigy Guest

    In some ways I love uniforms. The pants for some reason are always comfortable (don't ask why). And some of them at schools look really nice and professional.

    But I also don't like them because it doesn't allow anyone to express themselves.
  2. Xemnas7355 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 23, 2007
    In a way they are good and bad...

    Good- They are good because some people may not have the money to keep up with the latest fasion trends.

    Bad- They restrict creativity and the prices of the uniforms themselves are probably more than the price of a few shirts and jeans.

    I personally think they are a bad thing!
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Actually I'm pretty sure that when you register at a uniformed school they supply it free if you have low income.

    Dishonesty FTW!
  4. Frodis Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 30, 2006
    I am totally against school uniforms.
    Kids need to express themsevles.
    They are very expensive.
    I coould rant about them but I won't.
  5. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Our uniforms aren't uncomfortable. Just boring.

    I personally don't care one way or the other. I have no reason to disobey the uniform, so I guess I'll wear it.
  6. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    In my opinion, if it is a public school only basic public decency rules should apply (no 'plumber clevage or overexposure of regular cleavage, or profanties or strong pgraphic content, ect.) But as for private schools, uniforms are part of their rules, after all, it is a PRIVATE school in that they can circumvent the "expression" clause just as they can circumvent the "religion" clause (think PRIVATE CATHOLIC schools if that does not make any sense).

    Now, in my opinion, the uniforms are both a good a bad thing. Security and professionalism, plus the reduction of bullying are some of the good points. But some of the main bad points as was mentioned earlier were cost and "loss of individuality".

    Now then, here are some counterpoints for that "loss of individuality".
    -If you play a sport you wear a uniform.
    -When you graduate you wear a uniform.
    -When you go to a school dance you wear a 'sort' of uniform.
    -When you get a job you will most likely have to wear a uniform.
    -Expression is a privilage in a place that is intended for work.
    -Wearing conventional (ie: guys can only wear pants, etc.) clothing in on itself is a UNIFORM. (Not that you should go streaking or anything, but you get my point.)

    (Unless you are a fashion designer or someone else in that profession, you will most likely not be given much open freedom with your clothing WHILE WORKING.)

    So really, uniforms in a place that is supposed to focus on academics....expression is great, but why rely on only clothing to express yourself? Besides, you can always express yourself with your clothing AFTER SCHOOL. Anyway, that's my analysis on that.

    (But in hypocritical retrospect, school uniforms really shouldn't limit girls to wearing only skirts- I say this because of the change in the social settings.)
  7. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    I hate school uniforms! HATE HATE HATE!
    1st Having a high price just for uniforms!
    3th It is very hot wearing the freaking school uniforms (made me hard to breath!)
    4th I can't express any of my feelings right because of school uniforms
    5th It looks kinda dorky wearing them all the time in the school premises (but in some school i'll make and exception :) )

    I would put more but i only have 40 minutes till i go to school (I ALSO HATE SCHOOL!)
  8. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    Ah, I'm torn here between good and bad. Sure, you lose your sense of individuality, but at the same time it stops kids from wearing suggestive themes that could get them kicked out.

    Back home where I live, the middle school and younger crowd can't wear any sort of graphic tees because the guys would walk around with shirts saying "Free Mary Jane" with a big pot leaf on it, or a Corona shirt with scantily clad women on the back. I've seen 10-year old girls wear shirts with the "My eyes are up here, idiot" thing on em. They're 10!

    I do have a funny story though. My brother was sent home from school to change in the 8th grade for wearing a shirt with the Pillsbury Dough boy on it, sporting the phrase "Poke me and DIE!!"
  9. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    I say that they should let people wear things that are at least appropriate. If you won't show individuality, doesn't that mean mean discrimination of your rights?
    But....I also see the point to uniforms, if you want to join them, you have to dress like them......
  10. Repliku Chaser

    I'm rather torn on the issue. I can see the good points to uniforms and the bad points.

    The good points:
    School uniforms provide a uniformity to classes and students. No one is going to be showing off their 300 dollar pants, 150 dollar sweater, named brand stuff while the poor kids have 10 dollar Walmart shirts or skirts. Also, gang paraphernalia would be out the door. There wouldn't be 'color wars' in the hallway over a stupid bandanna. It would eliminate discrimination of students based on attire which -does- happen and is really annoying. Also, kids couldn't get picked on for wearing a piece of clothing twice in the same week, not even on the same day. I really hated that I had a T-shirt I liked and someone called me dirty and nasty because I wore it on Monday and then on Friday. Of course it was washed! Another point is that it stops the need to make 300 rules for students to follow such as 'no spaghetti strings', no armpits showing, no belly's exposed, pants are up covering your butt, etc. Some students ruin it for everyone else by constantly wearing things to push the boundaries of the rules, if not cross them. Uniforms would cancel it out.

    I'm not saying individuality is a bad thing, but we all do not look alike to begin with, and in school, individuality is not so important. We're there to learn and too many people take school as social hour or mock other kids hour or brag about your stuff. People can still express individuality by art, jewelry and hair styles, make up etc.

    Now the bad points:

    You do lose some rights to individuality and sometimes you do have to pay for uniforms. Also, some student uniforms are UGLY!!!! I've seen a few I might consider but most are really disgusting and out of date. They could do something besides plaid skirts for girls. No one wears plaid. And they could just let guys do clip on ties. Maybe add -some- style to the attire so the kids look nice and all but also so they don't look like total nerds, and the uniforms should be easy to maintain, and not having to be ironed. Kids do a lot in a day as it is. Also, they should consider student comfort and the climate the student lives in so if it's warm out there is different attire than when cold. If the skirts and pants are made out of wool...which some are...yech. You'd be itching all the time. Also, I think that there should be times people can wear a t-shirt sort of attire and pants, and why do girls have to wear skirts? I just think that some thought needs to go into school uniforms before they would be accepted and being forced to wear them shouldn't make you feel like you are 'ugly' yourself. If I'd have to wear one, I'd want to look good. I'd want to sit in comfort and be casual like work casual Fridays or something, rather than looking like a religious school kid from the 40's.
  11. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    Actually another point I believe mentioning that is relevant that people seem to be bringing up as a "negative" for uniforms....PAYING FOR IT.

    People pay more for their A&F and Juicy and whatnot attire then uniforms (though I have a limited scope)-

    But generally even though uniforms are not cheap...they aren't exactly wallet-killing expensive (in my experience, 42$ for the whole uniform). However this was at a private school where really, you're supposed to be playing by their rules anyway.
  12. Repliku Chaser

    42 to 60 bucks isn't bad for a uniform really, considering the way kids go to school with much more expensive attire easily. I wouldn't have figured it would be too expensive either.
  13. TabbyRoxas Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 4, 2007
    Australia. It's Hot there.
    Nearly all the Schools in Australia have school uniforms. My school uniform is so ugly. In summer we wear Shorts and a Shirt, and in Winter we wear Pants and a Shirt with a Tie. The Tie has to be up at your neck all the time but only nerds obey this rule (I dont obey this rule because im not a NERD!)

    The uniforms make everyone look like Grey and White Mental Patients:yelling:
  14. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    $42?! That is like £21 -__- That would get you a cheap blazer from like a supermarket and then you would have to sew the school badge on >_>.

    As for bullying over clothes and gang wars etc. I don't know anyone at my school who would be sad enough to do that. That would be a local problem that would exist already at the school.

    Also, regulations on jewellery and hair are as strict as the uniform regulations at my school. Jewellery for guys is pratically non-existant, and for girls it's the bare minimum. Guys can't have hair touching the collar of your blazer (which is possibly the most sexist rule I've ever heard of, and I plan to fight it if I'm told off for my hair >_> FIGHT THE POWER :3).
  15. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Some of these remind of me of school uniforms era 1950. Which was rather...strict as far as regulations went.

    One famous example is the length of the girls skirts. If they knelt down and the hem of the skirt did not touch the floor, they'd be told to change.

    I know I said earlier that school is a place for learning. But does it matter how you're dressed? Should it matter your appearance to how you learn?

    I don't think so.

    But then again, a uniform is not unheard of in this day and age. Sure you hear kids complaining about it but as Zandyne said earlier, chances are you will have to wear a uniform/have some sort of dress code at work. Consider your school uniforms/dress a learning experience for this future happening.
  16. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    i wouldnt mind uniforms if they were something like what kairi wears xD but the uniforms for the local catholic school are ugly and expensive. the only complaints i hear about them is they take away from individuality and it stops bullying, but i havent heard anyone get bullied about clothes in my school before. and the teachers would have trouble making the kids at my school wear uniforms, since they can hardly control the students at all. and then there are the *****y parents in my district that complain about kids playing tag during recess. i cant imagine thier reaction if they hear that they need to buy uniforms.
  17. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    No uniforms for us!

    Good thing, too. I hate uniforms. The purpose of them is to get kids to be more concerned about learning rather than appearance, but really, I would be more comfortable wearing what I want to at school rather than what the school dictates.

    The rules are, however very harsh. We can't wear flip flops, carry purses, or wear hoodies that don't have school related logos/sayings on them.

    It sucks.

    All uniforms=bad

  18. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    All uniforms are bad you say?

    The police wear unifroms, nurses and doctors wear uniforms, various sports' teams wear uniforms and a majority of professional businesses wear uniforms.

    Now if all uniforms were truly bad and you were able to abolish it, say you needed help at the hospital....HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHO THE DOCTOR WAS?! (Nurses and interns technically have medical experience but would you trust their advice over a DOCTOR?)

    Better yet, say you called for the police to help you in your home for some reason, if they had no uniforms (Police cars are also a uniform if you think about it!) how would you know it was a cop helping you and not an accomplice to the criminal??

    Calling a uniform uncomfortable may be one thing, but abolishing them on that sole point is like saying you won't take medicine because it is BITTER/tastes nasty! Also not all uniforms are uncomfortable, but I only have one school uniform to compare to, so I can't vouch for much more than that. c_c
  19. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    calm down Zaydane, you're overreacting. i think that person meant that all SCHOOL uniforms were bad. i'm pretty neutral about it. i can see both sides well. the ppl for it want to prevent fights becuz students will do stupid things like beat the crap out of a kid becuz he's dressed funny. but then again, as for the ppl against it, they say it will get rid of self expression which is important. i'm really neutral.
  20. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    Yes! I have to wear a uniform, and it downright sucks.
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