Scattered Dreams.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Sce13, Mar 20, 2007.

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  1. Sce13 Banned

    Jan 28, 2007
    In darkness, with Riku
    Scattered Dreams

    Seph, a sixteen year old boy with long light blue hair and a black outfit, walked down to the beach during a beautiful sunset. As he reached the ocean, he looked down to see Ariel sitting in the sand, holding a seashell necklace. Ariel is a 16 year old girl with medium blonde hair, red eyes, and a blue ensemble.
    “Ariel, you going to be okay?†asked Seph as he sat down beside her on the beach.
    “I’ll be fine,†she said sadly looking at her necklace.
    “Do you want to talk about it?†asked Seph. Ariel got this mad look on her face and threw the necklace into the ocean.
    “It’s not fair! Out of everyone in this world, why did it have to be her?†yelled Ariel furiously as teardrops began rolling down her face.
    “To tell you the truth, I’m not to sure,†said Seph worried.
    A few days ago Ariels’ mother had disappeared to a prophecy her family has had for generations. She was an only child, just as her mother was.
    “I’m all by myself and I have nowhere to go. I’m gonna disappear to the prophecy too one day. It’s been in my family for a long time and none of my family members had ever escaped it.†Ariel said.
    Seph had got up and held out his hand and said,
    “You can stay with me. I’ll protect you,â€
    Ariel had gotten this happy face and grabbed his hand.
    Seph and Ariel started walking towards the town.
    “You’re name, Seph. What does it mean?†asked Ariel.
    “I’d rather not talk about it,†he sadly expressed.
    “Oh, I’m sorry,†said Ariel.
    “No, it’s my fault for choosing my name,†said Seph.
    “What do you mean?†asked Ariel, “I thought your parents choose your name.â€
    “My parent’s died when I was 10 and I’ve been living by myself ever since,†said Seph.
    “What does that have to do with your name?†asked Ariel.
    “My real name was my fathers’ name,†said Seph. “So I changed it to Sephiroth, but everyone got used to calling me Seph.â€
    “What was your real name?†asked Ariel. Seph looked at her in silence and said,
    “Hirogoshi,†said Seph.
    Ariel stopped walking and looked at Seph frozen in fear.
    “You’re the son of Hirogoshi?†asked Ariel.
    Seph looked at her and said,
    “I wanted to keep it a secret because I knew I couldn’t trust anyone. That’s why I never told anyone. I shouldn’t have told you either.â€
    “What are you saying? That you can’t trust me?†yelled Ariel.
    “I don’t know, can I?†asked Seph.
    “Of course you can. What made you think you can’t?†asked Ariel.
    Seph left a blank face.
    “Once people find out that I am the son of Hirogoshi, they won’t treat me the same. They’ll treat me like I’m an outlaw. Just because my father was evil doesn’t mean I am.â€
    “Wait, I’ve heard the rumors but I’m not for sure if they are true. Do you have the scar?†asked Ariel.
    Seph looked at her and saw her looking at him closely. He raised his right sleeve up and revealed a large scar in the shape of a handprint.
    “Did it hurt?†asked Ariel. Seph got this horrible look in his eyes.
    “I’ll answer that question when you answer this question. Why do you want to know so much about me?†he asked.
    Ariel didn’t say another word. As they continued walking, it had got dark once they stumbled upon the town.
    “Hey Seph, want to go to the beach later?†asked a red haired girl.
    “Not thanks Fiesha, I’m going home right now,†said Seph.
    “Oh well, what about tomorrow?†asked Fiesha.
    “I’ll be waiting,†he said trying to walk away.
    “So, you and Fiesha are a couple?†asked Ariel.
    “No!†yelled Seph, “We are just friends.â€
    “Doesn’t seem like it, the way she looks at you,†said Ariel.
    “I’m not too sure why she likes me,†said Seph.
    “Who wouldn’t?†said Ariel under her breath.
    “Excuse me?†asked Seph.
    “Nothing!†yelled Ariel startled. They ended up walking to a medium sized house.
    “Is this your house?†asked Ariel.
    “Yeah, kind of pathetic isn’t it?†asked Seph.
    “I’d rather not answer that,†said Ariel.
    Seph started chuckling while turning his smiling face into a sad lurking face and told Ariel,
    “I’m sorry Ariel, but Fiesha and me, we are a couple. We’ve been dating for a while.â€
    “Don’t be sorry, It’s not your fault that your happy,†said Ariel walking past him.
    “Yeah, happy,†said Seph quietly.
    The two walked into the house and Seph showed her to a room with a bed a closet and a dresser.
    “You can stay here as long as you want,†said Seph.
    “Thanks Seph. I’ll get my stuff tomorrow from my moms’ house,†said Ariel.
    “Hey Ariel, I never got to ask you but where is your father?†asked Seph.
    “He spends most of his life traveling the world, so I’ve never got to see him,†said Ariel.
    “You’ve never seen him before?†asked Seph.
    “Why are you asking me these questions?†asked Ariel.
    “Probably the same reason you asked me all your questions,†said Seph.
    “Okay, I’ll answer your questions if you answer the last question I gave you,†said Ariel. Seph kind of had this sad yet happy look on his face.
    “Okay, answer all my questions and I’ll answer yours,†said Seph.
    “Alright, no, I haven’t seen my dad in real life but I’ve seen a picture of him a few years ago,†said Ariel.
    “Thanks, and what was the last question you gave me?†asked Seph.
    “I asked you if the scar hurt on your arm,†said Ariel.
    Seph had stayed quiet for a moment.
    “Well?†asked Ariel.
    “Yes,†answered Seph quickly.
    “How did you get the scar?†asked Ariel.
    “I said, I would only answer the last question you gave me, not anymore,†said Seph. Ariel sighed.
    “I’m going to go to bed, I’ll talk to you in the morning,†said Ariel.
    Seph walked out of the room.
    In the middle of the night, Seph had a dream, but this was no ordinary dream. It was a memory of his father and how he got his scar.
    Fire was blazing everywhere, Seph on his knees, and his father standing above him.
    “Father, I’ve shown to you I haven’t been a good son lately, please forgive me,†said Seph.
    “You’ve disrespected my way of life, young one. You’ll find out how hard being a master of fire will feel like,†said his father.
    His father grabbed Seph’s right arm and fire was sent all the way throughout his body. Seph’s mother and Sister were watching but it seems none of them watched. Hearing his screams of terror and pain, there was nothing he could do. But the transfer seemed to leave the scar of his father’s handprint.
    Seph woke up with a fright and sat up. He rolled up his sleeve to see his scar.
    He then thought of a special place he always visited when he was young. He had got out of bed and went for a walk outside. Seph started to walk a path outside the town that nobody had ever seen. Fog started rolling in and the path had gotten dense,
    He walked for half an hour the path that had leaded him to a ledge.
    “Your worst fear has come to be, huh Hirogoshi?†asked a mysterious woman in a red hood.
    “You know I don’t like to be called that,†said Seph.
    “Boo hoo, Hirogoshi hates to be called names,†said the mysterious woman.
    “You started all of this. If you hadn’t made me do your work, I’d never have to be in pain from harnessing all this fire,†said Seph.
    The mysterious woman removed her hood. Her name is Rose. She is 15, has black hair, sapphire eyes, and always wears different shades of red.
    “You think I made you go into his room and look through his files?†asked Rose.
    “Yes, you made me go fetch all of his work for you just so you’d know why he was always so busy!†yelled Seph. He got so mad that flames came out of his hands.
    “Looks like Sephy is getting mad, would you really hit a girl?†said Rose.
    “You’re not just any ordinary girl, you’re my sister,†said Seph.
    He leaped for an attack but she quickly dodged it. She turns around and punches him to the ground.
    “If I can get you mad enough, you can destroy an entire civilization in one sweep,†said Rose.
    “No, I think I will save lives instead of destroying them,†said Seph.
    Rose tries to punch him once again but instead, Seph grabs her fist and pushes her back.
    Rose gets back up and Seph gets in a fighting stance. The two start fighting, both dodging each others attacks, and using special techniques.
    “Give it up Hirogoshi, father always hated you and left you to rot. Father left the house and all his fortune to me in his will, all you got was his fire powers, his pain and suffering,†said Rose. Seph got real mad and pushed her. His eyes turned a maroon color and fire sprouted throughout all his body. Rose stood up and said,
    “We’ll meet again big brother, we’ll meet again.†She ran into the forest and disappeared. The fire had burned out and Seph fell to his knees.
    “My father was evil but my mother was good. What does that make me? Am I an evil child or the Heart of Life?†He stood up and walked home. He hadn’t known he was going to fight his sister, but he thought that his special place was going to unlock his dreams. Turns out he was wrong.
    The next morning, Ariel had gone outside to see such a lovely day. She started heading for the woods to get to her mothers house. Along the way she was stopped by someone.
    “So it seems you know Hirogoshi don’t you?†asked Rose in her hood.
    “His name is Seph and has been my friend for a couple of years. Why do you ask?†asked Ariel.
    “You do not yet know, in his eyes, his dreams, he is immortal, and will always be. As long as he never lets his dreams go. But when he finds the key to unlock those dreams, he’ll be free of being a Master of Fire,†said Rose.
    “What are you talking about? He isn’t a Master of Fire. Who are you anyways?†asked Ariel.
    “I’m his past, haunting every nightmare. He will no longer have normal dreams. Until he unlocks his dreams, he will only have nightmares. Those dreams will stay locked. You apparently have an effect on them. You must be the one,†said Rose Fading back into the forest.
    “Wait! Who are you?†asked Ariel.
    But it was too late, she was gone.
    “What did she mean by the one?†asked Ariel to herself. She started running to her mother’s home.
    Approaching her mother’s home, she stared at the empty home. She walked into her once loving home and went into her old room. She got a suitcase out of her closet and packed all her clothes. She came upon a sparkling beautiful dress that her mother loved. She packed the dress knowing she might not need it. As soon as she got done packing she went into her mother’s room. She found an old scrapbook and stuck it in her suitcase. She saw on her dresser an envelope with her name on it. She opened it and saw a huge diamond necklace and a note inside.
    The note read:
    “Ariel, as you may know, I’ve disappeared and you must be sad. But don’t let me keep you from accomplishing your dreams. I’ve inserted in this envelope my diamond necklace that my grandmother gave my mother that gave it to me. Now I am passing it down to you. I wish for the best for you. Take care Ariel.â€
    Ariel picked up the diamond necklace and out it on. She out the note in her suitcase and left her once beautiful home.
    Once she arrived back at Sephs’ home she started putting all of her stuff up.
    Seph came into the room and saw her diamond necklace. He asked Ariel,
    “Where did you get that necklace?â€
    “My mother left it for me,†she answered.
    Seph walked into his room and got out a locket that was his mothers. The diamond looked as if it could be the key to opening his locket.
    “Ariel, may I see that necklace for a moment,†asked Seph.
    Ariel took off the necklace and reached it to Seph.
    “What do you need it for?†asked Ariel.
    “You’ll see,†answered Seph taking the necklace.
    He took the diamond at the end of the necklace and stuck it in the slot on the locket. It was a perfect fit. The locket opened. It had a picture of Sephs mother and him as a child. Seph put the diamond necklace on the shelf and ran into his room. He put the locket back into his drawer and went back into Ariels’ new room.
    “Was that your mother?†asked Ariel.
    ‘Yeah, she was the only one in my family who loved me,†answered Seph sadly.
    “You’ve not been yourself lately Seph,†said Ariel. She looked at him.
    “Was that the key that unlocks your dreams?†asked Ariel.
    “How do you know about my dreams?!†yelled Seph.
    Ariel saw he was mad.
    “A young woman stopped me on my way to my mother’s home; she was talking about unlocking your dreams and said something about being a Master of Fire,†said Ariel.
    Seph grabbed her arm.
    “Who was it?†he asked
    “Seph let go, you’re hurting me,†demanded Ariel.
    “Tell me who it was,†he commanded her.
    “I don’t know, she never gave me a name,†said Ariel.
    “What did she look like?†asked Seph.
    “I don’t know that either. She had a red hood on,†answered Ariel. Seph let go of her arm, leaving a bruise.
    “What is with you Seph? You’ve been acting strange ever since you told me you’re the son of Hirogoshi. You’re still the same, no different, no better!†yelled Ariel.
    “I ran into my sister last night, she knows everything about me. No matter where I am. She keeps an eye on me some how,†said Seph.
    “I didn’t know you had a sister,†said Ariel.
    “Yeah, her name is Rosalind. But now she is called Rose now,†blurted Seph.
    “I’m his past, haunting every nightmare. He will no longer have normal dreams. Until he unlocks his dreams, he will only have nightmares. Those dreams will stay locked. You apparently have an effect on them. You must be the one,†repeated Ariel.
    “Did she say that to you?†asked Seph. Ariel shook her head yes.
    “You’re the one. You’ll some how unlock my dreams. First I thought it was my special place, and then I thought it was the locket, now you,†said Seph.
    “Hold up! I don’t even know how to unlock your dreams. I don’t even have dreams,†said Ariel.
    “You’re telling me, you’ve never had a dream in your life?†asked Seph.
    “Well, once I have,†said Ariel, “But it was a future like dream. It was the day I turned 10 years old,†said Ariel.
    “When’s your birthday?†asked Seph.
    You’ll think this is weird but, I was born on July 6th, 1976, and I turned 10 on July 6th 1986†answered Ariel.
    Seph looked at her weirdly.
    “That’s the day both my parents died. 6, 6, 6†said Seph.
    “What was the dream about?†asked Seph.
    “Let me think. I was 10, I dreamt of the future I think. We had become friends at the age of 10 and I had the dream that there was a big door that leads to your dreams. I stuck my hand into a socket and you blazed fire into a fire stone stuck into the wall. Then the door opened. Then a woman appeared out of no where on the other side and shut the door,†answered Ariel.
    “Can you think of anywhere that the door might be?†asked Seph. Ariel pointed to his chest and answered,
    “In your heart.â€
    “In my heart?†asked Seph.
    “Find the door to your dreams in your heart,†answered Ariel.
    “Where did that come from?†asked Seph.
    “I don’t know. My instincts tell me you can find the door when you’re ready,†said Ariel.
    “I’m ready whenever you are,†said Seph.
    “Don’t you have a date with Fiesha?†asked Ariel.
    “Yeah, I guess I should start going,†said Seph.
    Ariel got up and went outside. When Seph went outside to talk to Ariel, she was gone.
    “Ariel, where are you?†he yelled. He ran into the town to talk to Fiesha.
    “Fiesha, have you seen Ariel?†he asked.
    “No, but you ready to go to the beach?†she asked.
    “No, not until I find Ariel,†answered Seph.
    “So do you care about her more than me?†asked Fiesha.
    “To tell you the truth, I do. Sorry, but I think we should break up,†said Seph walking past her.
    “Wait, are you dumping me?†asked Fiesha turning around looking at him.
    “Technically I am, but I say I’m breaking up cause it sounds better,†he said running off into the forest.
    “I’m never talking to you again Seph!†she yelled at him stopping her foot into the ground.
    As he was running through the forest he thought of where Ariel might have went. So he headed towards her mothers house.
    When he opened the door, no one was there.
    “Ariel, are you here?!†he screamed. Nobody had answered.
    “Well, well big brother. Looks like another friend ran away. I don’t really blame her,†said Rose out of now where.
    “Where is she?†asked Seph.
    “You think I would do something to her? What could that mere mortal mean to me?†asked Rose sarcastically.
    “She’s the one who will open my dreams and get rid of the darkness called nightmares,†answered Seph.
    “You’re getting better at understanding all this darkness nonsense haven’t you? Unfortunate for you, I don’t control darkness, just your dream door,†said Rose.
    “I’m not going to ask you again, where is she?†he demanded.
    “Well, she went and got herself lost in the forest,†answered Rose.
    “You mean you kidnapped her,†said Seph.
    “Details, who needs them,†she asked.
    “I need them, where is she?†he demanded once again.
    “To tell you the truth, I really don’t know,†said Rose.
    “Don’t lie. Where is she?†he demanded once again.
    “Like I just said, I don’t know,†she said running out the door.
    Seph ran outside and chased her through the forest. She ended up getting away.
    “Great! Now I lost Ariel and now I lost my little sister. What more could go wrong?†he asked himself.
    “You didn’t lose me. You never had me,†said Ariel as she came out from behind a tree.
    “Were you there the whole time?†asked Seph.
    “Yeah, you were supposed to go on that date with Fiesha, so I needed something to do,†said Ariel.
    “Well, I didn’t. As a mater of fact I broke up with her.†said Seph.
    “You didn’t have to do that for me,†said Ariel.
    “I didn’t do it for you, I did it for myself,†answered Seph. Ariel looked at him in a moment of Silence.
    “Wait, that came out wrong,†he said. Ariel got a mad look on her face.
    “Don’t ever bother speaking to me again,†she said madly while walking towards the town.
    “Idiot!†he yelled at himself.
    “Can’t handle love big brother?†asked Rose as she came down the path.
    “Shut up Rose!†Seph yelled.
    “That wasn’t nice big brother,†Rose said.
    “I love her, but I can’t tell her because of you!†yelled Seph.
    “Listen Hirogoshi, it’s not my fault you can’t get a woman,†said Rose
    “My name is Seph now! Stop calling me Hirogoshi! I hate that name!†yelled Seph.
    “I shall call you what our birth parents gave you,†said Rose.
    “No!†he commanded, “My new name is Sephiroth!â€
    “So,†she said pausing, “you want me to call you Sephiroth?†asked Rose.
    “No, call me Seph,†he demanded.
    “You’re getting mad over a name that doesn’t even belong to you,†said Rose.
    “No, I’m mad over my birth name that my father gave me,†Seph said.
    Out of nowhere, he saw Ariel running towards him. She immediately recognized Rose.
    “You, you’re the one who told me all that stuff about his locked dreams,†she said.
    “Why did you come back?†asked Seph looking at her.
    “Fiesha told me that you broke up with her to be with me and I thought I should come apologize for my harsh behavior,†Ariel answered. Seph smiled at her.
    Rose interrupted their conversation.
    “So, now you understand what is to happen?†she asked Ariel.
    “Yes, by loving me, he opened up his heart,†Ariel answered.
    “You’re getting close Ariel, but you’re not getting close enough. Shut the door and I will leave you alone and let you see your mother once again, Ariel,†Rose said.
    “What do you mean?†Ariel asked.
    “Rose, shut up! You don’t know anything about-†Seph had said before she cut him off saying,
    “Keep you’re opinions to yourself Hirogoshi!†she yelled, “What I mean is, you are the one who shows him the door. You haven’t opened your hearts up enough. You have to have a pure heart, free of darkness.â€
    “How do I know this isn’t a trick?†asked Ariel.
    “You don’t. All you have to know is that I have to keep the door shut before it gets out of hand,†Rose said sneakily.
    “Ariel, you’re supposed to be on my side. I’ll have nightmares and my dreams will become reality,†Seph said worried.
    “You have twenty four hours to think about it,†Rose said while vanishing into the forest.
    “I’m sorry Seph. I don’t know what to do,†Ariel said.
    “No Ariel, I’m sorry for ever even trusting you,†he said turning back walking towards the town.
    “Seph I’m sorry!†Ariel yelled. She stood there while the rain started pouring. She sat down beside a tree and held her arms around her knees.
    “If I help Seph, I might never see my mother again, but if I help Rose, Seph will never speak to me again,†she said quietly. She sat in the rain for a while thinking about which side to choose. She loved Seph but her offer might be the only way she will ever see her mother.
    “Rose is lying to me, so I should choose Sephs side,†she said quietly she ran towards the town to look for Seph. She ran into Fiesha on the way to Seph’s home.
    “Hey Fiesha, where is Seph at?†Ariel asked.
    “He just walked up the pathway towards the well a few minutes ago,†she answered.
    “Did he seem upset or mad?†she asked.
    “What did you do?†Fiesha asked.
    “Well, he is?†Ariel asked.
    “He’s really depressed, that’s all I can tell you,†Fiesha said.
    Ariel went walking down the road to the old well. She saw Seph sitting on the right side of the well looking at a golden coin. She started walking towards him but he saw her and started t‘m sorry!†she said quickly. Seph turned around to look at her.
    “It shouldn’t have taken you that long to make a decision that you know is right,†Seph said.
    “I’m sorry; I have a whole lot on my mind right now. You and I get in so many arguments over stupid things,†Ariel said.
    “So that’s all my life is about? Stupid?†asked Seph.
    “No, it’s just that our arguments were stupid, I really never mean all those things. I was never like this but for some odd reason, I just need to let all my anger out in arguments,†said Ariel.
    “What anger? You used to be a peaceful child,†Seph told her.
    “That was before my mother disappeared. Now I’m just mad that she is gone,†Ariel stated.
    “You are just lonely aren’t you?†Seph asked her.
    “Yeah, and my heart is telling that you are the only one who cares about me,†Ariel said.
    “Ariel, you probably know this but I never said it out loud,†Seph said.
    “Seph,†Ariel said quietly.
    “I lo-†Seph said while being interrupted by Rose.
    “Big brother has a crush, how sweet.†She said coming up from the pathway.
    “Rose, go away,†Seph said.
    “Why should I when you are getting ready to throw away all I have worked for,†Rose said.
    “Just go away Rose,†Seph said.
    “No, you go away and leave this town!†Rose yelled.
    “I can’t. My dream door is around here somewhere and I’m going to find it!†Seph loudly yelled.
    “You’re a fool! Don’t you see? Your dream door will always follow you, as will I.†Rose said.
    “You will do no such thing, I am where I choose to be!†yelled Seph.
    “You’re a pathetic waste,†Rose announced.

    That's all right now.I'm also working on anew short story called

    "The Moonshine Crystal,"
    Give me a coupleideas on the story, I got squat right now.
    Thank yalls
  2. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Wow....That was so good!!!!

    I love stories and let me tell you i love that one!!
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