Scary Movie: kingdom hearts

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Scarred Nobody, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. Axel sat there boredly on the couch with Roxas, still watching sitcoms, this time, it was the Cosby Show. Of course, this was another hilarious thing to watch, but after a while of doing jus that, it got dull. Changing the channel, he switched it to a movie station he knew, and widened his eyes when he saw The Ring was on. Alright!

    Excited, he turned to see his buddy, only to see him sleeping, his head hanging backwards. Rolling his eyes, he smacked his head. "Wake up, a horror movie is here!"

    Roxas jumped at the sudden disruptance of his sleep, snapping his eyes opened, dazedly, his orbs dilated as he looked around stupidly, "Wa...Naminé?"

    Axel sighed, though a smirk crossed his face. "No, no Naminé, only you're best friend. And here I thought you would never get naughty dreams..."

    Roxas just gave him the finger weakly, placing his palm over his eyes from the out of the blue wake up call, and groaned, "It wasn't that, you damn perv, something was happening to I was talking to her on the phone..and...I don't know, I heard her the 'I'm going to get killed' scream, and...a click..." He looked over at Axel, concerned, now getting his senses back. "It's making me worry. I know it's just a dream but..."

    OOC: Do you think I should be the ring girl? x.X
  2. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    ooc: it doesn't matter i guess.
  3. OOC: Then I guess I'll take her ^^;, since I am already on that route.
  4. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    okay, i'll add you on there.
  5. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    " Why would you want me to put her on the phone?" Namine asked, glancing over at Larxene...which was a mistake, voicing what the man wanted.

    "Who are you talking to, Namine?" Larxene asked, raising an eyebrow.

    Covering the speakers, Namine answered, "Some...some stranger...who wishes to speak with you now...I don't know why...or who he is at all..."

    "Let me talk to him," Larxene said, taking the cellphone from her hand. "Alright, who is this? And what do you want?"
  6. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    "hello. what are you doing, larxene."
  7. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Larxene frowned. How on earth did this stranger know her name? "Answer my questions," she demanded. "And tell me - how did you know my name?"
    She glanced over at Namine, seeing her clasping her hands together nervously. It seemed she was quite uncomfortable with everything that was going on, but who wasn't? Wandering a street going around in a circle was not fun.
  8. Axel, for once in this whole eerie night, had a serious expression on his face as she eyed his best friend, and thinking over his words, he said, "Well, you shouldn't worry, really. I can't fret over a dream, correct? Just try to calm down, I'm sure she's alright."

    Roxas sighed, closing his eyes as Axel spoke, but simply gave a nod, still unsure, and if anything he'll call her, which is what he should do, call her. Looking over at the TV screen, he noticed what they were watching, and he quickly looked down. He hated that movie. "Axel....why are we watching The Ring? You know how I feel about that...even if we can't feel, but you get the point..."

    Axel was about to go on this whole opinion about Nobodies, but shook his head inwardly, and changed it to, "You're only scared whem Samara comes out of the well. Can't say I blame you..." It was then he took a ominous tone, whispering and husking scarily, a creepy smirk appearing on his lips. "The way she comes out of the screen...ever so slowly...coming for you...her chipped bloody nails going to reach where you are...walking crookedly as her body passes...wetting the floor with her slimy bare feet and long hair around her pale and dead face...about to-"

    "Shut up!" Roxas interrupted a bit anxious, feeling himself get goosebumps, only for Axel to erupt in laughter.
  9. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    As Larxene had taken the phone, Namine sat there, silent for a moment, before slowly standing. She could feel her skin grow cold, as she rubbed her arms, trying to keep herself warm. She could practically see her breath, visible in the freezing temperature. She was only clothed in a simple white minidress, which was barely enough to cover her frozen exposed body parts.
    Shivering, she took a step forward - only to find that she had walked into something wet, slippery almost. Tilting her head down, she found a small patch of ice. Turning, she saw that the entire ground was now covered with ice, and it was as if ice particles were hanging in the air.
    "L-Larxene?" she stammered. "" She tried to keep herself from repeating her words, but her tongue felt frozen in place. However, hearing no response made a shiver of anxiety skate down her spine. "Lar...Larxene?"
    Slowly spinning around, she found Larxene to be nowhere in sight - only ice...obscuring the ground, and freezing the air.
    Swallowing, she felt panic rise in her chest - as much as a Nobody could feel anyway.
    "Larxene!" she shouted. "Where...where are you?"
    Closing her eyes as she tried to keep herself calm, she breathed slowly and evenly. When she opened her eyes, she found that the ice was gone - but she was still alone.
    Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she slowly turned her head to see the face of a skeleton, staring directly at her, its bony fingers pressed against her back.
    Screaming, she widened her eyes and immediately dashed off, breathing hard. She could feel a rising fear in her stomach, as wind stung her cheeks.
    Where...where is everyone?

    OOC: I'm just bored so...*shrugs* xD
  10. OOC: I get you xD.

    Growling, Roxas stood up to go to the table where his cell phone was, away from a laughing Axel, all the while angrily exclaiming, "You're such an a**!!" Snatching his cell from the surface, he quickly searched for Naminé's number on his contact list, before pressing Send, and placing the speaker on his ear, waiting as he heard it dial, only two times before the constant annoying beep rang in his ear of it being busy.

    Getting uneasy, he ended it, only to redial. Come on, pick up, Nami...

    Axel was letf over in the confines of the sofa, his mirth leaving a bit as he saw Roxas dialing his "girlfriend", or rather, the girl who he was always concerned about, and turned his eyes back to the screen, watching as the movie was on its climax so far. Axel shook his head, smiling as he thought of Roxas, and muttering to himself, "You're just a chicken...seriously, like The Ring could be real...pfft..."
  11. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Something lit up on the cellphone, signaling there was another call waiting. Larxene tilted her head to the right slightly, surprised that someone else was calling. Seeing as how the stranger was now crying, she pressed the button to see who else was calling.
    "Hello? Who is this?" she asked, a bit crossly.

    Far away now, Namine then halted, licking her lower lip nervously. Scanning the empty streets quickly, she breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe...maybe she was just hallucinating, and there was no call...maybe this crazy street she was on was just an illusion too...but then, where was she trying to head? And where did Larxene go?
    "Hello?" she called out, hoping someone would speak...but there was no response.
  12. Roxas perked up as he heard the call answered, only the hello didn't sound like the sweet and quiet voice of Naminé, but a sharp, yet cute and melodic tone answered...and quite rude. Scrunching his eyebrows together confused, as that voice sounded familiar, he spoke, "This is Roxas...." Thinking of the sound, he tried to think what was so familiar about it, until his eyes widened in realization. "Larxene?"

    Axel was intent on the movie, even though he saw it last week. It was kind of weird, somebody pranked called him the same day he watched it, right after he finished watching it. Something about dying in seven days, but he thought it was Roxas, besides, considering they were Nobodies, they had some abilties to spy. It was stupid, really. That's why he wanted to get him back.

    He heard Roxas talk, so Naminé must've picked up, but when he listened, his eyebrows raised when his friend spoke Larxene's name. What was she doing with Naminé's cell? Unless they are together, of course...
  13. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "Oh...hey, Roxas," Larxene greeted, a bit surprised to hear his voice. Turning to tell Namine that it was her little 'lover', she noticed that the witch was nowhere to be seen...had she just ran off? She was freaking out quite a bit, over who knows what, but she hadn't heard her footsteps, or even the shuffle of cloth. Frowning, she riveted her attention back to the caller. "Well, I'm glad you're not some weird stranger..." she couldn't help but remark, thinking about the other strange man, who had yet to speak...

    Shivering once more, Namine walked over to a bench and sat upon it, her hands clasped together upon her lap. If she was going to start moving, who knew where she'd end up...most likely, she'd probably be walking in circles again. So it'd be wiser to just sit there, waiting...waiting for who exactly? It wasn't like Larxene to go searching for her, since she did say to stop 'following her'...but it wasn't her fault that they kept ending up in a circle. So she felt that it'd be safer, being with her than no one at all...but now that she truly was alone...for some inexplicable would be better to just sit there.
    Maybe I ought call someone...for...for some help... she thought, as she reached into her pocket to draw her cellphone - only to find that it was not there. Sighing, she remembered that she had given it to Larxene...leaving her in an even worse a predicament...
  14. "Hey, Larx," Roxas greeted back, as he quirked a eyebrow upward, a little lost on what Larxene meant by a "stranger". Walking back to the couch, needing to sit down, he plopped next to Axel, eyeing the movie for a second, before tearing his gaze away. Questionably, he asked, "What stranger? And is Naminé around, I wnat to speak to her. I was kind of worried you could say...since I don't know, a story." Hopefully, he inquired again, "So, is she available?"

    "Availaible for some sweet, and luscious loving," Axel added mockingly and loud, glancing at Roxas sideways who was giving him a deadly glare. "Wet dreams again?"

    Roxas placed the cell away from him for a moment, and with his free hand, sucker punched his friend in the shoulder, but hard, as he snarled irritatingly, "Axel just the hell up for once, would you?! Damn, is this the annoy the heck out of me night or something? Watch your freaking movie!" With a huff, he placed the phone back in his ear, and went to Larxene again, sighing. "Is she?"
  15. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "Um...not exactly," Larxene said, as she looked about, trying to see where Namine could've ran off. "She's a bit...busy...doing...something..."
    Whatever that is, she thought, furrowing her eyebrows as she tried to think of what strange situation that little witch could've gotten herself in now...probably another frenzy...
  16. "Busy doing what?" Roxas asked lightly, not getting satisfied with that answer, as the foreboding sense was gripping at him for some reason. He didn't think he was going to to be calm until he heard her voice. "If she can't come to speak, can she at least yell to let me know she's okay?"
  17. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    She tried to find Sora but couldn't find him and ended up on some weird street.'s just a street......that you've never seen before...........with freaky looking trees and houses.........

    She kept walking.

    OOC-'s the same street Namine is at....:D
  18. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc started without me...what happened so far and where is everyone?
  19. OOC: Roxas and Axel are in their apartment, watching The Ring, and Roxas is talking with Larxene by phone to see if Naminé is okay. Larxene and Naminé were together in a creepy street, and they separated when Naminé found Larxene wasn't next to her (out of nowhere, like she disappeared) and a skeletal being scared her and she ran to somewhere else, where Angel is now at.

    Larxene is confused to where Naminé went since she thought she was right next to her, and stuff. That's it.
  20. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    OOC: thanks for the catch up.

    sora was walking along and found namine and decided to say hello.

    "hey namine. why are you so jumpy???"