Yeah i know theres probly alot of spelling gramers... Marked from life... With these permint scarrs... No one will... These scarrs won't heal... Forever there... And each day more.... I try to hide... But thr tears show... i want to hide... I wish to be happy... Even for a second... I'm empty inside... Objects are pointless... They have no warmth... No connection... So lonely... And empty... Broken inside... Why am I so hated... What did I do wrong... I feel like its my fault... For being behind... I'm worthless... No one cares... Why do I even try... Why do I fight... I'm just going to fail... Hopeless... Lost... Broken dreams... I wish someone was there... To teach me... But no,no one was... Now I'm just their puppet... A dummy... An object... Talentless... Shattered... Where do I belong...
Can You See Can You See Can you see past my smiles and see my frowns.... Can you see past my laughter and see my cries.... Can you see into my eyes and know what I feel... Can you see when your gone I miss you... Can you see when you are around me I cant breath... Can you see that I need you here next to me... Can you not see that I love you.... But I can see, that you don’t love me... Can you be so blind as not to see how much I want you... Can you not see clearly, that I miss you... Can you hear my heart beat faster when you speak to me... How I blush when your close to me.... Can you not see how nervous I am around you... Oh how I can see clearly that you don’t care... Can you not see I want to be closer to you.... Can you not see time flying by.... Can you see im tired of waiting... Can you see Im Fading away... Never to be seen again....
?Questions? Questions... Can you get lost? When you were already gone... Can you get hurt? When your already torn... Can you love? When all hope has faded... Can you be forgotten? When you were already invisible.... Can you speak? When your unheard... Are you there? When you aren't seen... Can you die from the inside? still smiling and decived.... Can you dream? When everything is a nightmare.... Can you smile? When your crying inside... Can your heart brake? When theres nothing else left... Are you happy? When your always alone... Are your friends there? When their just fake... Do people really know you? When they dont listen... Are you really there? When your just a forgotten memory.... Is it right to lie? only to protect... So you won't shed a tear... So you won't cry in fear... Is it right to act happy? When your lonlely and depressed... When you cry each night... Thinking suicide... Can you help me? When you dont care... And never will... And you walk away...