Sburb .8 Signups/OOC

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Ars Nova, Nov 16, 2011.

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  1. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    SBURB .8

    IC thread

    Hello, and welcome to SBURB .8, an AU Homestuck RPG. Yes, RPG, as in game. My attempt with this will be to introduce a more concrete structure and progression of events than the average RP, hopefully facilitating the players' interest in the game. That, and it only makes sense to offer a Homestuck RP in this format.

    There will be more in-depth explanation of the mechanics on the IC, but here's the short version: It's D&D without the stats. I will serve the role of GM, periodically offering goals and prompts; sometimes for individual characters, sometimes for the whole team. You will write from your character's perspective in pursuit of those goals or going from those prompts. When you have made a significant amount of progress, or your actions depend on my input for their success or failure, I will post again to update your status. I will also play the role of NPCs--some helpful, some hostile--and describing your surroundings and available pathways.

    Note that you are only as aware as you say you are. If you want to be on the look-out for traps, say so. If you want your weapon at the ready, tell me you're drawing it. This is especially important when traveling in groups, as you may on occasion receive sensory data your companions don't. Anyone who has played a pen-and-paper RPG should be familiar with this format. The only difference is that it will be much more informal; there will be things like stats, but only as milestones for achievement and progression. Hopefully this will make it easier to jump into.

    Discussion began here. Unfortunately for any newcomers, there was enough of a turn-out that all player slots are currently reserved! However, this does not mean you won't be able to participate. See below for details on how to sign up for NPC Reserves.​



    Please read the rules thoroughly before playing. Most of this is stuff you know, but read it anyway because you know there are gonna be subtle differences, and you'll regret not knowing them if you end up breaking them. Pay special attention to POSTING ETIQUETTE; that's the part you have to have down pat!

    - I hope I don't have to say this, since most of us are on speaking terms; but please be courteous to other players. If you have a disagreement with someone in the group, bring it to me, do not air it out on your own. This is our game and we can all enjoy it, if everyone agrees to be open about what's bothering them so that I can fix it with my boundless creative genius-*brick'd* Ahem. Yeah, anyway, let me know if something's eating you.
    - You have control of your character and only your character. The focus of your posts should be, above all else, your character's perspective and actions. If another character is mentioned in your post, even if it's a chat log, make sure the respective player knows about it and gives the OK. In the smallest cases this prevents duplicate actions/logs; in the largest ones, it can keep you from taking a character in a direction their player didn't intend.
    - There are two major forms of metagaming I want to avoid. First is using Homestuck knowledge to figure things out in this game. Homestuck is not part of this universe's canon; the official stance is that it is "some weird comic," and it will be treated as such any time it is referenced, thus offering no real insight to the characters. Second is a procedural thing: If your character is given new information, assume the other characters do not know it until your character tells them personally. This is to give you something to use Pesterchum for (assuming you can get to a computer, which won't always be the case!), and it otherwise encourages communication between players and characters. Other than that, just work with your character's natural limits; don't do something he/she wouldn't do, don't use knowledge he/she wouldn't have, and so on.

    - I'm looking for an average of one or two posts per day. Absolute minimum 1. Might seem like a lot for some of you, but I want to keep this thing rolling, and as long as you hear from me often enough, you should (ideally) have something to do and some goal to work towards at all times.
    - Here's the basic format: Each post should contain (1) narration and (2) a command. The narration is the role play bit: You write from your character's perspective, same as you would in any other role play. The command is your attempt to advance the story: You give me one action your character is attempting and I give you the results of it the next time I post. Use narration when you wouldn't require my input, such as in messing around in your room or chatting with other players; use a command where you would, such as in interacting with NPCs or during combat.
    - Please keep your narration in third-person, past-tense, limited omniscient perspective. This is a lot of fancy gobbeldygook to describe what most of you should be used to doing: You have complete control over one and only one character, you refer to him/her as "he/she" and not "I" or "you," and everything is in past tense. It's poor form to have people writing in different styles, and sometimes it gets disorienting for people trying to catch up.
    - Your narration portion can be as long or short as you want, but the longer and more detailed it is, the more likely your command will have the intended effect! Example 1: If you're looking for something and your command is just >Search for [thing], who knows what you'll find? Maybe tell me where you're looking and describe the thing you're after. Example 2: In a fight, if you're specific about what you're aiming at (stomach, limbs, some rocks precariously perched above your adversary, etc.), how much power you're putting into a strike, and so on, you might find you waste less energy, hit more often, and deal more damage, among other things.
    - No one really has a "turn" when they're expected to post. If you have something to post, go ahead and post! That said, it is good form to talk to others in the group and see what their plans are, especially if you're in a party with several characters. I will try to respond to commands as quickly as I can so we can keep up the pace, but as long as you're not waiting on me, you can and should post any time.
    - If you need to say something OOC... well, there is an OOC thread for that... but if it just has to be said in the IC thread, make sure it stands out. A page break and an "OOC:" prefix are preferable.

    - I will make every attempt to reward creativity, attentiveness, and exploration. Be thorough in exploring your environments; try out interesting commands that come to mind, both in and out of battle; and pay attention to clues in the narration! Missing something is a lose-lose, since you don't get cool stuff and I can't show off my work, but I can't just hand you all the goodies on a silver platter. Keep your eyes peeled, both in- and out-of-character, and don't be afraid to take risks.
    - There are no stats for a reason, and no, it's not just because I'm too lazy to crunch the numbers (although that is definitely part of it :L). This is still a narrative RPG, so it needs to stay grounded in that. When you're in a fight, just fight your hardest, and don't worry about how much HP the boss has left or how powerful he is. I will try to avoid totally unwinnable fights, but some of them are not meant to be won; in those cases, I'll make it as clear as possible what you're supposed to do, whether it's hold out for a certain amount of time, or just run. If you think a fight's going on too long or you're being unfairly pounded, remember communication. I need to know what's on your mind if I'm gonna do anything about it.
    - Bear in mind that your character can die at any time. The world of Sburb is a wondrous place, but as any avid Homestuck fan can tell you, it hides as many dangers as splendors beneath the surface! Be mindful of your mortality at all times. That said, this is not Paranoia or World of Darkness; the GM is not out to get you. If you do bite the big one, don't lose hope, as your role in the story may not be over just yet. Sburb works in mysterious ways...​



    Below you will find sample posts to give you an idea of what yours should look like. If any mechanics confuse you which are not covered here, please let me know and I'll design as many sample posts as needed.

    Some days, Zach liked waking up. Usually those were the days preceded by a reasonable bed time and a solid eight hours. Those days would start with the pleasant tweet of birds, rather than the obnoxious beeping of his alarm.

    This was not one of those days.

    Zach had to push the alarm button several times before the damn thing would shut up. He sat there for a few moments, trying to find himself in time and space. His room. His bed. The bed creaked, flimsy framework straining, reminding him it was his. Saturday. Nothing to do today, he thought. Might as well sleep.

    His head hit the pillow. His eyelids drifted shut. Consciousness exchanged parting pleasantries with him and started out the door...


    Zach flew off the bed. It gave a fatal CRACK behind him, broken again. He didn't even slightly care. Today was Sburb day. It was time to play. He sat at his desk and flipped open his laptop; he'd left it on overnight again. He opened Pesterchum. One friend online: sophophilicGentleman.

    -- perspicaciousLodestar [PL] began pestering sophophilicGentleman [SG] at 19:24 --
    [07:24] PL: DSJHG
    [07:24] PL: SFGSFG
    [07:24] PL: THE TIME
    [07:24] PL: HAS COME.
    [07:25] PL: NOW IS THE STARTING OF FANTASTIC ADVENTURE or whatever the shit
    [07:25] PL: Dude you there
    [07:25] PL: Wake up
    [07:25] PL: Wake uuuup
    [07:25] PL: It's SBURB TIME
    [07:25] SG: Yes apologies hello!
    [07:25] SG: I fell asleep again, the fog here is rather rowdy.
    [07:25] SG: Wait what.
    [07:25] PL: Dude
    [07:25] SG: Is it already quite out? Goodness!
    [07:25] PL: Sburb
    [07:25] PL: Today
    [07:25] PL: Things
    [07:25] PL: Stuff
    [07:25] SG: I holy goodness.
    [07:25] PL: sgfdsh
    [07:25] PL: Yeah
    [07:25] PL: Goin' to check for my copy
    [07:25] SG: Oh my goodness now we can finally figure out what in the world this game is about.
    [07:25] SG: Rumours were abound and everywhere!
    [07:26] SG: I shall check my mailbox as well. It is a bit of a walk however, and unfortunately close to the forest.
    [07:26] PL: Hehe
    [07:26] SG: Gosh darn the postal system here.
    [07:26] PL: What are they like
    [07:26] PL: delivery elves
    [07:26] SG: Do tell when you are able to retrieve it!
    [07:26] SG: Magical delivery elves.
    [07:26] SG: They call them,
    [07:26] SG: "Canadians".
    [07:26] PL: Shit son.
    [07:26] PL: Yeah I should be back soon
    [07:27] PL: You still wanna be my server right?
    [07:27] SG: That should be grand!
    [07:27] SG: I have been practicing my butlery and conciergitude regardless.
    [07:27] PL: Hehehe
    [07:27] PL: Right on
    [07:27] PL: See you soon!
    [07:27] SG: Yes, I am most definitely in the ready position.
    [07:27] SG: You as well!
    [07:28] SG: Au revoir!
    -- sophophilicGentleman [SG] ceased pestering perspicaciousLodestar [PL] at 19:29 --

    With that, it was time for Zach to get him some Sburb.

    >Zach: Retrieve Sburb.
    This one's short, but it gets the job done. Note that only the chatlog has any significant text code; it's appreciated if code is kept to a minimum. Note also that the chatlog is encased in spoilers; this is preferred. Both of these things are for readers' convenience.​



    Played by FEARLESS
    Age: 16
    Interests: Like many of your friends, you are studying several LANGUAGES. JAPANESE seems to be the norm, but you are also studying NORWEGIAN and FRENCH. Also like your friends, you hold the medium of JAPANESE ANIMATION close to your heart, and you hope to be an ANIMATOR someday. You are also fond of DRAWING, but you AREN'T ALL THAT GREAT AT IT. You do not draw stick figures though. Stick figures make you SHUDDER IN DISGUST if drawn by anyone over the age of six for anything other than comedic purposes. Another interest is SEWING and COSPLAY, but you are very LAZY and barely ever do it. In fact, you are so lazy you neglect your HOMEWORK in favor of playing GAMES with your friends and surfing the internet for YAOI. You also enjoy SINGING, but again, you are very LAZY, and don't really record yourself. You just sing for lulz.
    ChumHandle: northernLights
    Text Color: #C7ECFF
    Typing Quirk: You are given to swearing, but typically in a censored or child-friendly manner. You also misspell things every now and then.
    Strife Specibus: axekind
    Personal Symbol: Crescent Moon
    Class & Aspect: Heir of Tide
    Guardian: MOM​


    Played by PLUMS
    Age: 16
    Interests: You enjoy ANIME, specifically STEINS;GATE and PUELLA MAGI MADOKA MAGICA. You also like to WRITE in your spare time, which typically results in VARIOUS FANFICS FEATURING YOUR FRIENDS. You also enjoy reading WEBCOMICS, such as QUESTIONABLE CONTENT and MS PAINT ADVENTURES. You listen to INDIE and TRIP-HOP TUNES, which you sometimes wish to make for yourself, but you DOUBT IN YOUR ABILITY. You also play with PHOTOSHOP from time to time, although you are NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. You often FAIL AT VERBAL COMMUNICATION when addressing others.
    ChumHandle: crimsonBallad
    Color Code: #E93E5A
    Typing quirk: Your spelling and grammar are strong, but you tend to abuse emotes and the word "JEGUS." c:
    Strife Specibus: kazookind
    Personal Symbol: Quarter Note
    Class & Aspect: Thief of Voice
    Guardian: MOM​


    Played by CLAWTOOTH
    Age: 17
    Interests: Boy, do you love MUSIC. It has been a part of your life for AS LONG AS YOU CAN REMEMBER. Playing it, listening to it, writing it; you JUST LOVE IT. You are particularly fond of the CLASSICAL and FOLK genres, although you’ll listen to WHATEVER SOUNDS GOOD. You play VIOLIN and PIANO and are an EX-SINGER. You think you are INTOLERABLY BAD AT IT, but a number of your friends STRONGLY DISAGREE. You keep this as a hobby, and devote most of your energy to WORDS and LITERATURE. In particular, you enjoy WORD RELATIONS and LINGUISTICS. You also enjoy CLASSIC LITERATURE, but you HAVEN’T HAD MUCH TIME TO READ any. In addition, you also enjoy media from OTHER COUNTRIES, in particular: FRENCH FILM and ANIME, the latter of which you commonly ENJOY WITH YOUR FRIENDS. Like them, you know a FOREIGN LANGUAGE--being FRENCH--but you are NOWHERE NEAR FLUENT. You also have a STRANGE TALENT for pronouncing JAPANESE, although you CANNOT STRING A SENTENCE TOGETHER in it. You enjoy GAMING, both VIDEO and TABLETOP, and you frequently ROLE PLAY in both. Given your choice, you tend to employ MAGES. You spend an INORDINATE AMOUNT OF TIME ONLINE, from doing things such as FORUMING and SOCIAL NETWORKING, to WATCHING SILLY VIDEOS. This form of INTERACTION suits you because, if needed, you can STILL GET YOUR SPACE. However, you HAVE TROUBLE MAKING FRIENDS because you have NO SELF ESTEEM and little SELF-CONFIDENCE.
    ChumHandle: eruditeVirtuoso
    Text Color: #006699
    Typing Quirk: Owing to your love of literature, your grammar, spelling, and vocabulary are superb; but your mind is quicker than your fingers, and you tend towards some embarrassing spelling mistakes, yto the amusmeent of your firends and your own trepidatioin. Your favorite forms of punctiation are...ellipses...and double exclamation points!! And sometimes question marks??
    Strife Specibus: instrmntkind
    Personal Symbol: Treble Clef
    Class & Aspect: Mage of Space
    Guardian: BROTHER​


    Played by SUMI
    Age: 16
    Interests: You have TOO DAMN MANY. You primarily enjoy CREATIVE WRITING and playing the ELECTRIC BASS GUITAR. You also play the FLUTE and KEYBOARD - although really you aren't a very good musician. You're much better at POETRY and FORTUNE TELLING. Oh, you forgot about that. You FORGET A LOT. You are particularly interested in ASTRONOMY and know quite a lot about it. You believe in an ULTIMATE FATE, although it is unclear to you what that fate is or how it relates to you! Your INTERNET FRIENDS are extremely important to you, and you spend much of your class time and home time on your TECHNOLOGY PHONE talking to them! You also enjoy things like VIDEO GAMES and ANIME and TV SHOWS which you only watch on your LAPTOP COMPUTER which you also take with you EVERYWHERE. You have a PECULIAR FASHION SENSE and are inspired by JAPANESE STREET FASHION. This very much reflects your personal lack of ORGANIZATION. Which happens to be your LEAST FAVORITE THING. You are NEVER ON TIME and are honestly a little bit AFRAID OF CONCEPTS OF TIME. You kinda OVERTHINK THINGS a lot.
    ChumHandle: tsukiKiri
    Text Color: #D13D1D
    Typing Quirk: 何時?> You speak differently depending on who you are with, but generally you are quite chipper and happy!! You tend to use two punctuation marks, and lengthened words are by three letters. You use smileys a bit much too. :x
    Strife Specibus: pistolkind
    Personal Symbol:
    Class & Aspect: Rogue of Time
    Guardian: FATHER FIGURE​


    Played by WHAT?
    Age: 15
    Interests: You are a fan of all sorts of KNOWLEDGE, especially on the MECHANICS OF THE WORLD AND ITS SOCIETIES. This manifests itself through your love for both the SCIENCES and HUMANITIES, though you are especially savvy in ARCHITECTURE, HISTORY, CHEMISTRY, and LANGUAGES. A shame you are ONLY COMPLETELY FLUENT IN ENGLISH. You consider 1920'S ERA FASHION to be RATHER LOVELY, you are an enormous fan of JAZZ and BLUES, a strange contrast with your CONSTANT INTERNET TIME and your ADORATION OF JAPANESE ANIMATION. You enjoy ANY FICTIONAL WORK as long as it is WELL-WRITTEN. You are a GAMER, your interests in that field as ECLECTIC as in any other. You have a personal fondness for CARTOGRAPHY, and seek a COMPREHENSIVE UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORLD through this hobby.
    ChumHandle: sophophilicGentleman
    Text Color: #9ACD32
    Typing Quirk: You are prone to inserting your slightly confusing and long-winded phrases with excessive word usage and general verbosity in itself, adding an addressive suffix of some sort, good sir or madam reading this short introductory phrase.
    Strife Specibus: tapemsrkind
    Personal Symbol: Lightning Pin, The World Ends with You
    Class & Aspect: Sage of Mind
    Guardian: FATHER​


    Played by Saxima
    Age: 17
    Interests: You love MUSIC; you're cool with pretty much ANY KIND, as long as it SOUNDS GOOD. Your IPOD contains many songs that are in JAPANESE, a language that you are just as fond of as ITALIAN. You also play a few INSTURMENTS, but you are the BEST AT VIOLIN. You are NEVER FAR FROM YOUR LAPTOP, with which you spend nearly all your time on the INTERNET. You are well-versed in the online world, and enjoy minor law-breaking activities such as PIRATING MUSIC AND MOVIES. You are SARCASTIC, as most teenagers are. You're also something of a CHRONIC LIAR, and you are PRETTY GOOD AT IT. People call you a NERD, but really you just think people online are MORE INTERESTING, and you've MADE MOST OF YOUR FRIENDS ONLINE. When you get out of the house, you TAN like there's no tomorrow and often go on DANGEROUS ADVENTURES with LEGITIMATE HEALTH RISKS.
    ChumHandle: symphoniousQuintessance
    Text Color: #669bbc
    Typing Quirk: You space your ellipses . . . to better emphasize . . . your pauses. Your grammar, spelling and capitalization are usually superb. You like to believe that you popularized the smilies of "c:" and ";~;" seeing as those are the only ones you use.
    Strife Specibus: bow&arrowkind
    Personal Symbol: Sixteenth Note
    Class & Aspect: Seer of Heart
    Guardian: SISTER​


    Age: 18
    Interests: You have a love for LINGUISTICS AND LANGUAGES in general. At the moment, you are BILINGUAL, being fluent in both ENGLISH AND PORTUGUESE, but you strive to learn more. You are also able to be SARCASTIC in several languages. You have a passionate love for MUSIC; your favorite genres would have to be POST ROCK and ELECTRONICA, especially when combined. You get a rush from HELLA TIGHT BASSLINES. You also like to think of yourself to be an ARTIST. You enjoy WRITING, DRAWING, AND PLAYING MUSIC and while you're INCREDIBLY AVERAGE at all of these, you still enjoy doing them simply because they're FUN. And did you mention your love for ANIME and MANGA? Well you totally love those.
    ChumHandle: spiritualProtectorate
    Text Color: #00AFFF
    Typing Quirk: You are almost always calm, both in speaking and typing. This is further accentuated by your dry, dead-pan sense of humor. Your matter-of-fact manner of speaking tends to leave people wondering whether you're serious or not; you revel in this confusion.
    Strife Specibus: bladekind
    Personal Symbol:
    Class & Aspect: Knight of Force
    Guardian: GRANDFATHER​


    ~portrait coming soon~

    Age: 18
    Interests: You have an interest in INTELLIGENCE; that is, knowing things most people probably shouldn't. You assume that you've ended up on several LISTS due to your SUSPICIOUS AND DISTRUSTING NATURE. You tend to stay at home in your STUDIO APARTMENT. You like to COOK, but aren’t very good at it, and spend your days WRITING, or PLAYING THE PIANO. Your dagger, GHEDE, never leaves your side. You are perhaps a little UNSTABLE and at times DANGEROUS; it’s just how you wanted things. You are MESSY and DISORGANIZED, and usually only bother to clean on the rare occasions when you have VISITORS. You thought you were going to college after graduating early, but instead immersed yourself in online writing and text-based ROLE PLAYS. While waiting on replies you took time to COMPLETE COLLEGE COURSES ONLINE – granted, not many yet – and doing TRANSCRIPTION jobs to make at least enough money to FEED YOURSELF. You’re RATHER SURPRISED you haven’t been kicked out of your apartment yet. Your MOTHER makes it a point to call and NAG on a daily basis about moving out, and you make it a point to visit and SPIT IN HER SHOES at least once a month. TENSE RELATIONSHIPS are a normality for you, made worse by your tendency to SAY WHAT YOU'RE THINKING before you have a chance to censor yourself.
    ChumHandle: ******Riot
    Text Color: #DF0000
    Typing Quirk: pending
    Strife Specibus: daggerkind
    Personal Symbol: Biohazard
    Class & Aspect: Bard of Doom
    Guardian: MOTHER​



    Yes, this does exist, and yes, you will need one! You can get it here. Please make sure you have it working and have made your character's chumHandle by the time the game starts; text logs will be important to the game, as they'll be the only means of communication between players at first. You can't really chat on Pesterchum without having Pesterchum. Also, please make sure you have the most recent version (3.41)! It seems that previous versions are incompatible with the latest updates.​
  2. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    yea bb I'm first. /celebrates

    Name: Gwen Arlington
    Age: 16
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Interests: You hold a multitude of interests, some of which hold your fancy longer than others. Like many of your friends you are studying several LANGUAGES. JAPANESE seems to be the norm, but you are also studying NORWEGIAN and FRENCH. Also like your friends, you hold the medium of JAPANESE ANIMATION close to your heart, and you hope to be an ANIMATOR someday.
    You are also fond of DRAWING, but you AREN'T ALL THAT GREAT AT IT. You do not draw stick figures though. Stick figures make you shudder in disgust if drawn by anyone over the age of six for anything other than comedic purposes.
    Another interest is SEWING and COSPLAY, but you are very LAZY and barely ever do it. In fact, you are so lazy you neglect your HOMEWORK in favor of playing GAMES with your friends and surfing the internet for YAOI.
    You also enjoy SINGING, but again, you are very LAZY, and don't really record yourself. You just sing for lulz.
    ChumHandle: northernLights
    Text Color: Dis color right here
    Typing Quirk: Lots and lots of swearing, most of which is either manually censored or child friendly. Also misspells things sometimes, but only barely enough to count as a quirk.
    Strife Specibus: AXE-KIND
    Personal Symbol: Da MOON
    Class & Power: Heir of Tide
    Guardian: MOM. (And STEP-DAD is there sometimes too. But mostly he's not.)
  3. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Name: Alex Adagio
    Age: 16


    Interests: You are interested in a variety of things. Most of it is related to ANIME, specifically STEINS;GATE and PUELLA MAGI MADOKA MAGICA. You also like to WRITE in your spare time, which typically results in VARIOUS FANFICS REVOLVING AROUND YOUR FRIENDS. You also enjoy reading WEBCOMICS, such as QUESTIONABLE CONTENT and the MSPA ADVENTURES. You tend to listen to INCREDIBLY INDIE and TRIP-HOP TUNES, which you sometimes wish to make for yourself, but you DOUBT IN YOUR ABILITY. You also play with Photoshop from time to time, although you are NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. You also believe you FAIL AT VERBAL COMMUNICATION when addressing others.

    ChumHandle: crimsonBallad
    Color Code: dis right here
    Typing quirk: You tend to speak with somewhat perfect grammar and syntax, and tend to abuse emotes and the word "JEGUS" c:

    Strife Specibus: Kazookind
    Personal Symbol: Quarter Note
    Class and Power: Thief of Voice
    Guardian: MOM
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Exile please? XD
  5. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Name: Jay Olson.
    Age: 15.
    Interests: You have a large amount of INTERESTS. You tend to like WRITING PRETENTIOUS POETRY, specifically QUATRAINS AND HAIKU. You play a lot of GAMES, but mainly THE SIMS. You listen to INDIE MUSIC like THE SUBMARINES and TUNEYARDS. You are interested in the mystical sciences of ALCHEMY. You dabble in THE JAPANESE ANIMES, but you mainly stick with THE JAPANESE MANGAS. You like to TALK, especially to people you don't know. You sometimes make THE TECHNO MUSICS, and you really like ELABORATE COMEDY ROUTINES. You guess sometimes you're pretty INSENSITVE, so you're getting interested in BASIC ETIQUETTE. You like PHOTOGRAPHY, but you really suck at it.
    ChumHandle: ellipticalFlux
    Text Color: dis color right here
    Typing Quirk: You use poetic techniques in your typing, and you keep things to short phrases. You sometimes don't make sense because you think you're talking about something else.
    Strife Specibus: Quill-kind
    Personal Symbol: Galaxy
    Class & Power: Seer of Space
    Guardian: SISTER.
  6. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    Name: Sasumi Caprie
    Age: 16
    Interests: You like WRITING and playing BASS GUITAR, although you are a moderate FLAUTIST as well. Your favourite subject is JAPANESE, but you like SPANISH, too. In fact, you happen to be studying a MULTITUDE of languages at the moment. Your FETCH MODUS is a TRANSLATOR.
    You are NOT VERY ORGANIZED and have problems with PUNCTUALITY. Your EDUCATION is most important to you, and you spend A SHITLOAD OF TIME doing HOMEWORK which ends up becoming DOODLE PAGES because you LOSE TRACK OF TIME and are DISTRACTED so very often. SURREALISM freaks you out, but you like it anyway. You play a lot of VIDEO GAMES, and enjoy joining FANSITES and FORUMS based on your favourite FANDOMS. You know your BEST FRIENDS from ONLINE, where you spend HOURS UPON HOURS reading about ASTRONOMY and HOROSCOPES.
    At times, you can be a bit more VIOLENT than necessary. You usually go mess around and shoot FAKEY ZOMBIES in the WOODS by your EDIFICE to RELIEVE STRESS when you are too WORKED UP. You carry a MULTITUDE of RANDOM OBJECTS you like at all times, such as NAIL CLIPPERS and RED PENS. It is customary of your ROLEPLAYING OCS to use the same weapons as you - a set of PISTOLS obtained from your ABSENT FATHER.
    ChumHandle: tsukiKiri
    Text Color/Quirk: 何時>You type in a manner that is mainly dependent on who you are speaking with. Hehe, you can get pretty excited sometimes!!
    Strife Specibus: 2xPistolkind. Noted difference from Riflekind.
    Personal Symbol:
    Class & Power: Rogue of Time
    Guardian: MOTHER.
  7. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Age: 15
    Interests: You hold a veritable cornucopia of interests - you are a fan of all sorts of KNOWLEDGE, especially on the MECHANICS OF THE WORLD AND ITS SOCIETIES. This manifests itself through your love for both the SCIENCE and HUMANITIES - though you are especially privy towards ARCHITECTURE, HISTORY, CHEMISTRY, and LANGUAGES. A shame you are ONLY COMPLETELY FLUENT IN ENGLISH. You hold a special adoration for a rather eclectic combination of things - you consider 1920's ERA FASHION to be RATHER LOVELY, you are an enormous fan of JAZZ AND BLUES MUSIC, though this provides a rather strange CONTRAST with your CONSTANT INTERNET TIME and your ADORATION OF JAPANESE ANIMATION. Though you claim that you enjoy ANY FICTIONAL WORK as long as it is WELL-WRITTEN. You are also a horrendous GAMER OF SOME INEXPLICABLE SORT. In your spare time you conduct the AFOREMENTIONED, though are particularly fond of READING, JAPANESE ANIMATION VIEWING, MORE READING, VIDEO GAMING, EVEN MORE READING, INTERNETING, and the like, though you have a personal fondness for CARTOGRAPHY as a hobby. You believe that AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE ENVIRONMENT CAN BE ACHIEVED SUCCESSFULLY THROUGH MAPPING.
    ChumHandle: sophophilicGentleman
    Text Color: Something sort of similar to this colour.
    Typing Quirk: prone to inserting your slightly confusing and long-winded phrases with excessive word usage and general verbosity in itself, adding an addressive suffix of some sort, good sir or madam reading this short introductory phrase.
    Strife Specibus: Bookkind
    Personal Symbol:
    Class & Power: Sage of Mind
    Guardian: FATHER.
  8. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Seeing as there were 8 sign-up spaces but only 5 have been taken, am I allowed to sign up for a player. If not, can I be a wee bit selfish and reserve NPC as First Guardian ... if you do not wish to play such part yourself.
  9. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Unfortunately all 8 spaces are reserved. It's going to take some time for the players to start filing in, but I'm pretty sure no one's backing out. I'll post a notice if a spot opens up, though.

    Also unfortunately, the First Guardian is not playable! He/she/it is a universal construct with near omnipotence and as such will always be overseen by the GM. You can state a preference for the following:

    - Dersites
    - Prospitians
    - Consorts
    - Exiles
    - Jack Noir
    - Draconian Dignitary
    - Hegemonic Brute
    - Courtyard Droll

    Jack and his posse are the only playable NPC carry-overs, but members of Derse, Prospit, and the respective Lands unique to this adventure will be unveiled over time, at which point they will also become available for preference.
  10. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Name: Your name is JAMES SCOTT. Or SCOTT JAMES. It really depends on how you're feeling.

    Age: You turned seventeen years old yesterday, but due to TIMEZONE SHENANIGANS, to most of your friends it's today, which is A LITTLE CONFUSING.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Interests: You have a tendency to obsess over OBSCURE GAMES AND TELEVISION SHOWS IN WHICH MAIN CHARACTERS DIE HORRIBLY, which you insist on illegally downloading in the HIGHEST QUALITY POSSIBLE, even though your ****** COMPUTER is unable to play them. When you think about it, this practice is probably not too intelligent, and displays a stream of ELITISM. Your main mode of transport is chairKind; that is to say, you roll around on a CHAIR. Or at least, you'd like it to be. Due to unforseen circumstances, such as DASTERDLY STAIRCASES, you are forced to resort to ORDINARY WALKING, as you lack any motorised method of vehicular transport. When it comes to conserving money, you could outscrooge Scrooge. You're simply that good.

    ChumHandle: Because your computer is UNBELIEVABLY ******, you have been unable to change your PESTERSETTINGS for quite some time. As such, your CHUMHANDLE is pikaPower.

    Text Colour: Similarly, your TEXT COLOUR is locked into #FFEE00, with a few exceptions.

    Typing Quirk: You type with a colourset that you find to be RIDICULOUSLY CHILDISH. You do, however, acknowledge that it has a certain zing to it, except for when your UNBELINARBLY SHIRTY KEYBROAD cearses to wotlk as it should.

    Strife Specibus: Due to your INCREDIBLY IRRITATING PAST SELF, your Strife Specibus is stuck on FOODKIND. Little fucker thought it was a smart way to get out of eating his vegetables.

    Personal Symbol: Your PERSONAL SYMBOL looks something like THIS, but without the circle or the ****** WATERMARK.

    Class & Power: Scholar of Blitz

    Guardian: Your parents are dead, or more specifically, they MIGHT AS WELL BE. They wake at the CRACK OF DAWN, and depart to work even earlier. Fortunately, they leave behind Net Nanny, a COMPUTER MONITORING PROGRAM WRITTEN BY SATAN HIMSELF. Sometimes you suspect that she's not just a program at all.
  11. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Name: Tomás da Silva
    Age: 18
    Interests: You have a love for LINGUISTICS AND LANGUAGES in general. At the moment, you are BILINGUAL, being fluent in both ENGLISH AND PORTUGUESE, but you strive to learn more. Being SARCASTIC in more than one language may be useful is what you think. You also have a passionate love for MUSIC. Your favorite genres would have to be POST ROCK AND ELECTRONICA,. Especially a combination of both. You enjoy other genres but these would be at the top of echeladder. Vast walls of sounds and hella tight basslines just make your body feel funny. You also like to think of yourself to be an ARTIST somewhat. You enjoy WRITING, DRAWING, AND PLAYING MUSIC and while you're INCREDIBLY AVERAGE at all of these, you still enjoy doing them simply because they're FUN. And did you mention your love for ANIME AND MANGA?! Let's just leave it at that for now or you might get weird looks.
    ChumHandle: spiritualProtectorate
    Text Color: #00AFFF
    Typing Quirk: Your speech is characterized by your constant calmness. This is further accentuated by your sense of humor which is both dry and deadpan. You usually talk in a matter-of-fact voice which tends to confuse people over whether or not, you're being serious, sarcastic or silly. You like to revel in this confusion at times.
    Strife Specibus: Bladekind
    Personal Symbol:
    Class & Power: Knight of Gravity
    Guardian: GRANDFATHER
  12. jojoj13 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 30, 2008
    Name: Abraham Rockwell
    Age: 16
    Interests: You have an absurdly huge amount of obsessions that you rarely show to everyone because of reasons even unknown to you. You do, however, have a great passion over JAPANESE ANIMATIONS and COMICS. How you love to read these MANGAS WITH OPPRESSIVELY DEPRESSING CHARACTERS, and watch ANIMATIONS THAT INFATUATES MANLINESS AND DIGNITY. You have also do have an interest among watching slice-of-life animes, like K-ON! and LUCKY STAR, though you tend to hide this fact as you feel it is too embarrassing, even though it is wide open to everyone you love these animes. You have the strangest hobby of LOOKING RIDICULOUS at the worst times possible. What? No, you do not really have the greatest mustache in the universe know to man. That is just a disguise you often wear almost everyday. You constantly make PUNS THAT ARE NOT EVEN HILARIOUS AT THE LEAST, which you are aware of yet still continue to say them. DRAWING has been your greatest interest ever since you were a child. Although, you constantly look down on your artwork. Nevertheless, you still find it decent enough to consider that you can draw.
    ChumHandle: pseudoIsolophilia
    Text Color: #4B0082
    Typing Quirk: you try to type intelligently, but fail to do so, as you pause every single moment to just think of what you want to say. you have the strangest tendency to always put ._. in every post you have, it is not even funny.
    Strife Specibus: LANCE-KIND
    Personal Symbol: (will change it to something better.)
    Class & Power: Bard of Doom
    Guardian: FATHER
  13. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    All right, so, not sure where Brit went. Originally I wanted to be underway by the new year, but there will be a slight delay. Bearing in mind that most of us will either be back in school or out hunting for jobs within a few weeks' time, I'm still shooting for a start time in January, but it all depends on whether I hear from Britishism, and if I can get a replacement or work around seven players (which I can, in either case, so I really just need to figure out how long I'll give Brit to respond).

    EDIT: Also, this post will now be a repository for all the things I tell people about the game over MSN/Voxli which the whole party ought to have access to, since I cannot shut my goddamn mouth for five seconds

    POST DELETE/REPOST/BUMP/EDIT DOUBLE REACH-AROUND: I have added information to the OP on how to get Pesterchum. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD THIS, and make sure it's fully functional by the time we start. If you have any problems, talk to me or someone else in the group and we'll try to get it sorted out. You will need Pesterchum to chat on Pesterchum!
  14. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    In addition to that, if you already have Pesterchum but havn't updated to Pesterchum v3.41, make sure you do so. The old versions and the new version are not compatible, and you will not be able to use the old versions anymore. The new version was put up on 12/4/2011, for reference.

    On top of that, MAKE SURE YOU ACTUALLY TURN PESTERCHUM ON. It's not like MSN, guys, it doesn't run itself. I've noticed I seem to be the only one on a lot of the time, so once the game starts you should have it on as much as possible, if you can, and on the correct account for the game.
  15. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Question. Do Exiles also need to use pesterchum?
  16. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    What's this doing on the second page? UNACCEPTABLE.

    All right y'all, got a fresh tasty batch of updates for ya. I have contacted Britishism; he says he's still in, and he hopes to be available in early February. If I don't hear from him again by then, I'm giving him one more chance. Sorry to have to keep pushing the start date back, fellas...

    Also, I believe I've asked everyone what they think their early-game challenges would be like, but I will need one more thing from the players: a map of your house. Make it simple; give me a bird's-eye view of each floor and label each room (dad's room, bedroom, bathroom etc) plus all possible exits: doors, ladders, windows, and so forth. If any rooms are typically locked or otherwise inaccessible to you (e.g. John's DAD's study) then that would help even more. It would also help for you to make note of outlying landmarks which are important to you (places you hang out a lot, places where your internet is more reliable than at home).

  17. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Hopefully this bumps the topic, even if it merges.

    Ok, so, Brit is dropping out. Claw will be joining us instead! He has until the 20th to get in his info, and I want to have everyone else's floor plans by then. So far I only have one from Fearless! I need this to craft your early-game challenges, y'all!

    I'm hoping this will be the last delay, and I want to get this thing rolling at the end of the month. In the meantime, make sure you all have Pesterchum set up, and get used to chatting with each other. I may begin posting rules and code of conduct before I officially open the game, but rest assured that everything you need to know will be in the IC when it goes up (or will be added to it after someone reminds me of whatever I will inevitably forget).

    EDIT: Oh, apparently double posts don't merge here. Or after a long time.
  18. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Greater than 24 hours and no merge iirc.

  19. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    GET YO BUTTS ON PESTERCHUM. Since we are starting soon we oughta get our characters acquainted. Even if they are practically us.
  20. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Ok, finally got around to adding everyone's profiles to the list, in the proper order, and (imo) with much neater coding. I also have everyone's Lands, Denizens, and dreaming planets decided; working on the Consorts presently. You might notice that some people's classes/aspects have been changed; don't mind that, I just wanted to come up with one-syllable synonyms for the titles we had, since that's the official format. Everyone will still function much as they may have expected to before. Aaaand I had some other stuff to announce but I forgot. sdfsgsdg.

    P, I understand you're trying to express yourself, but I'm afraid your choice of text colors is just too much of a hassle. Please stick to plain yellow.

    And... can we all use the format provided next time? ._. Sifting through all the fonts and sizes is a nightmare. I provided an outline for a reason, y'know.

    Anyway, here's everyone's Land and dreaming planet! If you'd like, you can start working on a planet-specific outfit. Just remember to use the proper settings/pencil tool if you're using Photoshop!

    - Land of Sea and Stardust
    - Prospit dreamer

    - Land of Crystal and Resonance
    - Derse dreamer

    - Land of Flow and Frogs
    - Prospit dreamer

    - Land of Stage and Flame
    - Derse dreamer

    - Land of Calm and Legacy
    - Prospit dreamer

    - Land of Heroes and Literature
    - Derse dreamer

    - Land of Castles and Gravity
    - Prospit dreamer

    - Land of █░▓█▓█░ and █▒▓█
    - Derse dreamer

    ...Oh my. Ah, hehe, how embarrassing... Seems there's a glitch in the system. Never fear! I'm sure we'll have that ironed out by the time Jojo reaches the Medium.
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