Say what you will about recent seasons of The Office,

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by 61, May 10, 2013.

  1. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    but the past few episodes have been absolutely spectacular.

    I'm a sucker for things coming full circle, which has been what recent episodes have been all about, but they've also worked in some of the seasons best bits of comedy from what I can remember.
    It's like they're (appropriately) letting it all out for the last few episodes. I almost cried at the end of last weeks episode when Andy Sang.

    Now, about this weeks episode:

    I loved nearly everything that happened.
    The only things I didn't care for were Andy's moments about being on television, I felt like last week should have been his last episode on the show.
    Darryl is a character I've never cared about, so I felt like making a big deal about him leaving was a little unnecessary, but the dance scene was nice, even if it didn't seem like his character deserved such a big sen-off (Oscar dancing was the best part.)

    Other than that everything was perfect.
    Kevin becoming best friends with a baby is great and totally believable.
    Though this goes back to last weeks episode, Angela relying on Oscar for support is a great way to bring years of them being at odds to a close.
    I love the resolution of Jim and Pam's marital problems. I question them going there to begin with, but it did seems like a natural progression given Jim's new job, and I'm glad they resolved it with Pam watching a video of their moments throughout the series. Still, I have to wonder if giving them problems was the right thing to do, though like I said I love the results.
    Jim and Dwight's relationship in the office is the perfect way to end everything. Dwight being manager, Jim being his assistant, and Dwight being Jim's assistant is brilliant. Wouldn't have had it any other way.
    Dwight proposing to Angela was the best moment of the episode.
    I kinda resist that their relationship is the last to be resolved, it doesn't seem quite appropriate. I would have much rather this happen than Angela go through that business with the senator, but I still love everything about how it was resolved.
    I didn't quite know what to think of the last scene in the episode.
    It didn't play out like I would have expected. It was weird how they didn't show the screen, and the looks on everyone's faces looked like expressions of disappointment. It was weird. I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be a cliff-hanger that just wasn't written as well as it should have been, or if I just didn't see it right.
    O well, this episode was fantastic either way

    So yeah. Next week is the last episode of the series. It's going to be an emotional day and episode. Having watched the series for as long as I have it's going to be sad to see it come to a close. Sure, there was a noticeable decline is the last couple seasons, but it's still an important show that will leave its mark.
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I agree, I've been really annoyed with the past like... seasons (basically everything since Michael left, there were some glimmers of hope but it's been pretty piss poor), but the past two episodes have been excellent. Throughout my time with the show I've never wanted Dwight as manager but it's been done really well so far.

    I want Andy gone though. I cared so little about his subplot in this episode, I liked him before the manager business but now he's my least favorite character. Pam and Jim having marital problems was annoyingly out of character but I like the resolution. I'm not upset the show is ending, even so.
  3. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    Oh, I think the show should have ended when Michael left. They clearly didn't know what to do with it once he was gone. Still, it's one of those things that you want even though you know it's probably not the best idea, at least for me it is.
    Yes. Andy should have been written off when he left to be at sea. That's actually what I thought was going to happen. I never liked him being manager.
  4. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    There were some small glimmers of hope, like I really love Catherine Tate and wish they had actually used her, but meh. Michael leaving is where it should have ended. It just got too... big, after that, I guess? All the **** with the senator and Jim's company and Andy, it was all just so ridiculous, I had to remind myself that this was the same show that had (terrific) episodes about things like take your daughter to work day.
    Agree completely, his storylines have all been awful. I tried being hopeful for him at first but the entire Erin situation was just so bad, I never like them together but he was an ass about it.
  5. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    I don't really get The Office. On one hand, whenever I watch it, it feels like I'm watching Seinfeld but with shaky cameras and humor that's way too blatant. On the other hand, though, it is entertaining enough to keep me from changing the channel when it's on.
  6. Vagineer Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2013
    Yongen-Jaya, Japan
    That's exactly what I was thinking.
  7. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Cool how it will end on the 200th episode. They've built it up with the finale being 2 hours, so here's hoping to something that isn't anti-climactic. Steve Carell was said to appear, but not much comment from PR Reps.

    Also, kind of unrelated but, NBC cancelled Whitney and renewed Community.
  8. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Two hours? I was not aware of this. Too long. I just want one normal episode with the office functioning normally. That's how I feel it should go out.

    Parks & Rec was also renewed, don't really care about Whitney and imo Community has been **** since the second season. Parks & Rec is my precious bby.
  9. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I agree. Since this weeks and last weeks episode have been an hour I was expecting the last episode to be at least an hour as well. Two hours does seem like a bit much though.
  10. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Parks and Rec is news to me. I love the show, but didn't get into it until around the second season.
    Recently, Community has let me down a lot this season. From Dan Harmon's departure, to the compact time that felt tightly squeeze into the 13 episode season. Though I did have some favorite episodes in the season, specifically episodes 6, 7, and 8.
  11. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I adore Parks & Rec, I didn't get into it until the third season but it's probably one of my favorite shows right now. The Mindy Project is also really great, though that's on FOX.

    Once the Jeff/Brita tension diffused I lost interest in the show :/