Sanity level lowering?

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Mathias Jay, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    Let me explain what's been going on over the past two months or so.

    For the past couple months or so, I haven't felt like myself. Almost like my head isn't on my neck quite right. I don't really know how to explain it. During certain parts of an evening, I will begin to feel odd. Like nothing is right, and I become sick of anything (and I mean anything) weird. I'm in the mood for nothing and everything aggravates me. I just want to be alone and I begin to feel sick.

    That's during the evening. During the day, I may sometimes feel like I'm in a fever dream, where nothing seems real. Like reality is nothing and logic means nothing. It's like nothing makes sense, and I can't make sense of anything no matter how hard I try. It stresses me and scares me, because I can't hold onto anything to help me think straight. I just feel like I'm floating in an abyss of something that I can't comprehend.

    During the night, I have had a few odd dreams. They all have the same basic theme: I'm captured or stuck somewhere and I can't leave or I'm trying to escape. Each time, I feel sick while in the dream and after the dream. Nothing in the dreams feel like they make sense, but in a sickly way. They feel like fever dreams, but I'm not sick.

    And now, I've broken up with my long-distance girlfriend of over a year because I didn't feel like myself and because I thought I needed to date someone where I am.

    What the fuck is wrong with me?
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    You need a professional. This thing you are going through can't possibly be good for your health. We can't help you find the solution to this, because we are merely a website, this requires more than us.

    The way you describe it, it could be that you have an infection...though I could be totally off. Maybe it's stress, that is beginning to affect you physically. I can't be certain of that. What I can be certain of is that you need to see a doctor. Then you can be sure of what you're truly going through.
  3. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    You'll definitely want to see a doctor. Or maybe just talk to someone. Stress could cause some of that, so maybe just take some time to be by yourself and just relax. Relaxing can help a great deal.

    And the feelings during the day could be linked to depression or something, I dunno. You should just really get checked out. It's seriously affecting your health.

    As for the dream thing, I'm not much help there. It could just be your subconscious dealing with all of everything or just a coincidence. I'm sure once you're feeling better, the dreams will go away though.

    Hope that helps.
  4. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    I've debated asking my parents to take me to see a psychiatrist, but they're struggling to pay for my brother's college, so I don't want to put them under more stress.

    And I don't think it's my health. I'm just worried about my sanity. All of this is psychological. There really isn't anything physical about it, it just doesn't make sense inside my head.
  5. Phazeun Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2010
    Are you sure that it is a sanity level? I mean, if you feel it is, I would find it very strange in this type of case.

    I would think it would be a Depression type case. I had depression for a year when I was a teenager, all of them do. And I felt the same as you feel right now. The sickness, was the worst part. My doctor helped me out so much. Don't keep it in, let it out, that's probably be the best thing for you.
  6. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009

    Okay-Nobody actually just goes insane in such a short period of time so stay calm-It happens over a lifetime. Now,You seem to be void of a stresser-Did anything dramatic happen lately? and if not (im sorry to ask but) how was your childhood? Because it sounds like you are surrounded by negative memories-If you feel you are strong enough,try to explore them and try to find a landmark point that could of changed you as a person.