Sanctum of the Damned: Dream Weaved Worlds

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Twilight_Nobody13, Nov 17, 2012.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Since medival times people with extrodinary talents and abilities have been around. Fighting our wars...teaching our children...and watching us falter in our steps. To us...they have appeared as Gods, Paragons, Prophets and Heros. To them...we mearly stand as children on the ever changing timeline of the universe.

    Since the day the Third World War ended, two organizations were founded for these extrodinary people and for our society. The Black Order funds any and all underground operations including the Collusiem and the black market. As just as the Black Order exists, there exists the Grey Order. In charge of government, environmental and the general surface world issuses.

    The Grey Order organizes a group of skilled warriors, mages, witches, rouges or any sort of class they could find talent in to infiltrate the Black Order's Collusiem and defend the Grey Order's upper sanctum. Law of Conscript demands that any child that comes of age and is discovered with talent of any kind should be enlisted into their ranks.

    After humanity discovered the existance of these beings, unhuman or simply talented, miners broke through in an abandoned mine shaft and discovered an entire underground world they named the Deeproads. A monster infested world illegal citizens travel through to different parts of the world.


    Black Order and the Grey Order's classes sound the same in name but are very different.
    First we'll start with the Black Order.

    Members of the Black Order Lower Sanctum:

    Black Order Mage: Mages in the Black Order are the human equivalant of drug dealers. Dealing in bottles of lyrium, an addictive blue substance that enhances magical prowess for a time, and normal drugs.

    Black Order Witch: Witches have a different job than mages. They pose as rear fighters in a battle and wield dangerous dark arts. The witches are the ones purchasing the lyrium and generally aren't as close to humans as the mages.

    Black Order Warrior: Warriors involved in the Black Order range from any sort of race and are paid to fight in the Collusiem. They serve as a band of general tough guy mercenaries that the Order uses as protection for their mages or humans willing to go through the Deeproads.

    The Upper Sanctum of the Black Order consists only of a group of goblins. These little, evil-doers aren't interchangable or playable for plot reasons.

    Members of the Grey Order Lower Sanctum:

    Grey Order Lower Mages: Mages in the Grey Order specialize in healing magics and support magic much like the typical mage. They hold very little sway over the way things go in the world besides being used in the battlefield.

    Grey Order Lower Warriors: Warriors, like in the Black Order, consist of multiple races and are only used in battles as the type of warrior who would just as easily join in the Collusiem battles.

    Grey Order Deeproad Denizen: Beings who survive in the Deeproads. Unconnected and unbothered by either Orders, they serve as excavators and scouters of the Deeproads. Most don't survive in the Deeproads and those that do either go crazy from devouring the monsters' flesh as substinance.

    Grey Order Upper Sanctum:

    Grey Order Upper Mages: Mages directly involved in the Grey Order affairs that are treated with higher respect and rarely use their talents for anyone without the right pay.

    Grey Order Aristocrats: Nobles and millionaires who hire mages and warriors as their playthings and bodyguards. Most aristocrats either are mages themselves or some other form of highly regarded being.

    Naturally within the classes themselves, others have a choice of any sort of job they could think up.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    High in the twin towers that loom above the city below the earth and yet it's spires do not touch the skies, twin sisters and rulers of the Grey Order sat, dining on some poor human who'd wandered a bit too far outside the law they'd created and dare call themself a Grey Order warrior.
    Scooting aside her food, Soldana continued her writing, using an old quill pen and what anyone other than she would assume was ink, scribbled quietly until her sister's heavily armored hands slammed onto the tabletop. Thankfully, Soldana had lifted her pen so her writing was not flawed. "Something you wish to say, sister?" she hummed. "You spend your days writing letters to those I am not sure recieve them, nor do thay realize what a great honor it is to recieve such a thing, lethilan!" Smiling at her sisters fond elvish word for sister, Soldana glanced up at her sister's scowl, "They recieve them...and with great honor. This is the last to be sent out today...those I have written to will do us a great service. Children of many races live under our banner...and also those that live under the house of the Black Order will come here tomorrow. I trust you'll recieve them with as much tolerance as you can muster, sister?" Soljana, in all her experience with battle and odd company, could never figure out her sister's complex thoughts. "Your thoughts are too hard to read, lethilan...I do not like the turn they have taken." As per usual, the demoness sisters' thoughts were connected. Each sister experienced the others' thoughts like they were their own. "You've often thought about such ancient relics that were lost to us when the humans disturbed our peaceful darkness. What are you planning?" Brushing white hair back from her face, Soldana finished the letter and whistled, "Nothing that my champions cannot handle. I assure you...this task is not something that can be done swiftly...but it must be done." A bat flew to her raised arm and she wrapped a thin string around it's leg, attaching the letter to it. "Fly my friend.... May the Maker protect you." Soljana snorted as the bat screeched and flew away. "You put too much faith in these so-called Gods of yours, lethilan. I believe in what I can touch and see with my own eyes." Soldana picked at her food, "So you have told me several times, sister..."

    Yawning, Uriel stared at the empty dark sky. Below the earth's crust they were too far away to see the stars... A pang of lonliness struck his heart and he looked away and down at the crumpled letter in his hand. Messenger bats from Lady Soldana hadn't been seen in a decade...why now did she wish to see him and who else were these others she'd summoned? No, he didn't take orders from the Grey Order higher ups...but it certainly was interesting that she'd summon him by name. The letter was vauge, telling him only to arrive at her estate at dawn tomorrow...and that she had an important task for him and the others that would arrive. He wondered if the actual Grey Order warriors were all far too busy to heel to their master's commands. Stretching his wings, Uriel couldn't help but feel a tiny bit curious about what she wanted to say...but more so interested in the reward promised to him and those that were to also come.
  3. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Resting in the one the many estates that lied above the rest of the world, Xavier was currently staring out the window of his private room. Currently drinking blood from his father’s private stash, he thought about everything that he’d gotten from his father. This estate, private blood cellar, and servant all were given to him with the hopes of convincing him to take being a Grey Order Mage more seriously. While he still doesn’t like it, he agreed to at least carry on his father’s wishes for him. Taking another sip of his drink, he turned away from the window and look at his room. Man, my old man sure knew how to live. Too bad I can’t have all this without caring on my responsibilities as a mage of the Grey Order. Once he was finished with his drink, he handed to empty glass to a servant who’d walk in. Without saying a word the servant left, leaving Xavier to his thoughts.
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