Same-Sex Marriage Now Legal in All 50 States

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Amaury, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    That makes no sense, honestly. (Don't get me wrong, rape is a serious issue, but keep reading.) I'm not saying it's only men on men or only women on women, but in the cases where it is, if they hate homosexuals/homosexuality so much, why would a straight man rape a gay man or a straight woman rape a lesbian woman?

    I realize my ignorance is probably showing here, so apologies in advance.
  2. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Okay, this might be a little disturbing or creepy to read but I'm going to do the best I can.

    Going to put this under a spoiler for potential squick and general unpleasantness.

    trigger warnings for rape and stuff

    There is, what exists in the world we live in, something called 'corrective rape'. Now I'm not saying that a straight man would or would not rape a gay man or a straight woman would rape a lesbian woman. But it does happen. Granted, very rarely.

    Corrective rape is just like it sounds. Someone is attempting to use rape to 'fix' a person. For example, a straight man learns that a woman he likes is a lesbian. He determines that it's up to him to make her see reason by whatever means necessary.

    It's also used as a means to 'fix' asexuals too. Because hey, sex is a part of human nature right? Everyone wants to have sex. </sarcasm>

    But in the scenario you have given, I can imagine a few reasons. Remember that rape doesn't necessarily have to involve the rapist's genitals. They could use anything really. And i'm not going to go too much into detail but suffice to say that enough damage and the person could bleed to death. Turning the rape into murder.

    oookay, my mind is in a really dark place right now.
  3. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I'm not sure whatever happened with that Texas one, but the Kentucky clerk who defied the Supreme Court's ruling to issue marriage licenses to all couples has now being ordered to jail for failure to obey.


    She's religious, I get it (as I'm all for equality, I have nothing against religious people), but she doesn't have to agree with it, she just has to issue marriage licenses to all couples by order of the law.

    • Source: KIMA TV
    • Published: September 3, 2015

  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    To clarify, she divorced her first husband and had twins five months later by husband #3. Married husband #2, divorced him, married husband #3, then divorced him and remarried husband #2.

    All while wearing multi-fabric clothes and breaking an oath she took.

    The sin is strong with this one.
    Almost as strong as the hypocrisy.
  5. mindstorm787 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 18, 2013
    The one thing that ticks me off is how hypocritical some people can be. To be frank, some people are angry about the fact of how one man and another man can elope legally when according to the angry mob that its against nature and not religious and all that bullshit. It drives me insane to think that they say such things when they are just as capable of doing a lot worse things (Not saying that same-sex marriage is bad. Everyone has interests and devotions you know.).

    The way I see it, if what we do is unjust, unethical, or just not right with society, we wouldn't even be able to do half the **** that goes down, murder included.
    A great example: Someone gets murdered in an alley. Alright. Some people grieve, some people say it's a shame. We get over it because yeah, it's a part of life, and the only thing we can do is catch the culprit. Simple, right?
    Two lesbians decide to get married in public, and everyone loses their minds. You get the picture?

    Why? Because certain people HATE change. They hate stuff that they don't understand. They can understand murder, because people understand that people live or die everyday. Same sex marriage however, is out of that general spectrum. Because certain people won't understand how love works.

    Love doesn't differentiate. Love isn't picky.
    If two people of the same gender aren't allowed, isn't ethical, then to me, that's just saying that love isn't ethical to begin with.
  6. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I knew this would happen soon and honestly that day I was too busy doing something I can't even remember (maybe it was work related).

    I remember sitting in my car and just opening my phone, getting on the internet and seeing the news. I just cried for a bit.

    Not because I'm thinking of marriage, mind you. But because it was nice seeing that LGBT people are not forsaken or forgotten by many. And that was reflected on that day when people stood up for gay rights.

    Seeing all the happy couples finally together was pretty heartwarming.