Salvia : Has anyone tried it? : Good or Bad : Legal Drug with strong effects

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Redsonic, Nov 8, 2007.

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  1. Redsonic Banned

    Apr 3, 2007
    That's the site that was mentioned in this video of someone trying it:

    And so far, it's Totally legal in about 40+ states of the US. Only a few states have prohibited it, which is just llinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Delaware, Maine and North Dakota as the only states in the nation that have prohibited possession of Salvia.
    Still, there are exceptions to the laws already enacted. In Louisiana and Oklahoma, it is still legal to possess the plant as long it is not intended for human consumption. In Maine, possession is only prohibited by minors.

    In all other states, this drug is legal.

    But more and more videos are appearing on the net of people trying Salvia, especially teens. Goto youtube and search for ''Salvia'', you'll be surprised.

    Some legislatures want to ban the drug, but so far, it has been found to have NO Dangerous Long-Term Effects. The only really short-term effect is you can't walk/drive/focus after using it.

    What do you think, guys? I say the drug is being more and more popular amongst Teens, and will remain legal, for at LEAST 10 years I guess.

    I checked the website, SalviaSupply.Com, and found THIS Page:

    The drug is cheap for the less potent stuff, and 1g is enough for maybe one or two smokes. But I wouldn't know, I don't smoke.

    What do you think, guys? Salvia: Good or Bad? The discussion is here
  2. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i would say bad like how marijuana is illegal in US but not Canada.
  3. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    Well first off, when I read this I thought 'Saliva? Spit can't be illegal'

    But I realize now that I miss read it...And honestly, I've never heard of it...
  4. DrMario64 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 25, 2007
    I thought this thread was about "saliva" not "salvia" lulz.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    I've heard of it from a friend that bought some plants of it a couple years ago and tried it. As a person that mostly refrains from doing anything worse to myself than OD'ing on caffeine probably, I generally don't want to put anything in myself that is going to make me act too stupid. Sure, now and then I've gotten drunk but never to the point either that I can't remember things like some people claim. However, it's nearly impossible at my age to not know quite a few people that have smoked dope or done worse. Salvia appears really to not be worse than pot, which I don't really mind. If it was something harder than that, I'd have a bigger deal with it because I really do not like drugs that change people entirely or can kill someone after just trying it even once. I do admit my only exposure to this was from one friend who talks to me now and then, so I do need to research it more myself. He's kind of eccentric and likes to smoke various tobaccos and such to relax and somehow found out about it.

    So far, it seems the plant is not that 'harmful' though smoking it, as with smoking 'anything' in abundance, can cause harm to your lungs. As for other effects, you are right, so far there is little known about it and if it causes any other residual long term effects. I do not know how long they will let this drug be 'legal' to have since they have a tendency to want to get rid of anything that can make people have an excuse to be stupid, other than alcohol because the wealthy like to drink that still whether some are conservative religious sorts or not. Prohibition proved that.

    I would say if things happen where this drug is found in people's systems, such as driving around with Salvia in the system and accidents happen, fights happening where some of the teens or adults are found to be using Salvia etc, it will become something where mainstream audiences frown upon it and then something will be done. If people did not act stupid with it (like they do on alcohol but that won't be illegal for reasons of again, look at the prohibition), then we can count on the fact that it could be illegal in more and more states each upcoming year.
  6. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Personally I am not a fan of Salvia. I think it is stupid, cause it is basicly a hallucinogen that last for like a 15 min. time span and that is a waste of 15 mins of my life. I prefer the messed up for hours approach. Its effects are mostly strong for people who don't do alot of drug related activities, I have had friends who think their hair is on fire, or think its the end of the world. I just felt like everything was amplified, thinks looked and sounded different. But its like a once in a while drug I guess, nothing to be used on a regular basis, cause it will get really boring really fast, trust me. So really if you want to try it, go for it but its nothing to be amazed about.
  7. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    lol I thought the same thing. I've never heard of it, but I'd say it's bad. Taking any sort of drug for anything other than medical reasons is bad imo.
  8. ChronikSora Banned

    Nov 9, 2007
    *looks at TC's account status*

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