Welcome to the shoppe Please fill out le request form with all the information you want or have. I will only be doing around two to three tags at a time, since I don't want it piled on. Any requests not given with the template will be ignored, and any after as well. I am currently trying to improve on any style, and push myself. If you wish for something special in your imagination then feel free to ask and I will try my hardest. My Archive link is down on my sig. OPENRequest form Render/Stock: Text: Sub-Text: Font: Any Extra Description: Cool people give Rep
Render/Stock: Text: V Sub-Text: No sub text =P Font:Arial Black Arial Narrow or Basic Dot's (Click here) Any Extra Description: ,dfkmsifosdfm
AH three in the morning fun. Here you are DJ Tell me what you think? I tried both, basicdot, and arial narrow, I think this looks best.
Those look cool. Could I get one? Render/Stock: http://perso.orange.fr/mregniez/images/fonds/fond.jpg Text: Don't Mess With Me Sub-Text: Star_Seeker Font: Whatever looks the best with it. Any Extra Description: Uh...nope. Just make it look good. =) Oh, could it be the same size as D/J/'s? With darkish light colors...
Ok, Star_Seeker here is yours. To let you know if you don't like it let me know this was kind of a weird stock to work with, so I don't know what you will think.
No, I really like it! Thank you very much! It looks awesome! Um, but could you change the color of it? A color that kind of matches my avatar? Please and thank you.
Render/Stock: Text: overload Sub-Text: the one Font: something dark Any Extra Description: do something it don't mind
Ok, Star_Seeker here is your remix on the colour. If you like it Rep. http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w72/sirkyleoftipple/Shoppe/Star_Seeker2.png[/IMG*] Overload...I will start that. Ok, Overload here is your sig. Tell me if you want anything changed, and if not...well then happy goings. [IMG]http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w72/sirkyleoftipple/Shoppe/Overload.png http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w72/sirkyleoftipple/Shoppe/Overload.png[/IMG*] Cool people Rep
W7X, that looks like fan art that someone drew, so unless it was you who drew it, or you have permission from the artist to use it, I am not doing anything with it.
Bleh, ttly didn't even think about that. Sure, I'll go ask for some permission. I'll edit with the dudes answer, or lack of one, in a bit. EDIT: Meh. Cancel my request. I'll delete the post momentarily. I found the image in several different photobucket albums, and ony 2 out of like, 3 or 4 of them had any method of contact. One of 'em said "lol, nope." when I asked if they were the artist, and the other has yet to respond. Ah well. I'll find something later and maybe make a diff request.