Running Edge

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by heartless_angel, Feb 20, 2011.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Once inside the hospital, Lynne was wisked off to surgery. Their reasoning...she needed to have whatever damage repaired and patched up before it bled out and she died. Lynne thought their reason was rather comical at the time. She giggled hysterically and they shushed her.
  2. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Kevin looked at Hanna, "Trying being the cause of one of your friends being in the a serious condition." he looked at his burnt hand then the cut on. "I need to stop getting hurt..."muttered Kevin under his breath, so no one could hear him.
  3. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya decided to head back to the hospital. She wanted to be with Lynne. She hated to see someone pass away, especially her friends. Assuming she wasn't gone yet...No stop thinking like that. She's alive. I know it.
  4. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hanna considered this, "Alright, then you tell me what could you have done to stop it? I don't suppose it's like you chose to let your sister do that to you. And don't say we could of just left you because we're runners - we stick together. As soon as we knew you were in trouble, that wasn't an option."
  5. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    "I could've stayed in the clinic like I was told to...then none of this would've happened!" said Kevin in a weak and exhausted voice, his voice cracked as tears filled his eyes. He blinked away the tears, not wanting to show his weakness agian.
  6. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hanna sighed, "Look beating yourself up is not going to help anybody. What's happened has happened and there's nothing we can do to change that. But we can sort ourselves out and improve for next time. So let's just get to Alex's and everything's going to be just fine" She said to Alex, she felt equally exhausted and beaten up inside but she was determined not to let that show. That would make Kevin worse and that she didn't know how to cope with. She just ignored her own troubles and carried on.
  7. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Kurisu was also persuaded to head to the hospital in the end for similar reasons.
    That, and well... he did need to be treated no matter how much he insisted he was fine, so in the end, he anded up following Mya.
  8. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya watched Lynne being treated on the other side of the window. She'll make it. I know it. Then was fragile.
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Mya's assumption was correct. Life was very fragile. Lynne alternated between stable and unstable, in which those periods of stability, the doctors briefed Mya and the rest of the Runner's on her condition and what they'd done. Though their endings remained the same. "We still can't be sure if she'll make it through the night. Lynne...never did have anything strong that bound her to the living world. It's a miracle she's stayed alive for this long."

    Lynne stared up at the white ceiling and slept when they operated. She didn't like feeling cooped up in this room. At the moment she was stable. But that never lasted, as she realized the next wave of burning pain that would take her senses from her would probably kill her.
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    {ooc: talk about missing a lot when you don't have internet and your computer is out being serviced. geebers.}

    after mya had gotten there alex felt it would be safe to leave lynne since her surgery was over with.
    "mya i'm heading out, kevin and hanna are headed to my place so that i can look at them."
    she looked at kurisu, since he was already in the hospital there was no need for her to take care of him.
    "make sure you go over to the emergency room. then they'll have you all patched up in no time."
    she smiled a little sadly. alex liked being the one everyone turned to for help. it made her feel like she was actually a part of the group, so when they would go to the hospital, that meant she was no longer the one they needed to treat them. she felt disconnected. she wasn't fast like the others and was much more prone to injury, which is primarily why she never partook in any of the missions, but when one of them would take a bullet or get cut with a knife, she was right there to help. alex liked being depended on, and she didn't feel very depended on when they were in the hospital.

    once outside she called a taxi to take her home. after all the chaos she remembered that she left the front door wide open.
    i really hope nobody broke in. it would have been so easy for me to get robbed. you can't be so careless alex.
    she sighed and as she neared the house she half-expected hanna and kevin to be there before her, but that didn't seem to be the case; so she paid the taxi driver and went inside to set up the house. she needed it to be more healing appropriate, not to mention she was probably going to make hanna and kevin stay there overnight depending on their condition. she knew kevin would have to for sure.

    before kaleb could get a chance to tell hanna what happened kevin started breaking down. he was coughing uncontrollably and just freaking out. then once it stopped they started hobbling away. he felt that it was his duty to help them to that alex girl's house. he did swear and oath after all. to serve and protect when kaleb said so he never thought it would also be to help the runners, but if he wanted to keep his cover and be included that meant he needed to help them out. every last one of them. even the one that shot and stabbed one of his closest friends. he didn't want to, he would have much rather helped demitri, but that would have ruined everything. so he rushed over to hanna and kevin and helped hold kevin up on the other side. kaleb hoped this would help reduce some of the work for hanna since she didn't really look as if she was in the best of shape either. he looked at her and smiled sadly, he hadn't smiled so sad in many years.
    "i'll tell you everything that happened once we get there. we have more important things to worry about at the moment."
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Kurisu looked at Alex before she left.
    "Thanks Alex... To be honest, I'd much prefer you to take care of me. I trust you.
    But yeah... Kevin and Hanna need you more than I do."
    he gave her a thumbs up. "Go save some lives you hear me."
    Once she left, he addressed what Mya had said and the other doctors had told them.
    "Mya, you're definitely right... she'll definitely make it.
    Life is fragile... but if you keep fighting for it, then it will never break on you."
    he told her.
    At last... a nurse came to him and insisted that he follow her to a room so she could sort his arm and his nose.
    Kurisu sat in the room as the nurse sewed in the stitches and then bandaged his arm, then she applied a special band-aid to his nose that would help keep the air ways open.
    She wanted to give him a sling for his arm, but he insisted that he didn't need it.
    When she asked him what had happened for him to get in this state, he simply said "This state? This is no problem.. the one who's in a state is Lynne so don't worry about me." she simply nodded and told him it was okay for him to head back.
    He rejoined Mya. Now patched up, he looked through the window at Lynne with her. He put a hand on her shoulder, so she would know that he was there for support.
  12. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Kevin's vision was blurring and fading, but he fought to stay concious as his body was aching, especially his chest, and was ready to collaspe, but he looked up and saw Alex's house. They finally neared it when he said, "We...a-are here..." He was still having an enternal conflict with him self about Lynne's condition, since he had in a way caused all this.
  13. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hanna smiled wearily and walked the last little bit over to the house. Unsure exactly what to do and not sure if Alex was in, she knock on her door, "Alex? Alex, hello? You here?"
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Ren made it to the hospital and saw Mya sitting down in front of the operation room. "What I miss?"
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    alex hurried to the door to let them in. she saw that the guy from earlier was with, but ignored that fact. it wasn't important at them moment. what was, was taking care of hanna and kevin.
    "you can set kevin down right here on this table."
    she had pulled out a massage table and placed a blanket on it to use as an examination bed. alex also had a small table sitting next to it with all of her medical supplies on top.

    kaleb helped set kevin down on the table and then took a seat on the couch.
  16. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    As soon as Kevin was laid on the table he passed out, the burns on his face and hand hurt, a lot as he passed out.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    alex tried to remain calm when kevin passed out. from the extent of his injuries, he was probably just exhausted. he should have been lying in a hospital bed in the icu, not on her massage table.
    kevin, look what you put yourself into.
    she sighed and started rubbing some burn salve on his face and hands. along with the salve, she administered a small amount of anesthetic to numb the pain he was undoubtedly exhibiting. she worked away at stiching up his cuts and bandaging him where necessary. alex also checked his previous injuries from earlier that day to see how badly he had hurt them. there was a lot of obvious strain on his foot and arm. it didn't take her but a second to realize that he would HAVE to sit out for awhile. in order for him to be any good, he would have to remain on bed-rest until she deemed otherwise. kevin would only cause more problems then solve them if he tried to participate in any missions any time soon.

    kaleb watched how quickly and thoroughly alex examined kevin and then he remembered that he still had to tell lynne everything that happened. so he turned to look at her and slowly started to explain the events that happened while she was in the burning building.
  18. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Dispite being unconscious, Kevin felt as if he was on fire, his chest was burning and he felt as if he was suffocating.
  19. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya shook her head. We're watching a life hanging by a thread. I can't watch this anymore. Seeing her suffer. She walked away and went into an empty room and buried her head in her arms. Maybe this is my fault. Making such a stupid group and thinking we could take down the government. It seemed so easy...carefree...harmless, until Lynne...
  20. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    OOC: Hanna not Lynne

    BIC: Hanna sat down as soon as they'd got Kevin down, relieved to finally have a break and glad that Kevin was no longer her responsibility. Desipite feeling like she just wanted to curl up in a ball, she listened intently to what Kaleb told her, butting in to ask how Lynne was as he told her what had happened. It seemed that it had been a hard day all round, there're weren't many days this bad since she joined.
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