Running Edge

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by heartless_angel, Feb 20, 2011.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    {ooc: hey i've been acknowledging it. just only a small amount. no one was really acknowledging the fact that demitri was still there until a second ago either.}
  2. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Kevin heard a cracking noise and hopped out the window, pulling Hanna with him, he then landed harshly on the junk filled back yard. He the noticed the lode of red hair limping away, he tore the thing on his arm away and took off running dispite the pain he felt. He was very angry but at the same time very upset.

    Kira smiled hearing the house finally collapse. Her problem was over for all she knew.
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    ooc: haha, love it! Demitri = ignored. lol

    bic: Demitri turned his face into his sleeve and coughed until he spasmed and breathed normally again. He'd only get worse until he had his medicine for the month. How much longer could he last? Demitri watched Alex, without her or even Kurisu noticing, he gently nudged her arm at times to guide her toward the bullet. Demitri grabbed the bullet from Alex and pocketed it. She's not going to respond until she gets more blood in her." At least that's what he thought. Until he'd been watching Lynne's chest's rise and fall suddenly cease. Cursing, he shoved Alex away without a second's thought. Ryku didn't want the girl to die and he hadn't meant for her to be shot. His hand replaced both the cloth and Alex's hand in the wound as he proceeded with resusitation with his other hand.
  4. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Wut? I thought they escaped O_o

    BIC: Mya heard sirens closeby. Her eye twitched slightly as they tried getting the bullet out of her. I swear, if Kevin does this again, I'll strap him to a chair and chain the chair to a metal floor. She felt bad for thinking about all of this being Kevin's fault, but if he didn't act so reckless, this wouldve never happened.
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    alex's expression's grew fierce as she snapped.
    "what are you doing?! who's the one with a medical license? i am! you probably did more damage than helped with this little stunt here. you shouldn't even be moving, with those injuries you could end up immobilizing yourself."
    she stopped yelling because she knew it wouldn't do any good, but continued to rant to herself silently.
    the paramedics arrived and alex directed them. she watched as they were about to put lynne on the gurney.
    "this man right here has some serious injuries as well and there were two people inside of that building that is collapsing. i don't know if they made it out or not, but knowing them i'm sure they're okay. but they'll probably have smoke in their lungs, not to mention one of them was just released from the hospital earlier this evening with multiple injuries."

    kaleb left the group to go find hanna and kevin.
    i can't be that close to demitri any longer. it's just gunna cause too many issues. i hope hanna and that other kid are all right. that house is raging right now.
    he tried to look through the openings but couldn't see inside so he ran around the side. kaleb saw hanna there and noticed kevin was running off into the distance.
  6. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hanna screamed briefly as she flew through the window with Kevin, landing heavily on he ground. She pulled herself up despie her back thobbing where she'd landed to see Kevin start running off, "Kev-" She burst into a coughing fit from the smoke but still moved after him. What did he think he was doing? He was in no state to do this. "Kevin!" She managed after she finished coughing. "Where are you going?"
  7. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Kurisu had to insist to the paramedics to not mind him and to not waste time.
    It was only a possible broken nose and an arm wound which was nothing compared to Lynne's injuries...
    So far he had ignored the blood dripping down his arm... he ignored the slight dizziness from blood loss.
    He just sat down on the curb... feeling a little numb with everything that had happened. He looked into the flames of the burning house.
    He had no doubts that Hanna and Kevin had gotten out. It's not that he hadn't thought about them being in there when the house had first set ablaze. He just had faith in them and had become distracted with everything that happened.
    He felt himself almost in a trance as he watched the flames dance and flicker about.
  8. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Kevi snuck up on Kira and pushed her down, she fell onto her stomach painfully. He grabbed her arm and held it and forced it behind her back. He had movedit so much force that it broke. He stood up and stomped on her hands so she couldn't take her guns out and shoot at him. He flipped her onto her back and glared down at her. While his face was expresionless, his insides were a wreck due to so many emotions running throughout his body.

    Kira looked at her younger brother in fear. Hehad changed a lot.

    Kevin said,"You destroyed our house! You destoryed the only memories of mom and dad!"

    Kira winced at his frightening expression.

    "Get out of here before I kill you!" yelled Kevin.

    Kira quickly stood up and ran away knowing Kevin could and would kill her if she stayed.

    Once Kira got out of sight, he sat on the curb curled up, his legs pressed to his chest and his head resting on his knees. He finally cracked and let tears flood out of his eyes silently, not daring to watch as the only memories and pictures of his parents burned away.
  9. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hanna slowly moved over to Kevin and put her arm round him silently.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Demitri smiled slightly, proud of himself as he watched the paramedics take the now breathing again Lynne and tuck her into the ambulance. He refused the paramedics and growled at them when they tried to help. He'd rather wait for his brother. Watching what seemed like a familiar figure walk away, a moment of clarity hit him as he realized it was Kaleb. Before his big mouth could start running, he remembered his friend's words the night before. Is this what you meant? Ah dammit Kaleb...I really don't want to have to kill you too.

    Ryku stopped short as he saw the burning building and Demitri laying on the ground and a large pool of blood and the last glimpse of Lynne being taken away in an ambulance. He ignored all the Runners for the moment and his orders. "Demitri! What the hell?!" His brother grinned even though blood covered his teeth and face. "Idiot!" Ryku knelt beside him and pulled on the zipper of his bag, pulling out wraps of gauze and linen. Wrapping it around his wounded twin, Ryku grumbled, "And what idiocy made you get stabbed?" Demitri moaned in pain and he scowled at the black haired twin, "Alright...I was takin' a walk and...y'know, fire, Runners....first instinct was to cash the paycheck. It would've been an easy shot too if your girlfriend hadn't knocked my gun out of my hand and foolishly thought she could shoot me." he stopped talking and Ryku whimpered softly to himself. "Lynne...was shot? Did you --" "I had no choice. She stabbed me pretty good though. And she'll live."
  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    alex crawled into the ambulance after the paramedics put lynne inside. she told them of the hospital that she would be taken too and stared out the back window as the ambulance pulled away from her teammates. alex didn't speak to anyone inside, she just sat quietly as the paramedics worked away on lynne. watching as iv's were placed in her arms and her wounds were being bandaged. it was quite a crazy day for everyone and she just wanted it to be over with.
    i wonder how everyone else is doing? i know kurisu doesn't feel his arm is that bad, but he should still get it looked at. and hanna and kevin? i'm sure they made it out, but to what extent. their lungs are probably filled with smoke, and if it doesn't get cleared out they could end up suffacating even though they may be fine now. and...and even though that guy is an EBO, i still swore to help people, and he's really beaten up. he wasn't even in a good condition before lynne made him worse.
    alex smiled a little sadly at the thought of lynne taking demitri. after thinking about it, she decided to send kurisu a text.
    she clicked the send button as the hospital came into view.

    kaleb walked over to hanna and kevin slowly. it was a pretty devastating day for everyone and he wanted to give them all their space. kevin looked pretty broken up and he felt like it would be rude to interrupt his and hanna's moment of relief. when he finally reached them, he sat down on the open side of hanna.
    "so you must be kevin? i'm kaleb. i know these aren't the greatest circumstances, but i felt i should introduce myself since i'll hopefully be working with you for awhile. that is, if i'll be accepted."
    he looked at hanna.
    "are things usually this crazy everyday?"
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    OCC: Are you guys comming back to the van or what.
  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    {ooc: you've missed a lot. they are no where near the van that they stole anymore. alex is in an ambulance with lynne on their way back to the hospital that they drove that van to though. you can catch up their if you want.}
  14. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Kevin wiped his eyes silently. He hated showing his weakness around the other runners, but he just couldn't help himself. He stood up silently, nodding to acknowledge the new guy. He then texted Mya and Alex telling them that they made it out of the fire. He also asked Alex who was taken to the hospital. He had heard the shots and sirens, who ever got wounded it was because of him. Hanna had to suffer from the smoke in her lungs because of him. "It's all my fault." whispered Kevin under his breath. Suddenly he went into a violent coughing fit due to the smoke affecting his asthma.
  15. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya sat next to Kurisu and handed him a few sheets of paper towels. You're quite a mess. Hope this doesn't happen again.
  16. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hanna looked up at the new guy as he appeared, "You still sure you want to be a runner?" She asked him, moving back as Kevin got up. Hadn't really been a gentle introduction for him, but if he wanted to be a runner he'd have to learn fast. She turned back to Kevin fast as she heard him start to blame himself, "No, it's not" She stated firmly, she had no plans to let him blame himself for something he had no control over. Although she forgot about that and just quickly moved to help as he started coughing. She still was finding it hard to breath but she'd recovered from her coughing. The smoke had stained her clothes, her hair was singed and her arms and legs were covered in cuts.
  17. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Kurisu nodded and accepted the paper towels with a brief nod of thanks.
    He cleaned up his face and then pressed the remaining towels against his arm wound. Just another scar is all.
    "Not just me... the day itself was a mess... huh?" he said.
    He'd been doing this for a long time, being a runner.
    You had good days and bad days.
    He'd seen days like this before too.. but... it still hadn't prepared him.
    He put two fingers on either side of his nose and twisted. A painful crack could be heard as he righted his nose into the proper position, so it would be able to heal properly.
    His teeth clenched then unclenched from the sharp pain as he did this, but it was soon over.. after all, this pain was nothing compared to what Lynne must be going through. Compared to her, he was actually lucky.
    Of course, he realised that his state now would probably have been a bit of a surprise to Mya and everyone else. This was the worst he had looked in a long time.
  18. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya sighed and stared at the ground. Kevin has to learn from this. What he did jepordized Lynne and almost killed her. Still...I don't want to go harsh on him.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Demitri silently listened to Kurisu and Mya from the road he had fallen over in and Ryku attended his wounds. "If you aren't harsh on him, he'll be a lame soldier. Any man who voluntarily puts his comrades in danger is no good. Kira should've killed him when she had the chance instead of playing her silly games." he scoffed and coughed. Ryku glared at him and glanced over at the Runners he was supposidly talking to.

    "You think it's such a good idea to flame this man when you don't know him, Dem? I won't involve myself in Runner problems, since a ***** in their armor is a way for us to get in." He smirked. It was the coldest White Chaos had been in a long time. Since Ryku and Demitri's mother died, Demitri had started drinking and becoming steadily more violent. Ryku had stayed a straight arrow and yet his hostility came in a much more dangerous way. Short bursts of pure rage.
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Kurisu glared at Demitri.
    "Butt out.." he growled.
    "Listen up...
    I don't care if you are the legendary 'Chaos Brothers'
    ...these Runners are my family...
    and if you ever even attempt to hurt a single one of them again..."
    he was breathing heavily with each word... pure malice behind them.
    Generally, Kurisu was one of the most laid back people you would ever meet in any situation. But right now... he was pissed off.
    "I swear god dammit that I'll kill you if it's the last thing I ever do."
    Kurisu stared at Ryku, also feeling his rage. "You two are family right? Well then you should understand." he said darkly and rhetorically.
    He then found himself looking at the burning house, and then at Mya and finally the direction the ambulance had taken off, and the pool of blood on the ground that belonged to Lynne.
    "...But enough blood has been spilt tonight."
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