Running Edge

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by heartless_angel, Feb 20, 2011.

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  1. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "No Lynne! Don't you dare die on me!" Kurisu called out to her.
    He looked over at Alex again. "Alex!"
    "Lynne... Lynne! look at me. Stay with us okay.
    I've known you... what? 6 years.
    This is not how that's gonna end you hear me?!"
    he shouted.
  2. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Ooc: The windows are blocked from the inside, meaning you have to climb over things to get into the house. Also, things such as oil and toys are on the stairs, which means if you attempt you run up it you'd most likely slip and fall down the stairs. Don't worry about changing it...I'll try and make it blend with my posts.

    Kevin looked up weakliy, hearing his name being called from the distance. He stood up hearing the window breaking. No, It was two windows breaking. The smell of smoke lit up warning lights in his head. He stepped onto the first stair, slipping and falling down a few stairs. He looked up hearing some one call him, he saw Hanna throught his blurry vision, he pushed her away, and walked into the trashed and horrible living room, quickly grabbing his cell phone. He then looked into the kitchen where a fire was raging. He turned to Hanna, and sadly but clearly said,"We need to get out of!" He broke into a coughing fit from smoke filling his lungs.

    Kira smiled hearing the gun shots going off, "Let's add onto their problems." She threw the lit lighter into the house through a window, automatically catching some paper on fire. She smiled and then walked away smiling, "Well, that got rid of some problems..."
  3. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    "Good idea" Hanna said, bending low as she managed to navigate to him because of the smoke. She wasted no time in ripping the sofa, to create two strips of fabric. She scrunched them up and passed on to Kevin, "Use it to cover your mouth!" She covered her mouth and put her arm round Kevin to support him, "This way" She shouted trying to find the quickest route out of this death trap, it being much harder with two of them but they could do it, they'd smashed open to windows, they could get out.
  4. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Wow I missed a lot o.O Dont know how I'm supposed to get back in...

    BIC: Mya ran over to Lynne. Oh my god. She looked around and sighed. She won't make it if we took her back. We have to give her treatment fast. Dammit where's Alex?! She then caught Kira walking away. Anger and rage filled her. Keep Lynne alive. I gotta take care of things...She ran towards Kira.
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    {ooc: stop yelling at her. everyone stopped posting so i went home. i'm sorry.}

    alex came out of her daze and ran over to lynne. lynne was getting worse by the second and since alex left her medical bag on the table at home she was afraid of how little she could do. alex kneeled down next to kurisu. "kurisu you need to move. let me take over." she slid her hands underneath his to keep the pressure while he pulled his off.
    "i don't have any of my stuff with. i left in such a panic that i forgot to grab it. i need to see if the bullet went all the way through or if it's still inside. she doesn't have much time left and this will verify whether or not she has even less."
    the shirt, already soaked in blood was now staining alex's hands.
    lynne, how could you get yourself into this mess. we were just trying to save kevin, not you too.
    alex shook her head and smiled grimly.
    this does not look good. i can't let her go like this. we've always known the risks, but to actually have it this extreme. it's awful and heart breaking.

    kaleb watched as this new girl took kurisu's place. she seemed different from the others in some way. he couldn't figure it out, but deemed that now wasn't the proper time to try.
    "how are we supposed to flip her? isn't that dangerous?"

    "it's very dangerous, because we don't have a gurney or any proper supplies, but we'll have to manage with what we've got. plus if she's momentarily on her stomach that will help rid some of the blood in her throat so that she doesn't drown from it. we don't have much time, just look at her."
  6. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Kevin coughed as the smoke went into his lungs once again, he had problems with asthma due to his mother smoking when he was born. He gladdly took the cloth from Hanna and covered his mouth. "thanks." muttered Kevin. He began to try and move the crap so it wouldn't hurt his leg any more than it already was.
  7. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lynne forced her eyes to stay open even though she couldnt' focus on anyone. Their voices sounded far away now and a numb feeling spread through her limbs. "'s...alright now.... I d...on't feel...the pain...anymore." A little bit of knowledge wormed into her head quietly whispering something about that being a bad thing. She didn't want to move anymore.

    Demitri gurgled in his bloody state. He had to get up...if anything move away from the psycho Runners. If the little girl had stabbed him without him knowing she'd taken his knife. The others must be equally or more so dangerous. In this state, he'd die in a matter of hours after Lynne did. His illness made him cough more blood into his mouth and splattering his face. "Ry...ku..." he mumbled quietly and fumbled numb fingers for his cell.
  8. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    panic set in. tears started pouring down alex's face. "lynne! lynne look at me! you're not going anywhere you here me! i won't let you! i won't! let you! i won't..." the crying made speaking because extremely hard. she started shaking and keeping the pressure on the wound was becoming a lot harder to do. alex was loosing control and didn't know it. she had never felt this way before. never experienced so much devastation.

    kaleb couldn't watch it anymore, so he did what any cop and any normal person would have done. he dialed 911. "i need an ambulance right away." he looked towards a nearby street sign and told the dispatcher on the other end the location. the ambulance would be there within a couple minutes.

    sirens could be heard in the distance, as the paramedics got closer to the scene. he knew lynne desperately needed help and demitri looked no better. plus with the fire raging in the house he was afraid that hanna and kevin might be in danger as well. it was a troubling scene all-together.
  9. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya grabbed Kaleb. Are you insane?! Asking paramedics for help?! The Blues are gonna be notified! They'll track her and then kill her! They'll know she's a Runner! She then let go and ran her hand through her hair. I-I'm sorry. I overreacted. She heaved a sigh.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Demitri remembered how dumb he thought Ryku was to put his number on speed dial, but was very handy. His brother picked up right away as always, "Hello? Demitri? Where'd you go? Where are you? Hello!?" Coughing again, a little harder, Demitri shifted the phone closer to his mouth. He didn't need to hear, only speak, "Ryku....come get me...I was....stabbed." he told him his location with an odd amount of detail and Ryku cursed loudly through the phone, promising he'd come get him right away. Struggling to stay awake, Demitri focused on Lynne and raised his voice to reach her, "Hey...girly....I want...a r-rematch. Don't you go and....die on me now...I won't...let'cha..." he groaned in pain as he sat up and cautiously eased himself toward her.

    Lynne's breathing had gone thready and she couldn't feel anything but the slow, steady flow of her blood leaving her body as Alex's pressure lessened with her panic. She barely heard Demitri but his movement toward her was obvious. She struggled to make her fingers move, even to wiggle, it was like taking a Calculus test without studying. Her eyes glazed and streaming with tears, either from herself or from Alex above her focused on Alex's crying face, "Don't...cry..." it was the most she could manage now. Just a few words.
  11. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hanna bit on the fabric covering her mouth to keep it in place and free up a hand. She quickly moved the stuff in front of them to create a narrow path through it but there was so much of it, she was already covered in sweat from the heat and even breathing was difficult. She suppoted Kevin more firmly and moved forwards with him, they were almost at the open window. Pure detirmination flared in her eyes. She momentarily took the cloth out of her mouth, automatically coughing, "Come on, almost there. Stay low. Just through that window" She shouted before shoving the fabric back in. Just how to get him through the window, she was still figuring out.
  12. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Kevin jumped as window suddenly shattered, he looked back at the kitchen seeingthat is was pretty much gone and the roof collapsed, the fire was now spreading into the living room. He bit the cloth, then bent down to pick up a medium box that would easily break the window so they could get through. He then threw it at the nearest window, which had the narrow path to it, the glass shattered, and rained down onto the floor. He then tried to hurry up only to get a pain in his ankle once again, but he continued on wanting Hanna to get out of the house, and himself too.
  13. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hanna nodded seeing the window shatter, almost there. She could tell Kevin was in pain but the sooner they were out the better, she moved fast with him, ignoring the glass to reach the window. She guestured for him to go first, and moved round to help support him. The fire was all too close now, it's heat scorching her but there were so close to being out.
  14. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    kaleb pulled away from mya who was shaking him vigorously.
    "i'm sorry! it's just what any normal person would do. someone they care about is dieing so they call 911. i wasn't just going to stand here and watch all of you loose your friend. plus you have to think about your other friends inside that house which is on fire. we have no way of properly transporting any of them."

    alex pulled herself together long enough to reapply the pressure and speak.
    "he's right mya. don't worry, i can get in the ambulance, i'll notify them that i'm a nurse and ask them to take her to the clinic where we brought kevin. it'll all be okay." i hope...

    the sounds of the sirens grew louder as the ambulance came into view off in the distance.
  15. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya nodded and knelt next to Lynne. She held her hand tight. You better not die on us. If you do, I'll drag you out myself and kill you again.
  16. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Kurisu put his hand on top of Mya's and Lynne's too.
    "That goes double for me... You're not gonna die, or else you'll have to face Mya and me, and you know how stubborn we are."
    Dammit... this is my fault... if I only I could have done more...
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lynne blinked slowly. "O...kay...I'll...try..." Even though her eyes shut and she hallucinated seeing her mother who'd been dead for three years now, Lynne told her she could't go with her now. Her friends needed her.

    Demitri slid up next to Lynne, his hands shaking as he pushed Kurisu and Mya's hands away. From his pocket, he pulled out another, smaller, knife and reached to move Alex's hands. "If we...don't remove the bullet...the Blue's will know and EBO officer....shot her." Ryku was the better at medical stuff, but he wasn't too shabby. At least not enough that he couldn't remove a bullet.
  18. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Kurisu knocked Demitri's hand away. "As if we'd let you touch her.." he said darkly.

    He didn't know what to do... usually, things were simple... everyone just ran. Stayed alive...
    He looked at Alex. "...What do you think?"
  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    alex stared at demitri sullenly.
    "he's right. it needs to come out. this is going to be the worst part. if i don't go fast enough she'll bleed out before the ambulance gets here. even though it's only like another minute away she could be dead before it pulls up."
    she took the knife from demitri and stared down at her other hand that was covering the wound.
    "she doesn't have much blood left to keep her going. she's going to need a severe blood transfusion."
    alex sighed as she quickly ripped kurisu's shirt away from lynne's body and plunged the knife inside lynne's body.
    "i'm sorry if this hurts you."
    she dug around as quickly as she possibly could to find the bullet, without causing too much excesive damage to lynne's internal body. she stuck one of her fingers in to fish it out when she found it and then quickly put the shirt back on the hole.
    "lynne, lynne, can you hear me?"

    the ambulance was approaching quickly. only another 30 seconds or so until it would reach the scene of disaster.
  20. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    OOC: Love how everyone has just ignored the building on fire and collapsing next to them, with Kevin and Hanna in.
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