RUMOUR - Kingdom Hearts III PS3 at TGS

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    The latest issue of the Official Playstation Magazine in the rumour section states that "Kingdom Hearts III is currently in development as a PS3 exclusive and will be announced at TGS".

    It definitely seems likely since we haven't heard any news about the next main installment in the series since Kingdom Hearts II's release. And the PS3's exclusivity isn't a shock either considering it's been a playstation exclusive from day one. Don't expect the game anytime soon, remember how long Kingdom Hearts II took.

    Source: Kotaku
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Sep 3, 2008.

    1. Tahno
      Do any of you think it should be on the PSP or DS?
    2. Absol
      ...So I have to save up for a PS3 now?

    3. TheMuffinMan
      Wait a month to see if it's actually true

    4. Ultima Wepon
      Ultima Wepon
      I've already tried to beg my dad already to get a PS3. And of course the answer was no.
      This might suck for me
    5. ibtrippin
      i am normally not annoyed by posts. but WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!

      you people need to understand..

      sony isn't so FREAKIN stupid as to not drop the price a couple hundred dollars by then(predicting a $300 160 GB ps3 by late 2010)

      and if you cant earn/save money by then, LEAVE, U 8 YR OLD.
    6. EvilMan_89
      not go get off topic but you can see when people get repped?
      so true, it's too bad. but i dont' think it will take THAT much longer for it to be released. i think the only reason KH2 took so long was because KH was originally supposed to be a standalone game and not a series (at least it SEEMED that way). but according to one of the Nomura interviews, i remember him/her saying something about not going to work on KH3 until Final Fantasy XIII is released so it guess it would take a while. i dunno, it could go either ways?
    7. micketymike
      i hope they make it for the ps2 thats all i have
    8. Advent
      *Points to FFXIII*

      It'll probably make its way to Xbox 360. I don't mind though because I have a PS3. =D
    9. The Lone Wanderer
      The Lone Wanderer
      I need a PS3 now. I really wish I had a job. Thanks for the info!
    10. Paopu
      Wow, you're completely getting worked up over an opinion. "Baseless" or not it's an opinion. I think it's funny how you analyzed my entire response. Too much anger over something so trivial. Do you harp on everyone else whose opinion you don't agree with? You're not a Kingdom Hearts Guru. I think I'll block you and your angry responses. Sheesh, get a grip man.
    11. TheMuffinMan
      I could have the "opinion" that the sky is made of gelatin, that doesn't mean people don't have the right to argue. Learn to take criticism, guy, and not treat a simple debate as if someone is attacking your very being.
    12. Destined
      There will be KH stuff at TGS, whether it is release dates and demos of 358/2 or BBS or even KH3, I strongly believe that we will have at least part of our hunger satisfied.

      Having said this, many people here know that i hate the ps3. It's the only console of the last two generations that I do not own because of personal reasons. Having said this, I do not want to see KH go to Wii or 360 for the following reasons:

      If KH would be bumped to the wii, i fear that the motion sensitivity would either be over active waving of your hands like a crazy fool constantly hacking at heartless or some kind of new enemy. Could I see KH eventually coming to the platform: yes. Nintendo is steadily running out of big market games that have an ability to appeal to hard core gamers and KH would be a nice bonus for them while also catering to a younger audience.

      if Kh were to end up on the 360, I wouldn't mind it because i own the console and would not have to fork over more money for a ps3, but there are just some games that belong with certain consoles. FF13 being a prime example. SE moved 13 to both the 3 and the 360 to open its market base because of the selling potential on just one console. Graphically, a KH would look better on a 360 than wii, but being able to play with blue ray quality graphics on a disc that holds room for more content makes the ps3 the only logical choice if there were to be a third installment.

      It is possible that the next title could in fact be a final mix coming stateside or possibly KH 1 and 2 on one disk for the ps3 instead of a third installment right off the bat.

      Can i see this being PS3 exclusive: yes.
      Can i see this being on one or more consoles: yes.

      We can debate all we want, but we still will have to wait to TGS to see what will transpire.
    13. KL93
      You do realize by the time this game comes out the PS3 will have dropped in price, right?

      Hell, by the time we have SCREENSHOTS for this game, the PS3 will have dropped in price.
    14. BLACK-beany
      I am not shocked at all if kh3 comes out for ps3. That's one of the main reasons i got a ps3 (that and Patchet & Clank), but if enix went so far as to give mircosoft FF13, how can we be sure kh3 will stay with sony. Although, maybe enix just likes sony too much for that to happen.

      Thoughts, people?
    15. awesomebunny
      True, Wii controls on Kingdom Hearts III would be awesome, but what about the graphics???? No offense to the Wii, but it's graphics kinda stink. I hope it comes out on the 360. That would be Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    16. Sora March
      Sora March
      I've been beggin' meh parents 4 a psp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      D*** square enix for being so awesome, and d*** them for changin' systems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    17. axel90
      Well, I was hoping they'd make it multi platform so I wouldn't have to save up $500 on a Playstation 3. When is Tokyo Game Show '08?
    18. libregkd
    19. JazzsVideos
      OMG that is soooo freakin' awesome!!! I'm so glad I have a PS3. Yay me...:D Down with Xbox360!
    20. KielanBeaSee
      I don't care about what system it comes out on, I JUST WANT TO KNOW IF IT IS A REAL THING!