RUMOUR - Kingdom Hearts III PS3 at TGS

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    The latest issue of the Official Playstation Magazine in the rumour section states that "Kingdom Hearts III is currently in development as a PS3 exclusive and will be announced at TGS".

    It definitely seems likely since we haven't heard any news about the next main installment in the series since Kingdom Hearts II's release. And the PS3's exclusivity isn't a shock either considering it's been a playstation exclusive from day one. Don't expect the game anytime soon, remember how long Kingdom Hearts II took.

    Source: Kotaku
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Sep 3, 2008.

    1. daxma
      Microsoft is getting needy ever since bill gates left.I think bill gates left because he saw that microsoft took too big a blow after the yahoo incident or it's going down because bill gates left.Nomura won't give KH to Microsoft.
    2. GenoWhirl23
      Kh3 could be on wii( I would looooovve that) bc you could use the new wii action plus(or what ever its called) for it and graphics wise the wii has a ton better graphics that the ps2 does(just look at metroid prime 3 and LoZ:TP and even Super mario galaxy).
    3. P
      Oh poop.

      Ah well. PS3 exclusive. I can deal with that.

      Wait a sec. No I can't. Looks like Days will be my last Kingdom hearts game. Perhaps BBS if I am lucky.
    4. TheMuffinMan
      Why is everyone treating this like it's true? Is everyone missing the part where this was posted as a RUMOR, stating it's source as a magazine's "rumor" section, talking about an event that is a month away?

      ......what are you even talking about? Bill Gates has not been of any significant importance to Microsoft in a long long while, Microsoft expanded way beyond the point where Bill Gates was ever really contributing much significant to the company, he was a figurehead for the company and made sure it was going in the right direction, but he was hardly running the show in 90% of Microsoft's various ventures.

      And your point about Yahoo is completely baseless, Bill Gates announced his retirement from Microsoft in 2006
    5. libregkd
    6. Cin
      I'd rather report facts, and desperation for site traffic shouldn't be an excuse to post information of a low quality.

      Edit: Though I will give you credit for putting "Rumour" in the thread title rather then posting it as a fact, as most everyone in the thread is taking it to be.
    7. Ventez
      KH3 for the PS3 exclusively? NOOOOOO!!!

      I totally agree. Plus, I wouldn't exactly be "happy" if KH3 ended up on the PS3 exclusively. If it does, Birth by Sleep will probably be the last KH game I play, cuz I'm not gonna go buy a PS3 just to get KH3. I love Kingdom Hearts, but not enough to buy a PS3 for it.
      I think kh3 on the wii would be pretty cool, if they could pull off a good way to use the controls :)
    8. Something_Epic
      Is it really that low quality when it's posted by the "Official Playstation Magazine"? =\

      Stop trolling X-Bot >\

      Yay, I'm cool now!
    9. Ventez

      It may be in the official playstation magazine, but it's in the rumour section.
    10. Cin
      Rumors are rumors, whether they be official rumors or amateur. XD
    11. libregkd
    12. Cin
      I guess I can't argue then can I? Prosecution rests.
    13. Xidon
      I dun even kno hau 2 reply 2 such awesumnes
    14. Sir Charles of Monocles
      Sir Charles of Monocles
      My mom is the exact same way.... But if I get the job I want next summer and get paid what I heard one guy got who did the exact same job and had the exact same experience as me, then I will be able to buy a PS3.... Goddammit, I'm screwed.
    15. Speyeker
      I'm VERY skeptical about this. It hasn't even been a year since we heard about three upcoming KH installments, NONE of which have been released anywhere, and so I have a lot of doubt that a fourth KH game is under development as well. For a series that has an actual story arc of a plot, I find it hard to fathom that there are four completely separate installments simultaneously under development. Besides, doesn't the team have their hands full working on Versus XIII?
    16. Anixe
      Well, I'm sort of two sided here.

      One: I'm glad to hear that the KH3 discussion is still around. Thought its news has been low-ground since the announcement of the three new KH spin-offs. Plus, TGS is a little bit more public than E3 so hopefully some info-leaking might take place.

      Two: Whether it's a rumour or not, I suppose I shouldn't get too excited for it now. In my opinion, Nomura's attention should be focused on the three new KH spin-offs rather than something that's probably going to be bigger than the last two installments.

      But all in all, I'll wait and see~
    17. LilRice
      well my idea was that like some how no one buys it 4 the PS3 and they remak it 4 ps2 but its an exclusive T-T​
    18. Darkcloud
      Well, at least we have some kind of a heads up. Thanks for the news, DA.
    19. Paopu
      Kingdom Hearts III most likely won't be out for at least another year! Even though I don't have a PS3 yet I'm glad it's exclusive. KHIII would look awful on the Wii! *cries*
    20. TheMuffinMan
      Well for one, this is a rumor and not confirmed, we won't see if this is true for another month.

      Secondly, the Wii is significantly more powerful then the PS2 was, and the PS2 was the platform for previous KH, saying that a Wii incarnation of KH would look terrible, is saying that all previous KH games look terrible...

      So, why do you even like the series again, if it clearly just looks absolutely horrific?