That most of the people who once brought about the glory which has left the spam zone not too long ago have gained something refered to as 'lives'. Might these rumours be comfirmable? or is it just my imagination O_O
These be confirmable. Eventually, everyone goes through the process of getting these mysterious 'lives'. Others stop posting in the spam zone, or get banned.
These lives of which you speak........are they etible? o_O this has grown troublesome to me. For b4, i could come witness to seeing 5-10 active threads at a time, almost more. Now though, there are very few active threads. Is it possible that the spam zone might be..........dieing? O_O
there are many people who have been banned who we all miss. The spam zone never used to have these 'times of the day' before >.> none the less, I suppose that you are correct. *sigh*, too bad. I believe that I'll go get myself one of these lives a little bit later then. Too lazy to right now though ^_^
See? We need this now, until more people can get on!!! I'll put it up if no one else has already. brb.