RUMOR: Kingdom Hearts Rememberance HD collection to be announced at E3!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Chevalier, May 30, 2012.

  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Well guys, looks like it may finally happen! Apparently a credible source has given insights on the unveiling of an HD remix for all the past Kingdom Hearts titles.

    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Chain of Memories, Days, Birth by Sleep to receive an HD upgrade and go to the PS3, Vita and WiiU. All of this will be unveiled at E3!

    So guys, what are your thoughts on this? Hoax or possible? Just remember to take it with a grain of salt and not scream like I did xD
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Chevalier, May 30, 2012.

    1. Korosu
      Yay. Great to hear this, hopefully it's true..

      Days with HD and updated Graphics. rvnklrnmtbhh, give me.
    2. adamboy7
      Well, if it is true I will be very impressed. HD touch ups are nice, would definitely make a good addition to our archives. The only thing that's got me skeptical here is the Wii bit. They don't appear to have had any interest in it up till this point, so why start now when the console has been replaced by bigger and better things?
    3. ShibuyaGato
      Keep in mind that Days and the original CoM were both on Nintendo handhelds. Putting it on the Wii might've been a business venture of some sort.
    4. libregkd
    5. adamboy7
      I wasn't saying they had no interest in Nintendo, I just meant the Wii seemed kinda a step back to me. But still, a good point you've got there :)

      Edit: With a bit of research the Wii would indeed be a step back. This is the Wii U is a new thing, so I guess that just changes everything lol.

      Sorry, I thought the U was a typo. It is located right next to I, so I figured it was a slip of the finger. lol Shows how much I know.
    6. LostMemory
      YES! I hope this is true, I can finally get some of my friends to play this now. :D Thanks for posting!
    7. redhairedking
      I will cry sweet tears of joy if this turns out to be true.
    8. Marluxia912
      *Jumps all over the place*
      YES!!! This is exactly what I needed
      And I'm finally getting a PS3 so this means I can sell my old Kingdom Hearts games and get money for when this comes out. . .possibly XD
      Please Square Enix~ If you love your fans, you will make this possible.
      I will love SE forever if they do this >w<
    9. Darkcloud
      Personally, I'm hoping for more than just side-quest extras...maybe a few hidden easter eggs...maybe even cutscene trailers...possibly even a sneak peak of the next new game? Hmm, SE? Wouldja do that for us???
    10. DarknessKingdom
      I was just thinking that it would be nice to get a HD Collection of the series.

      Mind you, I would only be willing to part with my money if they were the Final Mix editions, Birth By Sleep on console or Re:Chain of Memories since the PAL regions never got it.
    11. redhairedking
      If they are adding new content I would imagine they would be the Final Mixes. Even without new content, I see no reason for SE to not take a little extra time to translate the extra content in the FMs.
    12. DarknessKingdom
      You would imagine so but until this rumor is sunk or confirmed, we have no idea of knowing. Square Enix should pay attention to how Konami is releasing their HD collections because they are doing it right.
    13. Hayabusa

      I could only deny it for so long.
    14. Miles
      LOL Silent Hill HD Collection was an extremely bad port!!!!! Great games! bad ports!!!

      Square Enix still has most of the same people and is better than that. I know this wont go wrong. Its square!
    15. greater_bloo
      So apparently this rumor was false. But I will still hope that eventually an HD collection of Kingdom Hearts will surface. But for now I shall cry myself to sleep (didn't sleep much these past few days).
    16. Vanitasfetus
      The only reaason I watched Nintendos press conference was in hopes that they'd confirm this rumor. Apparently it was false... it sucks!
    17. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
    18. DarknessKingdom
    19. Soap
      I'mma be honest, if they do do this, this will take away resources on making these and slow down the time we can actually get this series finished. And I don't see why we need to make re-makes other than better graphics. I'm pretty sure we can all play these games still without having them need to be put on a vita, or ps3.
    20. libregkd