CHAPTER #1 The Gods Dessions The worlds were a mess and in choas. The reson was, the groups Koga and Oblivion. They would fight when ever their paths crossed and no one knew why. At first no one took any care to them. But over time their strengh grow to the point not even the Gods them selfs could stand a chance againist them. Their fights crated a lot of damged to the worlds and their people.Many died and even more suffered and lost something close to them. The gods had to do something about this. They held a meeting in a shine for them. God #1"Well any thing to stop this choas?" "Nothing so far. None of us could defeat this Evil that plauge us even when we worked together" "If we cant then why not creat some one who can?" Yang, Goddess of the dark suggested "Great idea the hero will be named after you. Ying, she will have the power over all elements. Fire, Wind, Light, Darkenss, Earth, Water, Lighting, and Luck(pisphic and foresight)" God #1 said God #2 said "We'll rest our lives and all of the worlds with her then"
i'll post chapter 2 later when not so busy well am free so here Chapter 2 Ying's Birth(rember am in a hurry when i do these) It was decied. To save the worlds and their people this warrior must be born. But somehow, someway ethier the Obilion's or the Koga's Leader will always find out where she will be crated and stop it from happening. Some thought the reason was because a spy others say that they each have a prophet helping them. But no matter how they found out it was clear she needed to be alive as soon as posible. The Gods couldnt risk being found out again. Ture they needed her as soon as posible, but they were growing weak by the tries to stop Ying's creation. So she was to be born the normal and safest way posible and on The World of the Gods is were she was to be born. A woman in her late 20's named Kanta found out she was to hane anther child. What she did not know was that child was to be known as the greast hero of all time. In 9 months Ying was finally was born into The World of the Gogs were she grew up,.