No Thanks RP counted posts

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by chula-claire, Oct 6, 2007.

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  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    this sound plausible.

    why does everyone think everything gets whored?

    okay...maybe most things do but that just sounds rare in this case.

    because the rules that surround the extended RP's are rather strict, so this case seems to be different in the fact that people won't really waste time posting ten lines, just to get a post...unless they are into the RP.

    so spammers wouldnt go as far as to write that much for a post.
  2. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    The Creativity Corner is one person sharing a story that they alone are working on. The graphic section is where artists go to showcase their works and have it commented upon so that they may be able to increase their skill.

    The RPG extended section would be the only section I could see this working and not being post whored, but there is a downside. It will mean that members will figure why create a crappy rpg in a section that no one will look at, while i can create the same crappy RPG in a section that counts toward posts? It would work, but either way spam would over flow out the ying yang eventually. I believe that that is why posts don't count in any of the RPG sections in the first place, same with the families.

    So i'd say unless there were extremely strict guidelines enforced in the extended section, then i don't forsee this happening.

    And we all know how much i love spam....
  3. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    Well for one, people go to GFX to get CnC and get better, make clans, and do task to improve thier skills. I don't know much about the creativity corner but I know people write poems and songs to express them selves and let people comment on it. Both can actualy be taken into the real world and there are jobs based around that. I know quite a few people who strive to be Graphic Designers. I've never heard of a pro-role playing getting paid.

    Well you see, thats the point. It's a game. It's not helping the forum. This is a kingdom hearts forum and yes, there are people whoring posts and your suggestion will only add to it. The RPs don't benefit the forum. This is a KH forum, so KH is the main focus. There will be whores and txt tlkers no matter what. The RP section is full of them.

    I made an RP in there a while back and it got to around 5-7 pages before we all quit. Most of my posts there were about 4-5 lines. I'm pretty sure the thread is gone now but it sure as hell took them a while. But the length isn't my point, it's the fact that your trying to get rewarded for playing a game. Your RP is helping us. If you can write so much about a fictional character click a few buttons and go to the Creativity Corner.
    There will always be someone who breaks the rules and not all rule breakers are caught. Rules were made to be broken.
  4. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    This is my reasoning entirely. I know CTR has strict guidelines, but can she keep up when the entire basic rpg section migrates over to the Extended rpg section? I mean all it takes is one person to spread the word like wildfire. One mod against say...a couply hundred rpers posting barely 6 words a minute? The Extended RPG section would be overrun by crappy KH goez to College/High School rps in a week at the most.

    I say no. And this isn't because of my seething hatred for this site's rpers speaking. This is common sense talking.
  5. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    I'd say no hands down. That like saying the spamzone getting post counts. There'd be prems everywhere, and those post would only count for the RPlaying. It's would like, mocking the other people who worked hard for the post count. :/
  6. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    We've already got enough people complaining about the amount of prems.
  7. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    I think they should higher the standards. <:/

    But that's also a problem, so the thought is futile.
  8. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    there's a thread for this already. And the extended Rp section is not a spamzone.

    far from it. I agree with shades....but the rules that are in place in the ERP are good enough to sustain the post count.

    and I understand ghetto's point of view too.
  9. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    Okay, what's with the total flip out?
    I use to Rp like ALOT when I first came here then got over it. What the **** is your problem? Getting all pissed? DId I say something wrong here? All I said was "No, it's a bad idea. It's like cheating, posting in the same thread over and over again."And your post count going sky high. Some people enjoy, not have so many post. Half of my friends here RP and they don't mind that they don't have a high postage. If you want it so badly then go post somewhere else. :/

    I'm not trying to be mean or anything but god.
  10. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    sorry for the "flip-out". But you can't just go and say:

    "I don't want this idea, because im a prem and then we will have too many prems" the site is growing...just because there are too many pinks, doesnt mean we have to go:

    "I'm prem, and i dont want others to be it." that just sounds downright selfish.

    and there was a thread like this yesterday. You can go and compare the ERP section to the spamzone. The ERP is a place where you actually have to think, not just write whatever you want.

    that comment made it all seem, like you had no understanding of the ERP section. but if we think about it, the ERP isnt just another spamzone, and of course the normal RP section might get a lot...meaningless posts, but the ERP doesnt. Then again, im not so sure we should get posts for something that isnt completly productive
  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Short of the Creativity corner, I would argue that RP extended is one of the most creative, productive places on the site.

    For those saying that it will be flooded, I think you are over estimating the capabilities of the newb population.

    Look at the Anything else forum. If I had suggested that it should exist, I would have gotten flamed, being told that it would become the spamzone with posts counting. But it's not like that, or at least not as bad as you are making out.

    Look at the intro area. That used to get spammed, but now the C&P list is a thing of the past.

    I vote we trial it, at the least. Too many things are dismissed due to over reacting to rule breakers and post whores.
  12. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    quoted for thruth.

    thinking that everything will go corrupt , isnt exactly the way to go in this case.
  13. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    I must disagree, RPE is no better than the GFX forum and the user portal. You can't find the same concepts there that you can in a regular RPG console game. There is a big difference between RP and Intro. The size. The RP section is pretty big and we'd have tons of members flocking to RPs just to increase thier posts while having fun. Anyone can type ten lines if they tried. It's not fair to all of us who had to actualy work to get prem while you get it through playing games that don't benefit the forum. Honestly, I see this as being to lazy to go take your idea and make a story out of it. If you're as creative as you claim you can pull it off. And if you don't want to make a story, use those 'skills' of yours to type up a thoey on the new KH games, or go post in a discussion thread. Not everything comes to you, sometimes you have to go after what you want.
  14. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    doesnt the suggestions section benefit the forum?

    and we still dont get posts for it.

    but i understand what you mean, im 50/50 on this.

    on one hand the ERP is something to have fun...not something that benefits

    and in the other the grammar and the long posts that are used in it might merit post count.
  15. Repliku Chaser

    As much as I'd say the Extended Rpg area is definitely not like -most- other RPGs because of its very heavy requirements, in one way it would merit the right to have a post count. After all, people do commit a lot of effort to writing things which can be compared to the writings in the Creativity Corner easily. Some of us write several paragraphs a post. The point with the Extended RPG is that it's meant to be a continuous story like a novel, just with a plot and instead of one person writing it, several people are. In that way it really is not so different from the Creativity Corner.

    However, the downside is this why I would say no. The RP section as a whole is meant for entertainment. It is meant so that people can come together and RP whether with short posts and text talk and fanboy/girlism or if it's serious RP with long posts and commitment. There are varied styles of RP so that all of us can find something we want or invent an RP. This is entirely up to us. We do what makes us happy.

    A few months ago when we voted to even be able to have an Extended RP area it was because the RPGs that people posted slower in but had much longer posts in were being lost all the time amongst the other RPGs where people post several times a day with one or two liners. It also let the area be distinguished separately so that members would know that if they wanted an RP that would be ran slower and yet have more depth and plotline, that they could go there and try it out. It made it so it was easier for us all in a way. It wasn't to be arrogant or say the RPs there were -better- but it was meant to separate them to give them more of a chance of surviving and to offer a different type of RP to members.

    So, I would actually lean more to saying since members create the RPs for enjoyment, including the one I made, I recognize that it is still in the RP section overall and so the same rules apply. I spend my time there and all but even though posts don't count, it's because I want to roleplay. I also play a game in the regular RP section and we've gotten quite lengthy in there too. As much as I could in one sense wish posts would count, I can say that no, in fairness they should not since all RPs are meant for entertainment purposes of members so that we can hang out and have something fun to do. I would not say it does not benefit the site as much as some people are saying because unlike them I feel anything that keeps members coming around is beneficial to the site and the RPs do that. However, the RP Extended was never intended to be a 'we're better than you' sub-forum in the RP area so though more work goes into it, we are willing to do so to RP as we choose so I'd have to say no in the end.

    Sorry for the lengthy post but I didn't want to just put the same thing others have with that many people would flock there etc because I believe CtR or whoever went in there could just close RPGs that don't belong there and meet the criteria. It's more of a thing to me that the standards don't justify post count because the whole of the RP section is simply for us to entertain ourselves and hang out together. Regardless of the RP itself, that's just how it is. I don't really see why some people are putting down the idea with such negativity but being in the area people post there because they want to and it's not about post count. Roleplayers are creative and quite a few -do- write in the Creativity Corner.
  16. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    The Extended rp section "pretty big"? It has five post in it. Including the sticky.

    You talk about hard work. At the moment, do you know what hard work is done for premium? Not every one of the 1001 posts are fanfic chapters, nor are they giant, repliku sized posts. The majority of them are spam comments in the creativity corner, (One of destiny's force's fics had 80 pages of spam! No kidding) spammy KH2 questions, (Riku V.S. Sora) or some other, short method.

    Taking that into account, I think that any forum with a mandatory 10 lines qualifies for post counting.

    I suppose this thread also raises the question "What does a forum need to have to qualify for posts counting?"
  17. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    I'm going to to say no

    it's just it will be too easy to get the posts - i would of been prem by my 3rd month if that happened, and if in the rp extended section why not just in the rp section too. Also rping doesn't relate to anything so that's why its in the spam zone because it has nothing to do with global events or artwork or anything.
  18. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    And here you are wrong. I said the RP section itself is big. All its frequent posters will flock to RPE or what ever the hell you want to call it just to get a chance at a pink name.

    I never said the current areas where posts count are perfect. Far from it. I say no to this idea because I'm trying to help cut down on the problem. I see this as adding to it.

    I disagree. Length doesnt matter. It's the fact that the section is purely for entertainment and not beneficial to the forum. I could post a one line thread in the discussion section asking "Do you believe in ghosts?" or make a three paragraph essay about the same topic in the same thread. People would still discuss it either way. Length isn't everything.

    I suppose it doesn't, I betting he staff took it into consideration when they made the rules and deemed a places full of spam or purely for entertainment and fun aren't beneficial, and decided they shouldn't count, but you can ask one of them your self.
  19. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    People would begin to whore the section to get posts, I say no
  20. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Good. Fine by me. More thought put into RPs. As CTR has already said in there, 10 lines, or answer to her. Are you doubting her ability as a mod?

    I honestly think that it will not get to be blown up into the whole of the RP zone like you suggest. Look at general/anything else. Now if I were to have suggested those now on the premise "I want somewhere less spamming to talk general" then I would have been told, "No way, it will be a second, post counting spamzone."

    If it is a post, it is beneficial to the forum. Creativity Corner is purely for entertainment (The readers and the writers) yet both their posts count, and those who debate in the debate corner also do it out of fun. This is a forum about a video game, it is made to be fun. I don't come on here to do my homework, I come on here to screw about and fritter my time. Anything that helps strengthen the community, for example an activity such as Role Playing, is helping the forum.

    You're betting. From what you have told me, you know just as little as I do about it. You may be right, but so far you have given nothing to prove it, especially considering that many areas on the forum are for enjoyment, but they still get to be post counting. By your logic, since this whole site entertains me, none of it should post count.
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