I ran into the dark corner of a club house and look around amilessly tring to find roxas "Roxas!Roxas!Are you in here?!Roxas!" I contiuned to repeat myself till someone replyed..And did "Finally we found you!" "What?Who's there!Show yourself!" "Very soon you shall become one of us!" I was in shock,I couldn't move.I was scared,was that my brother I just saw out there?Was it a trick?Wha-what am I going to do?Am I gonna die? "Can I have a name!Just who the hell are you!" I wanted a anwser,just who was this guy? I stould there trying to see a stream of light so I could exscape,but couldn't find it.Was this the end? ok chapter 3 will be here in a few hours it took me somw time to do chapter2 because ch1 didn't come out so well so i have to fix it with ch3 and 4 hope you liked it=)
A little short, but i understand when you need to make a chapter small, so that you can make the other ones better. GOOD JOB!:D