it looks really blurred, i would remove some of the blurred layers, that it looks like you set to lighten then sharpen up some of the stuff in the lower left corner a bit. A couple small light sources across the tag would go nicely also.
The lighting didnt look so I kinda took it out. EDIT: Took some advice: thanks....I like it more ^.^
Lookin a little better, but part of the checker pattern is visible over the face and its kinda ruinin the look lol. This stocks pretty hard to work with. these effects would go nice with some color and a different stock.
Looks good at first site.....but then. Lighting and text need working on. Text doesn't really fit with this tag. Lighting is just kinda random and not focused much. Checkerboard on the right is good though. The way the figure is sorta hidden is good too. 7.5/10