Famous scene from Family Guy when Stewie wants his money that Brian owns him, Resulting in him kicking the Crap out of Brian...... So i turn the tables and Added Roxas as Stewie and Poor Sora as Brian All the editing was done by me. Enjoy ^_^ Roxas ask's Sora "Where's my Money" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shHKUST-XB4 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
I never knew about that part some 8 year old kid showed it too me in School i was like WTF! you cant watch this and he was like "My dad showed me hehe" 0.0; Too me it seem more Violent then the show XD
me and my friends were talking about this and i told them what u did and they said that is amazing so great job you impressed my friends(which really isnt that much of an accomplishment cuz they are easily impressed)