Roxas' Secret Future Letter (Ventus & Roxas) Fandub

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hey everyone. Are you ready for another fandub from KH-Vids?

    Roxas' Secret Future Letter continues from after Kingdom Hearts II/ Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It's a short fan video which focuses on Roxas, who is trying to warn Ventus; who has been sleeping for over ten years.

    The video ends as a cliffhanger hinting towards the next Kingdom Hearts title, such as Kingdom Hearts III. There is a HIGH spoiler alert, if you haven't already completed Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Enjoy.

    As usual, feedback is always appreciated.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 9, 2011.

    1. sora969
      Yeah....I couldn't like it after "My calculations have told me..."

      That, and why isn't Ven's voice the same as Roxas? Other than that, it was kind of cool.
    2. Mike
      They are the same voices, it just that one has an echo and the other doesn't.
    3. Saxima
      This was actually pretty exciting, puts me in more anticipation of the upcoming games, and what they'll do for the overall plot. This was well done, great job.
    4. Loxare
      i couldnt get any of the audio!!!! D: i mean, i heard the background music, but i coudlnt get any words. just really weird snatches of voice, not even a whole sound i could describe. ill try again on a diferent computer later though.

      k, got it. and i agree with sora969. Roxas has never done any calcualting. as Sora's nobody, wouldnt calculating be WAY over his head? like, way, WAY over his head?
    5. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      looks awesome since we have nothing on OFICIAL KH news...
      it was good, good job
    6. Daxa~
      I like was interesting,and very well done.
      Good job Mike and co. <3
    7. axel-chanviii
      Niice. As usual, your voicework is amazing. (Why don't Square cut back on costs and hire you as Roxas/Ven's VA?!)